Week 129 of my SplinterDiary📝📚. 6 Year Splinterlands Anniversary. My Journey thus far...

in #thgaming22 days ago

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Hello to any of my readers and "Dear (weekly) Diary" 😜

It's that day of the week in which I find the most interesting Splinterlands experience I've had over the past week to share! That fits in perfectly with the theme of the weekly Splinterlands Social Media Challenge too!

This week is slightly different though, as we celebrate the 6 years anniversary of Splinterlands! I actually can't believe it's been that long ever since Splinterlands (first known as steemmonsters) was launched! I haven't been here since the very start, but even I can't quite be counted as a new player any more after almost 2 years in the game. Time really flies! ⏰

Time aside, this week's theme makes for the perfect chance to do a "stock take" of sorts regarding my time spent in Splinterlands. But first, a quick look at what happened this week in the world of crypto.

This week has been a rather muted week with no sharp movements in the overall market. BTC is trading sideways at around the 60-63k level and experts are of the opinion that it'll stay this way in the near future barring some other news about the economy and Fed action regarding interest cuts. As for me, I'll likely just HODL and DCA my regular (small) portion into BTC in anticipation of the brighter future. 📈🚀

A brief introduction before I start though...

Good Day to all Splinterlands players! (and people of HIVE! 😜) I've made it a point to blog about my weekly progress and experiences in Splinterlands/HIVE in my "weekly diary". Splinterlands & HIVE are what I'd consider to be my entry point into the World of Crypto, and I intend to use this as a means to look back on the path I've taken in the years ahead.⏳⏳⏳

This is now the 129th consecutive week writing in my Diary (of sorts) detailing my Splinterlands Journey ever since I started this game. I talk about what has gone on my personal Splinterlands playing experience, my weekly Guild Brawl Reports, and also any Splinterlands ingame news. 🎉🥳🎊

No week goes by in Splinterlands without some news event happening though. And here's my pick of some of the most interesting ones in my opinion. 📰📰📰

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🗺️🧳✈️Updates on my Splinterlands Journey🗺️🧳✈️

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This week's Social Media Challenge is all about the 6 years Splinterlands has been around. I think this is an amazing accomplishment even if the current situation is still on the more negative side. The past 2 years of the bear market has absolutely crushed the majority of crypto projects out there. Just being still around is an achievement unto itself.

Lets take a quick check on my Splinterlands journey so far.

Discovery of Splinterlands:

  • I'd say this was during the previous bull run and All Time High back in the winter of 21'. Splinterlands and a whole lot of other games were making waves with sky high valuations and stories about entire populations from less developed economies earning more by playing games than their day jobs made the news everyday. I guess this piqued my interest as I was looking for a "non money sucking gacha game" to play. Splinterlands fit the mould and here we are after > 2 years! 🤣

Duration of Participation:

  • I can't quit remember when exactly I started, but the last quarter of 2021 would seem to be fairly accurate. This makes it almost 2.5 years in the game! I'm not an OG but I should definitely be considered a veteran by now.

Time Spent in Splinterlands:

  • My time in Splinterlands has definitely been cut down since the early days. However, between running 2 accounts (my main and alt) and burning down the energy level so that it will never go beyond maximum levels means that I play about 50 games/day! Most of which are done during my daily commute to and fro to the office. I'd think an hour or slightly more than that would be a good gauge.


  • I don't think I've accomplished much as compared to most players. I don't even have a full collection of cards in the modern format yet! However, I think entering the "CHAMPIONS LEAGUE" based on my very limited deck can be considered a "SPL Career High" for me. 😁 I definitely wouldn't have imagined being able to do that in the past.

Upcoming Goals:

  • These goals aren't quite under my control. I think it would be more of an upcoming wish that the Splinterlands team manage to get their game going once again. With the changes in management behind the scenes, it seems that they are now trying to move into a more positive direction as of late. Just seeing the game explode again like when I joined in the fall of 21' would be the only goal I am interested in seeing.

