
This post is a massive investment of effort that really rises to the need, because you're absolutely right that people aren't aware of how significant this is, and why it's necessary to begin heading it off now, because it's been building for decades and is way ahead of us, it's intended victims.

Johan Rockstrom's comment illustrates how humanity is being cut off from access to essential resources that belong to all humanity - not just the WEF and their cronies. Making 'ecocide' a crime against humanity won't be defined as Monsanto dousing all our bugs in endocrine disrupting toxins, but against little girls with kittens, or having a chicken coop. They're using the same language we are, just not the same dictionary.

So many of their efforts seek to trigger declarations of emergency, because during emergencies governments can step way out of bounds, as we see today in Gaza, in El Salvador, and, probably very soon, in the US and the West from growing discontent with out of control immigration (and probably some heinous crimes) that Trump has already promised to solve with biometric ID. Problem, reaction, solution. They created the immigration problem to incite our reaction so they can impose their desired biometric tracking and surveillance solution. These are the most egregious routes to dramatically reduce our freedom and prosperity, and why we need to pro-actively prevent the problems they intend to create, because by that means we prevent their solution from being necessary.

I find the notion of imposing global commons particularly alarming, because my first thought when I hear 'commons' is 'enclosure'. What used to be a commons became the exclusive property of the rich and powerful, who were able to hire mercenaries to enforce their claim. Robin Hood's crime was originally taking game in the King's Wood, only later robbing the rich to pay the poor, and that's how the once vast forests of W. Europe were transformed from commons to private properties of Kings. It's not that commons are bad or evil things, but that such legal designations seem to precede their enclosure and seizure by the rich and powerful, who won't share them. That they're thinking of commons means to me that they're thinking of enclosure, and that's as bad now as it was then.

For the most part, humanity has the power to make the changes we want to see. You're doing it in Mexico, and you're not unique or rich. Most people can work with others they trust to do similar things where they want to live. If people can't find people they trust to work with, maybe their problem isn't other people. If people don't try, they won't succeed. Sadly, the only folks that will get through the coming cataclysm of government will be those that deserve to because they did the work, although God is likely to throw in a complement of drunks and fools, as is their wont.

We have options, and the ability to prevent these emergencies from arising. Big Ag is the worst destroyer of natural habitat and felicity of plants and animals on Earth, and a worse polluter than the US military (which is hard to exceed).

"...the Earth’s Planetary Boundaries indicate the “maximum human-induced disruption” each environmental area can sustain before the “Earth system becomes unstable, potentially leading to irreversible changes and cascading effects in multiple domains."

It is the corporations of the world - not populations of people - that are primarily doing these things, transgressing these boundaries, and we can stop them by cutting them off from the markets they need to claim are the real problem. This comment is long already, so I put the rest of it in a post, so as not to further clog your blog.
