Back In Spain: Beaching at Tarifa, Admin, Relaxing, and Electrical Work

in #travellast month

We are in Spain! I have to say it's a relief. We were getting a little bit fed up with sleepless nights with barking dogs and the call to prayer, as well as being hustled at every corner. As much as we loved travelling Morocco, it is nice to be in the continent.

We headed straight for town actually, as we needed some cables for the 12v system to try to make the battery charge, plus some gas bottles and shopping AND to do some laundry. This was all done in Algeciras and was painless after the trickiness of finding services in Morocco.

Plus, boy was it good to buy fresh vegetables all in one place again!



After what we call an 'admin' day, we headed for Tarifa. Last time we were there, it was our first wedding anniversary and we were on the way back from Cadiz to the airport. We had a day to check out some beaches and I recall Tarifa being hot and dry and all the kiteboarders enjoying the wind.

Visiting in Spring, however, is a whole different ballgame. It's beautiful and green, and the wildflowers are out.

We camped in a carpark at the far end of the beach. The cafe charges you 2 Euro to camp and we could use their toilets. There were tons of vans and motorhomes there, and many kiteboarders. It was quiet and restful after Morocco! We loved just chilling and watching the sunset.



In the morning we walked along the beach and I swum in the sea. I guessed it to be 17 degrees and I was bang on! The sun was just glorious and we even lay on the beach.


My back was hurting terribly so I booked a physio appointment and we stayed for three days just to relax. I really liked the town of Tarifa as well that had really good vibes. I bought a couple of dresses from a hippie shop and got some more natural bar shampoo and some yogi tea from an Eco store, and Jamie washed the car..

Jamie helped a Polish woman with her car starting. She had had lots of people look at it but still no one could help fix the intermittent fault. Even the garage charged her 300 euro for a new starter motor but that hadn't fixed the problem.



Of course Jamie fixed it. He cleaned up all the electrical stuff round the battery and showed Anya how to maintain it so the current could move freely to the battery. It started first go and she was ecstatic! She gave Jamie some banana cake and two small pots of cactus we have no idea where to fit, but currently they are sitting in the dash.

We also picked up Ernesto the Octopus from the beach who now sits on our windscreen.


We did do one little day trip to some Roman ruins, but that's for tomorrows post.

With Love,


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ah the van life - I'm envious! We might be finally investing in one this summer, with some luck!

Oh awesome, what are you looking for?

I think we're going to go with a Winnebago van...the bosses are still deciding (ie my wife and daughter, lol)

After such an adventure I am sure Spain is a relief for you!

It actually is, it's a lot more chilled!!!

I love that photo of you both, you both look so happy and chill.
So close we were, but I understand. Enjoy Portugal. Much love to you both xxxx

I'm gutted!!! It was so close. But 3 hours is a 4 hour journey for Butters and then another 4 hours back and we just don't have the luxury of time with Dad being ill. I'm so scared he'll just die any moment and I won't be able to to say goodbye but he won't let me come home just yet either.

That is looking good! I am currently in Almeria! I will drive to Sevilla Friday! Am I running in to you some where?

Nooo we are already in Portugal,!!!! Enjoy!!

Haha nice, I already been there this trip! I am heading for the north coast of Spain and than back home to the Netherlands!

Bienvenida en españa!

Tarifa is high on my list for a future holiday but it's such a far drive that we limit ourselves to Almunecar/Nerja because of the flea markets until now. I think Tarifa will not happen until we move back to the Granada region again.

I miss the green so much, it's really dry in our province .. That beach looks BEAUTIFUL. Is it just the picture or is it truly fine sand? We so misunderstood the pictures of our beaches (rocky, not comfy lol).

Morocco sounds like the hustling they do in Turkey but gosh, I miss that country, been there many times, absolutely stunning and I miss it.

Living in Spain and still having so much to explore will probably mean we will stay within the country though ;) Too much beauty in own country, right?

How long are you staying? Is your back ok again?

Much love from Spain <3

I might see you somewhere on the road here in Portugal. I will be somewhere along the Silvercoast the coming days and then going South.

Hi, Ernesto!

I have a small red rubbed duck I picked up on a Spanish beach as well :D It seems to be a motif.

You guys are looking happy and well rested! yay! Glad you're back in Spain and catching your breath a bit. Sounds like you're having a great time!

Much travelling. 😀 The pictures are beautiful 🥰