Advice for Beginners:

  • Well, the biggest advice would be to come join Splinterlands! 😜 It is still a relatively fun game compared to many others out there and it is cheaper than ever to get into it right now. That means a far larger upside should the entire market turn around again. 🤑

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💭🧐💭Ending Thoughts💭🧐💭

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Well, it has been quite a journey for myself and I'm sure the feelings are mostly mutual amongst all the players who are still around. Anyone who has persevered through the bear market are most definitely loyal die hard fans of Splinterlands.

We are all sticking with the game and hoping to see a new and brighter dawn. This probably isn't entirely altruistic as existing players will obviously benefit the most from increasing valuation of their in game assets. It would be a well deserved pay out for keeping the faith though.

Here's to another year of Splinterlands. I'll definitely hope to be checking back on this post come the 7th anniversary next year! 😉


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🤑💰🍕Added Bonus of PIZZA Token🤑💰🍕

I will use my staked 🍕PIZZA🍕 to share a slice of 🍕PIZZA🍕 with anyone in the comments who also FOLLOWS & REBLOGS my post in the interests of spreading the Word of Pizza 🤣🤣🤣
Just let me know if you've done that so I can easily keep track. 👍
Any fellow 🍕PIZZA🍕 connoisseurs who !PIZZA me will also receive 🍕PIZZA🍕 back from me. 😊

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📣🍕SHOUTOUT to HivePizza📣🍕

The guys over at PIZZA DISCORD have been very helpful throughout my Splinterlands journey. I strongly recommend that you guys check it out if you haven't already done so.
PIZZA is an active gaming and creative arts crypto community on the HIVE blockchain. Popular games on HIVE like SPLINTERLANDS, RISING STAR, EXODE, HASHKINGS, WOO, BANG!DEFENSE have their own PIZZA communities here.

Don't miss out more events that are always being organised. Join the PIZZA DISCORD. Even if you aren't interested in the 💰🍕🎁GIVEAWAYS & AIRDROPS💰🍕🎁, there is a vibrant and friendly community there awaiting you.

Here's to wishing everyone all the best for the upcoming week 🎉🍀.

To any new players who wish to explore the world of Splinterlands, do feel free to sign up with my REFERRAL LINK😊.

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I sent my girlfriend a 'Get Better' card.
She's not sick, or anything - I just think she can get better..

Credit: reddit
@blitzzzz, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of gameexp

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.


Time flies!

It does indeed. I still remember when I first met you guys! 😜 !PIZZA !LOL !PGM !KING !LUV

blitzzzz, relf87 sent you LUV. 🙂 (3/5) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Moses was the first person
to use Control-C as a shortcut.

Credit: marshmellowman
@blitzzzz, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of relf87




$PIZZA slices delivered:
houhou tipped blitzzzz
blitzzzz tipped bdvoter.cur
relf87 tipped blitzzzz
blitzzzz tipped houhou
@genming(2/15) tipped @blitzzzz
blitzzzz tipped relf87
blitzzzz tipped ladymisa
ladymisa tipped blitzzzz
blitzzzz tipped vaynard86
vaynard86 tipped blitzzzz
blitzzzz tipped holovision.cash
blitzzzz tipped gameexp


Thanks again once more! 😜 !PIZZA !LOL !PGM !KING !LUV

Nice share.

blitzzzz, vaynard86 sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Chuck Norris once went on a bicycle ride
and accidentially won the Tour de France.

Credit: blumela
@blitzzzz, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vaynard86



Happy to share! 😜 !PIZZA !LOL !PGM !KING !LUV

Are you looking for Tier 5 brawl guild? THE GUILD OF NEOXIAN looking for wild silver fray player. If you are good in that fray and interested to join then contact with our Guild Officer xawi & Also Don't Forgot to Checkout our BDVoter Daily Hive Showcase & Participate into our Daily giveaway to win various prize.





Happy 6th anniversary to Splinterlands. :)


Hopefully there will be many more to come! 😜 !PIZZA !LOL !PGM !KING !LUV

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

!PIZZA for you