Let's Go Spacetrucking!! 1ish

in #writinglast year

Ey yo! As a spacetrucker, I gotta haul stuff from one planet to anotha. Me and my trusty spaceship compadre was chattin' 'bout what gig to take next. We had two options - haulin' rare minerals from Mars to Earth or transportin' medical supplies to a space station near Jupiter. After some deliberation, we decided to take the med supplies job. Maybe it ain't gonna pay as much as haulin' rocks, but we feel it's the right thing to do, ya know what I'm sayin'?

Now, let's talk about gettin' to Jupiter from Earth real quick. We gotta be fast, efficient and save fuel. After crunchin' some numbers, me and my spaceship computer figured out that slingshotting around Venus is the way to go. We'll use the planet's gravity to increase our speed and save some fuel. It's crucial to keep an eye on the fuel, 'cause we don't wanna be stranded in the middle of space.

To sum it up, as a spacetrucker, we gotta make smart choices and pick the best job for us. And when it comes to travelin' through space, we gotta be efficient and save fuel. By using the slingshot maneuver 'round Venus, we'll get to our destination in the blink of an eye.


#writing #story #writingprompt