Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber) Manifesto

in #terrorism9 months ago


"We can do anything we like as long as it is unimportant, but in all important matters, the system tends to increasingly regulate our behavior." -Ted Kaczynski

I don't agree with his methodology of sending bombs, but Ted Kaczynski fucking nailed it and had deep insight into the dog shit society we've ended up in far before his time. RIP Ted.

He was a genius and the CIA fucked with him to the point he snapped.. Then they imprisoned him for causing him to go extremist. His commentary on the left is so fucking true...

It's crazy that those who accurately describe things are often targeted. Shit pisses me off honestly.


He just completely fails to grasp the ongoing transition to decentralized means of production and the orders of magnitude increase in productivity to producers using independent means. He only reckons with centralization, as if only those mechanisms matter, and as a result has to try to forcibly control what is beyond his control. I do not hold such incapacity to grasp fundamental physical principles to be reflective of genius. Rather his intense focus on specific matters suggests the spectrum/OCD rather than great intelligence as the reason for his understanding of those matters. Worse, his lack of intelligence caused him to desperately undertake acts that had no potential to achieve meaningful change he desired.

Still, no one needs to agree with me, and I can appreciate your views substantially differ. Your provision of the manifesto to support your opinion is forthright, fundamental to informed debate, and merits respect.


He was born and lived as a free man far before the technology came out like we see today. Can't really blame Ted for not seeing that stuff. He hit the head of the nail on the leftist stuff and whatnot.

A lot of what he speaks resonates with me.. Some of it certainly doesn't though. Dude did some evil shit but also given what he was subjected to, it makes sense.

Agree that his methodology of resisting and fighting back was a zero sum game that would never accomplish what he wanted. Terrorism at the end of the day is something goons and governments use, I refuse to steep to that style of resistance.

Your last paragraph there proves to me you're not bad people. It's refreshing to talk to people that are not militant in their views and allow others to differ from them. Much appreciated.

Cheers Captain.

Had he known then what we know today I can't see him doing any of it.
Can't say I'd have to come to the same conclusion in his shoes; but I can appreciate it certainly appeared pretty bleak at the time.

I can only hope you'd have been right, but I am unaware he ever changed his mind about society before his very recent demise. If anything it's bleaker now, while only the obvious development of decentralized means of production across the full breadth of industry grants me any confidence in a better future. I certainly had no inkling of such developments 50 years ago.