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RE: Human Longevity, SRT1, and Alzheimers Disease: A Brief Review of A Recent Publication

in #steemstem6 years ago

I think that the modest correlation is better than nothing and little by little the researchers will be able to battle it. We still know next to nothing about the brain and about the intricate mechanisms involved. The more I read, the more I realize that there is a huge need for further data and research.
There is still a great contribution opportunity for just about anyone who is dedicated enough to do something.

Great explanation, I am also interested in this as is my mother, a medical doctor close to her retirement, faced with some unclear neurological problems and she is afraid to attribute them to a future onset of Alzheimer's.

Thanks for the free education, I would have missed the research otherwise.


There are so many little research papers released eery day. Not all of them are massively impactful, but often they still contain interesting work. I always try to discuss those sorts of papers, as there is a lot more education we can have out there then by just reading the blockbuster findings :)