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RE: Status Quo Is The Enemy Of Change

in #steemmonsterslast year

Many community members here are for sure smart. This Aly guy might see it from a different angle or driven by other leaders on top of SPL thougz,sure there are valid reasons, not everyone is forced to be a player / user to express thoughts.

Even I am not convinced by this proposal at all I voted for it to see and test - however I will also not judge the decision by the guys on top. If SPS votes are key so this may be it, I never was positive about this proposal system based on sps, the only token within SPL with no use case at all.


Thanks for the always thoughtful comments @uwelang ... And yes Aly might see it from a different angle and hopefully he will come out and tell us.

And I 100% think that everyone doesn't have to be a player to express their thoughts or vote how they want.

My points are specific to simply the leadership of an organization. If you are in a leadership position, then if you want to have people follow you then you must realize that you have higher standards.

Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.