Key Lessons from Reality Transurfing


Hey all,

I finally managed to complete reading 700 pages of Reality Transurfing. It was an exhausting read because I was trying to finish it as quickly as possible but a fun read at the same time.

Here's some key takeaways from the book to save you 3+weeks of your time:

  1. You choose the reality you wish to experience just like how you choose a dish from a menu in a restaurant. And you do this with your intention.

  2. There is an information field known as alternatives space in which exists all that ever was, is and ever will be. (Potential realities)

  3. Your thought energy can materialize any sector of this alternative space i.e, you can use your mind to think and imagine the scenario that you'd like to experience in your real life.

  4. You don't have to fight for what you want. All you need to do is "choose" and take one step towards what you want at a time trusting that life will take you to exactly where you want to be.

  5. A pendulum is an energy based information structure. It is created by a group of people thinking in the same direction. It plays on human emotion, catching the individual in its web. It needs your energy to remain alive. Eg: A sports team such as Royal Challengers Bangalore.

  6. To free yourself from a pendulum, give it no place in your life, i.e., ignore it rather than to trying to avoid it.

  7. To create your own heaven, create and transmit positive energy. When you catch a wave of good fortune, let yourself become imbued with the joyful energy and it will lead to a series of good fortunes. Reacting to negative events induces a shift to negative life lines.

  8. Excess potential is created when you project too much importance to your goals. This will give rise to balanced forces that will lead it away from you rather than towards you. The greater the importance of your goal, the less likely you are to achieve it. The projection of importance is the only obstacle on the way to fulfilling your desires.

  9. Being discontent and judgemental will always turn balanced forces against you. Let go of the need to assert your superiority.

  10. Feelings of guilt attract manipulators towards you. They will use your guilt to latch on to you and control you. Let go of guilt by giving yourself permission to be yourself. Nobody has the right to judge you.

  11. Money comes of its own accord as an attribute on the path to your goal. Greet money with love and attentiveness and part with it without regret. Abandon the intention of receiving. Replace it with the intention of giving, and you will receive the very thing you gave up. "The more I give, the more I receive".

  12. Do not try to overcome obstacles. Instead, reduce the amount of importance you
    project onto them. They will get dissolved automatically.

  13. The heart can access information from the alternatives space but it can only feel and know. So, to know if you are making a right decision, ask your heart. You will feel peaceful if it is the right choice and a sense of discomfort if it is wrong. If you have to talk yourself into something it means that the heart is saying NO.

  14. Do not try to control everything. Let go of attachment to control and you will find that you have genuine control of a situation.

  15. Inner intention is the concentration of attention on the process of moving in the direction of the goal. Outer intention is the concentration of attention on how the goal realizes itself.

  16. Heart and mind needs to be united for the goal to be realized. The heart and mind are united in negative expectation, which is why they are easily realized.

  17. In order to reduce the importance associated with the goal the possibility of
    failure must be accepted at the start. Once you have accepted the possibility of failure, just move in the direction of your goal.

  18. Visualize images of the life that you'd like to live in your mind. Act as if it has already happened. Outer intention will gradually bring it to pass. Allow yourself to deserve the absolute best. If it is not clear to you how to achieve your goal, the slide will take you in the necessary direction.

  19. Allowing yourself to have is the most important condition to fulfilling your
    desires. You calmly take what is yours without insistence, just like you take the post from your letter box.

  20. When considering your goal, do not think about how realistic it is. Do not think about the means to achieving it. Give your attention to how comfortable thinking about it makes you feel.

  21. If you experience a feeling of inspiration on the path to your goal you know
    that you have chosen the path meant specifically for you.

  22. Intention depends on free energy. The energy of intention is blocked when you are stressed. To get rid of stress, wake up and drop importance.

  23. Play the game of increasing other people’s sense of self-worth. If you want to attract attention, show an interest in those around you. In conversation people are not inclined to evaluate how interesting you are, they are evaluating how well you might suit the role of realizing their self-worth. Express your interest in others with sincerity.

  24. A display of genuine liking for someone brings down their protective barrier. Asking a small favour of someone is the best way of befriending them.

  25. There are two types of energy- physiological energy that we get from food and free energy that is infinite in this world. An individual’s personal power and influence is proportional to their free energy.

  26. Charm is the result of mutual love between heart and mind.

  27. To clear your insecurity, abandon self-importance.

  28. How not to worry or get anxious? – Act.

  29. How to increase your worth? — End the battle for self-worth.

  30. How to be rid of feelings of guilt? — Stop justifying yourself.

  31. Perceive any negative changes to the script as positive.

  32. Give yourself permission to be yourself and allow others to do the same.

  33. The individual perceives reality in the way they have been taught to.

  34. The purpose of life and likewise service to God lies in co-creation together
    with Him.

  35. The gift of God to every living being is freedom and the power to shape
    reality according to their consciousness.

  36. If you express an intention, consider it the intention of God. How then could
    you doubt that it could be fulfilled? Do not ask, do not demand, do not struggle, just create.

  37. The mirror principles:

-The world like a mirror reflects your relationship to it.
-The reflection is formed in the unity of heart and mind.
-There is a delay in the reaction of the dual mirror.
-The mirror states the content of the relationship and ignores the nature of
the relationship.
-Do not think about what you do not want, think about what you are striving
to attain.
-Release your grip and allow the world to move with the alternatives flow.
-Any reflection should be perceived as positive.
-You control reality by controlling your chain of thought.
-Cite the amalgam formula at every convenient opportunity.
-You have to move the image, not the reflection, i.e. change your mental
outlook and the nature of your thoughts.
-Your attention should be focused on the end goal as if it were already achieved.
-To materialize a slide you must turn it methodically in your mind’s eye for a
sufficient period of time.
-Do not suppress your emotions – change your relationship to the problem.
-(From Reality Transurfing)

38 Accumulation of toxins in the body, excess potential and unrealized
intention reduces your energy levels. Cleanse your body and mind of each of these to raise your energy levels.



These were some pointers from Reality Transurfing that kinda summarizes the whole book. To understand deeply about the topic, I'd recommend you to read the book if you have got the time. The author, Vadim Zeland goes in full detail explaining each and every concept.

Hope you found this useful. If you did, do let me know in the comments!
Also interested to know if you have already read this book?

Thanks for reading.