Having to use Twitter

in #twitter2 years ago

wow! (26).png

I have never really been for social media. I mean, I get it, I just don't always like being part of it. It is powerful in its own way and can do as much good as it can do harm. In the early days when Facebook was all the rage I was on the bandwagon, but just for a little while. And since I discovered Steemit Hive I don't think I actually posted anything except here. Now for work and some projects I have to finally dip my toes into the water and even though it gives me a little stress (I take way too long writing a tweet) I still find it kind of fun and exciting. The new aspect of it is kind of interesting I guess.

Even though I used it and interact with it, I doubt I will be the kind of person that follows many people and retweet/comment on their tweets. It is just not in my nature, even here on Hive I do not even do that. I normally stay in my own little bubble and get my news from memes or news sites, then when I need to find something specific I will google it. Don't get me wrong, I follow quite a few people and maybe once every other week I will jump in and see what they might be up to, but I mostly lurk. Just knowing all is well or seeing some good news from someone is good enough for me.

I guess I also find it hard to understand where people get the time to constantly follow loads and loads of tweets. I guess when I have my downtime and play a Splinterlands game or waste 5 minutes looking at a few memes (Imgur) I guess it is just different strokes for different folks. Just interesting to finally take part and finally join a side of SNS I am not a big fan of but need to get used to it and let it enter my comfort zone a little.