Blurt Booster... The Singularity!

Hey there friends on Blurt and beyond! I'm coming to you from a Blurt top twenty witness position and I'm very pleased to announce that some serious improvements been made to the @blurtbooster curation account which currently votes with more than a whopping 40 million blurt power!

Until now, this account has been computer programed to scan the platform for new content to up-vote with given criteria. The algorithm has been changed several times in a "cat and mouse" game to combat people trying to scam the system.

Even posts from nefarious characters here have been published explaining to others exactly how to game the blurt booster bot, like copy past a bunch of mumble jumble words, then google translate it into three different languages and copy past that in the "bot" reads it as a huge effort 3,000 word post and congratulations, you just scammed several hundred blurt out of the system and given it to yourself.

It's become a real problem, and the bots keep failing us over and over. So with limited time and resources the Blurt team have come up with what we believe to be a final solution. Let me introduce...

The Blurt Booster Singularity

Like Ray Kurzweil's heavily debated concept of the singularity, basically a merger of man and machine; I @world-travel-pro am syncing up with the Blurt Booster Bot to give it a well needed human touch. In fact, I invite all of you help aid me in my Blurt Booster Singularity Adventure!

The best part of this man machine interlink is that there is absolutely no anal probing or chip implantation what so ever! Woo hoo! All that needs to be done is to create an ever growing list of people that are human too, like you and I. By that I mean human with a human moral compass that still functions, at least most the time ;) So.....

Help Me Help You

Lets make this list together. There is just no way to have eveyone on my radar that belongs on this list. to get on the list the criteria is super easy. Just show me an account that has been active posting for over a month and they do NOT use Blurt in some weird and scammy way which will be determined by yours truly! Also, brownie points if the account is very social with commenting and more.

Lets start making this list right now in the comments section and lets boost up some amazing Blurters!

Note to viewers on Hive and Steemit: If you joined steemit before the Blurt hardfork from two + years ago, you already have a Blurt account and can start posting and earning on Blurt too! Just use your steemit keys to log in at


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Click Hereand Vote World Travel Pro for Witness!

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Post your crap on Blurt, you burnt your bridges here.

Go fuck yourself

Don't forget to vote my comment, that's valuable advice.. that is.

No thank you. I rather nuke your account and every single one of your friends ;)

I was real good friends with phorton. Why don't you give him a try.

Wow, thank you! Cannot believe what kind of two-faced rat you turned out to be... Really glad you are done here forever. Good luck on the joke chain called Blurt.

Some really weird people out there. Always be careful whom you trust.

Well, yeah. But I was far from being the only one. He used to engage with a lot of people and "friends" here at some point. He is actually pretty good at pretending to be a decent person. Cannot believe I was buying it too...

Absolutely! :D

Bez názvu.png

Are you really asking him to nuke accounts of your "friend". Jesus whats wrong with you?

As sad as it sounds, it´s not really a surprise for me. Dan fucked it up here on Hive big time, got extremely bitter and now he just wants to pull others down to the shit that he has been floundering around since he got caught and punished here. He liked to say that we were real life friends. We actually met twice in real life. First time, it was in Prague where I spent some two hours with him, showing him around the city. He seemed to be ok but kept asking me if I could get him upvotes from a Czech whale that I was a friend with back then. That felt a bit weird. The second time we met was in Krakow at the 2018 HiveFest. We met in front of the Qubus Hotel where the fest took place but he barely said hi to me as he was so busy "whale hunting" and brown nosing the big guys... So looking back at these "real life encounters" with him and especially all the pathetic drama that he created here upon being caught, it really is not surprising to me that he would like to see my Hive account nuked. He doesn´t care about people. He only cares about profit.

The second time we met was in Krakow at the 2018 HiveFest.

I must have missed you in Krakow, I missed a lot of people there. I saw @world-travel-pro from a distance at least once, but didn't engage. It's just as well.

Well I was reading about that Drama but did not say anything but this was a bit too much for me. Even if you´re not friends, like you tell me now, why would you wish that to someone else. I could read in a previous comment to you that he´s just after the money.

Sounds like he´s one of these Guys I don´t want to met in real life. I think we can all be happy he´s gone.

< it really is not surprising to me that he would like to see my Hive account nuked.

But why? He would have absolutely nothing from that. I simply hate people that are like this. Anyway, let's leave it at that.

Blurt sucks by the way :)

We met in front of the Qubus Hotel where the fest took place but he barely said hi to me as he was so busy "whale hunting" and brown nosing the big guys...

:D :D

That's a great story. I got caught. lol

You got caught upvoting me all that time too didn't you? You got caught calling my photo series epic right? Guess you were caught supporting me doing something "wrong" for years? As little did "we" know at the time I was doing anything proven through you're many others support I was not. (but now I am cause you are a controlled puppet like the rest)

There for the above comment is the biggest crock of bullshit to further save your hide. I understand. But again, no respect for you whatsoever. I'm sure you have to eat especially with the crazy inflation, so, so be it.