Success by writing on Hive?

in #writinglast month (edited)

Can You Succeed on Hive by Writing? Let's Find Out Together

How Do You Measure Success?

Success can mean different things to different people. What does it mean to you? It's often about achieving something meaningful, but that can be different for each of us.

For some, success is about having enough resources to live comfortably and not worry too much about the future. For others, it’s more about enjoying the journey — doing work that's fulfilling or building something worthwhile.

When I think about success on Hive, it might be about finding a way to balance all these aspects, about creating content that resonates with people, building connections, and maybe even earning enough to make a difference in my life. It's a mix of personal satisfaction and tangible results.

Some might see it differently and claim I have already garnered success here. From my own point of view I am not quite there yet.

How do You see success on Hive?

Learning from Successful Hive Bloggers

Journey through the forest

I've seen and followed some Hive bloggers here who are doing amazing things. They've built strong communities, created captivating content, and are making an impact. Let's check out a few who have at least from my point of view, achieved success on Hive:

BloggerContent FocusAchievements
@tarazkpLife, experiences, thoughtsActive followers, thriving discussions, good income
@taskmaster4450Tech, crypto, future trendsEngaged community, insightful videos, good income
@kaminchanStories and photos from ThailandConsistent posting, strong following, good income

Each of these bloggers has something unique to offer. Whether it's writing, video content, or engaging stories, they've built communities around their content.

Strategies for Success on Hive

Mischievous Bolonka peeking through leaves

Engaging with Others

Hive is all about community. By commenting, upvoting, and sharing other people’s posts, I'm connecting with others. It’s a simple way to get noticed and grow presence on the platform.

Versatility and Balance

Common Kestrel in flight

Writing about a variety of topics can be exciting and can bring in different audiences. I write about all sorts of things — games, photography, manga and anime, movies and music, FOSS, philosophy, and even politics. This kind of versatility keeps my content fresh and attracts readers with varied interests.

However, there's a flip side to versatility. If I'm too broad, I risk confusing my audience or fragmenting my following. It’s easy to lose readers if I shift from one topic to another without providing context. So, finding balance is key. Even if I don’t have defined core themes, I can maintain cohesion by exploring new content gradually and keeping an eye on what resonates with You.

For me, balance means exploring different subjects while monitoring the reactions of my readers, including you. It also involves engaging with you to understand your interests. By doing this, I can discover which topics generate the most engagement and adjust my content strategy accordingly. This approach helps me create a versatile yet focused blog, allowing you to know what to expect while still enjoying a bit of variety.

Compounding effects

Chantarelles in hand

Hive has a compounding effect — the more engagement, the more likely others are to notice it. Engaging with the community can lead to higher upvotes and greater rewards. This compounding effect can build over time, leading to more followers and eventually more income.

Could I some day earn $25,000 in a month by writing on Hive?

Earning $25,000 in a month just by writing on Hive is a bold goal. Let’s break down the math to see what it would take:

  • If you earn about $10 per post, you'd need 2,500 posts to reach $25,000. Writing that many in a month is nearly impossible.
  • If some posts earned $100 or more, you'd need 250 high-earning posts to hit that target. This too seems quite daunting.

Swing above the water

Given these numbers, it might seem like $25,000 in a month is actually a stretch. But by focusing on engagement and building a community, one can definitely increase their earnings over time. It’s more about consistent, high-quality content than quick wins.

Leveraging Hive features: NFTs and delegations

Hive offers unique features that can help you build a business, showcase your creativity, and engage with the community. Two features that can play a role in your strategy are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and delegations.

NFTs: Your Digital Collectibles

NFTs allow you to tokenize digital assets, creating verifiable proof of ownership on the blockchain. On Hive, you can create and sell NFTs to earn from your artwork, photography, or other digital creations.

I have a second account, @ambifokus, dedicated to photography, where I create NFTs. I’ve been exploring ways to sell large signed prints of my original works, each accompanied by an NFT, through the marketplace. This approach offers unique value by combining physical and digital elements, making it attractive to collectors.

Barn swallow

In my photography-related account, I mentioned that when you purchase a print with an NFT, you gain full ownership rights. However, if you resell the print, you must include the NFT as proof of transfer of ownership. This setup not only supports digital ownership but also gives buyers confidence in the authenticity of their purchase.

Building Connections through Delegations

Swan family

Delegations are another important feature on Hive. By delegating Hive Power to other users, you can support the community and build relationships. While delegations don't guarantee a direct return, they can foster follower loyalty and a stronger sense of community. When you delegate to users who create valuable content, they might return to your blog or engage with you more often, building connections and potentially turning into loyal readers.

To recap, I've found that delegations have a few benefits:

  • Follower loyalty
    Those who receive delegations are often more inclined to return and interact with your content, knowing you support them.
  • Community Building
    Delegating Hive Power fosters a sense of gratitude, creating long-time advocates for your blog and strengthening your network.

By integrating NFTs and delegations in my Hive strategy, I can tap into the potential for building a vibrant community and finding new revenue streams. While they might not be the direct route to earning $25k a month, these features can play an important role in my quest to find success on Hive.

Setting Realistic Goals

While aiming for $25,000 in a month might be ambitious, one can still set achievable goals and work toward them, by engaging with the community, writing quality content, and being consistent. These are the keys to success on Hive. Who knows? But with dedication and a touch of creativity, maybe I can still make notable strides toward my goals.

Final Thoughts, and a Derby analogy

Smooth waterflow

Achieving high earnings on Hive requires dedication, interaction, and a touch of creativity. Whether I'm aiming for $25,000 in a month or a more modest goal, the journey involves exploring various topics, connecting with others, staying committed to the craft and being truthful to myself.

