Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence. (Colin Powell)

in #wisdomlast month

Two days ago, I wrote about how small changes are crucical if you want success. Instead of thinking that you need to change everything to improve, it is often easier and wiser to start with small changes, like walking a few kilometers per day when you want to get more fit, instead of running 5km at once...

Source: Bing DEsigner

But, there is another side of the coin as well, and that is that you need to work hard towards perfection, and you need to work really hard if you want to achieve something. You don't become a professional football player by playing FIFA on your Playstation. You need to get up, get out, and play with the ball. But, it isn't enough to just play with your friends. You need to go to your practices, and you need to find coaches able to help you grow and develop, and then you need to find players with whom you can play that will force you to improve, as they are just as good and maybe even better than you.

So, don't just lean back and hope that change will come, but start with those minor adjustments, and when you feel ready... adjust even more. It might be one step at a time, but in the end, it will be an 180 degree turn!

Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.