As a wise saying (that I found in some rom-com anime series) goes, "If your horse doesn't run in the Derby, it won't win the Derby." In other words: "Fortune favours the bold". If I don't at least try, there's no chance of achieving my goal. By participating actively and consistently, I can give myself a chance to succeed.


However, I know that writing new posts every day can lead to burnout, so I'll be taking this project one step at a time. This gradual approach can help me maintain a healthy balance in all the qualities I mentioned here, while still working toward my goal.

And while I've repeatedly emphasized quality content throughout this post, it doesn't mean one has to excel from the get-go. I believe that if I just focus and stay consistent in my efforts, my skills will naturally improve over time.

Common redstart

And that's it. That's my post. Comment below.


Here's one thing that I learned and can agree with you: interact with other users.

I'm now getting completely involved and invested in the community and trying to be active. If you want to grow, just enjoy and write!

I just followed tarazkp, it seems that this is his personal blog. I like the idea!

If you publish more than 4 posts per day, the fifth and subsequent posts have reward penalty anyways.

However, I think Hive should be about fun. I'm having fun, and I get a few hundred bucks a month. Isn't that amazing?

Really? There's a limit? Interesting... I don't necessarily agree with such a limit, but I do see why one would be enforced. Considering it took me 3 days to write this post, I guess I have nothing to fear. Lol.

Yeah I agree that you should always have fun, whatever you do. If you can make money doing it all the better!


Wow! Very nice piece! I have learned a lot from your detailed explanation. I wish I had more time and a good camera for taking photos and more stamina for traveling further afield. Then I could have more interesting stories to tell.

I blogged as a way of keeping a diary and some memories for communicating with my family members in the future. Hoping some would stumble on my blog and learn something about the lost relative.

Good to see you starting to blog more regularly. I always like to see your photos of nature, those quiet and foggy water with strange atmosphere!

I don't think a person could realistically contribute $25,000 of value to the ecosystem to justify receiving $25,000 worth of upvotes in return. I do believe you can use the tools you outlined to create multiple revenue streams within the Hive ecosystem.

  • $HBD interest from savings
  • Price appreciation for $HIVE
  • Curation rewards
  • Author rewards
  • Tokenized RWA (real world assets)
  • Liquidity pools

I believe if you're intelligent, bold and patient, you can build tangible wealth using HIVE tools and build community, friendship and personal growth in the process.

Thanks for your insight!

I believe you're right. The most successful Hive contributors are those who go beyond just blogging. They take on community projects, create tools, and provide educational resources that benefit the broader Hive ecosystem. Some even go beyond Hive by participating in external collaborations, writing books, hosting events, and attracting new users. I forgot that it's not always inside Hive where you succeed on Hive.

Hello friend, nice to see your posts again. After reading your assertions, I can say that as we are inside a blockchain, then you are creating a chain of friends, or a chain of followers, either in this account or in the account where you offer your pictures, I am a follower who always comes back whenever I can.

By the way, how are you doing with trading

Hi! It's nice to see you too! Thanks for your words and support, I appreciate how you always come back to read my posts!

Creating a "chain of friends" is exactly what it's all about, and it's cool to connect with people like you who genuinely enjoy my stuff, and write back. Let's keep building this chain together!

By the way, how are you doing with trading

I'm thinking of trading my trading account for a shovel! (It's been a rough ride — it all went south pretty fast.)

Well, success is about achieving what you do not have and striving for it. And sustaining what you already have, or we can say maintaining what already we have.

We generally see the milestones to measure it, but during the process and activity also one should find it fulfilling otherwise women sort of fatigue will set it and deviate you.

Thank you.

In summary, staying active and participating consistently on Hive can make you succeed. In my 3 years on this blockchain, I have achieved some tangible stuff and that's through my dedication and consistency. You can't get in return what you do not give. So, give your time on Hive purposely and with intentions and you will succeed.

Your analogy is great! I see Hive primarily as a place to express oneself, writing about something you are passionate about and the earnings are just perks, besides it will take a really long time to achieve like the likes of those you mentioned above.

Thanks! I agree, Hive is great, and earnings are nice, but the best thing is being able to connect and express yourself. Success takes time. I look forward to hearing more from you!


While I agree with a lot, I don’t agree that one can generate that much in income on Hive. But they can use Hive to generate such amount using the tools given by Hive. But all these pointers are great. Thanks for sharing

That's okay, I just pulled a number out of my head. 😀


soy nueva y me estoy abriendo camino pronto seré la mejor

¡Bienvenida a Hive! Me alegra que estés aquí y con esa actitud, seguro que llegarás muy lejos. Sigue trabajando duro y no dudes en preguntar si necesitas ayuda. ¡Buena suerte en tu camino para convertirte en la mejor!

gracias, mi mama me apoya y si ella me apoya es bueno, gracias

Me alegra saber que cuentas con el apoyo de tu mamá. El apoyo de la familia es muy importante, y si tienes a alguien que te respalde, ya es un buen comienzo. Gracias por compartirlo conmigo, y te deseo lo mejor en tu camino.



Hello, greetings, always happy to see you.


Thank you! Happy to see you too!


Thank you for the curation, @bhattg. I am honored.

Perfectly explained,,, we all should write positive and own own words, which definitely will lead us to get some great attentions in return...

Good days aren't far... We can convert the bad once into good... All depends on how we go.....

There are other ways of earning on Hive. Some communities offer daily rewards for delegations. You can also sock away HBD into a savings account and earn 20% APY. You can also set up a witness node.

In other words, diversify. Don't just rely on creating content.

this is a good read. thank you for sharing.



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