Can Melting 1,000 Lollipops Make One MASSIVE Lollipop?

in #10006 years ago

In today's video, we're going to see what happens if we take 1000 lollipops, and melt them in a slow cooker. I'm Nate. I'm Calli, and we have a new slow cooker. What should we put in it? I have a couple extra lollipops. Yeah. You might not know what the word couple means. Well, I wanted a lollipop, and I figured if I'm buying a lollipop, I might as well buy a couple extra. So we need a thousand for the project today. Is there a thousand there? I think so. Well. better get started. We have made some hard candy stuff before, and it usually seems to melt pretty well. So we're thinking that these lollipops will melt back down, and I'm curious what's going to happen with the colors. We've got like two or three different types of lollipop, and they're all multiple colors. So I'm wondering if we're gonna get like swirled effect, or if it's just going to turn like into a brown blob. It's going to go brown. Might depend on if we mix it. What's going to happen to the sticks, because we're not going to take the sticks out.

We're just going to throw that in with it, and hopefully, the sticks won't melt, even though they are plastic. If they do, then we're not gonna want to eat what comes out of this. So these are just Tiger Pops. Lots of pretty colors, but we're really not sure about the flavor. All right, so we each need to count off 500. So, are you sure we have a thousand? We might have a few extra. Aha! Number 1,000. We still have space, and we still have lollipops. So I think we should just keep going a little bit. That was an extra twenty one on my part.

1,171 lollipops in a Crock-Pot. And now we turn it on, and see what happens. Yep. Oh, no, there's more. 71, 72, 75, 76. 1,176. We had a set to about 250 degrees Fahrenheit, and we started getting a lot of smoke coming off of it. Our goal is not to just set it on fire, and have tons of sugar burning. So we've lowered the temperature down to 150. We thought it was the candy burning just at first, but the sticks are melting too, so got to be careful of that. This may not be edible by the time it's all melted. Wanna make a lollipop sculpture here and just ? That's just a stick. Now, you have garbage in my beautiful sculpture. Hey, Mark, we made this for you. I want to try and stir it. Like I feel like that's only safe way to do this. I think it's only melt around the edges. So we just need to let it sit longer, at the lower temperature.

Okay, so we are having success in melting the lollipops themselves. The problem that we're having is to get them to melt, we're having to raise it to such a high temperature that the sticks are also melting. So the plan is now, we are actually going to lower the heat, but also... Put a lid on. Hopefully, we can contain some of that heat, and actually get an even melt. Fingers crossed. I've got this silicone cake pan, and if everything goes pretty well with our melting lollipops, I want to try maybe pouring some of the lollipop goo into here, and making a giant lollipop out of it. Kind of depends on if we can get some of the sticks out of the way, and if everything doesn't like burn badly in that roaster, and something like that, but we're going to give a shot.

So here's a lollipop mold, here's a lollipop stick. Make it a little bit smaller than the diameter of the stick so that... the lollipop will leak through. I think that looks like it should work pretty well. So at this point, we're going to try and get the sticks out. Now, most of this looks burned, but we think it's mixed flavour? Just maybe everything got mixed? Mine taste good. That's definitely somewhat burned. Okay quick update. We were trying to melt here a thousand lollipops, and I think we were just a little impatient. We're just trying to kind of do it in sort of a one-day thing, and it really burned. And we left the plastic in. We're going to try, and revisit this with a slightly different method, because this, it's just burnt.

Like it doesn't even taste good anymore, and that kind of defeats the purpose. >> So we're going to try it again. >> It taste okay. We're gonna try it was lower heat and longer time. I think we're going to try letting it run like overnight, or even for a day or two just to see if we can get it to work. Guys, the first time we tried putting our lollipops in a slow cooker, what we had was actually more of a roasting pan. It is something that can cook slowly, but it doesn't work the same way as a regular slow cooker. So we've adapted and changed things up a little bit. So our crock pot is a little bit different. A crock-Pot has thick ceramic walls, cooks things slower, but at a much more even ambient temperature. Hopefully, fingers crossed, it's not going to burn things. You can see this right here, like this whole thing is... I think it can't even lift it out. That is full of hundreds of lollipops right now. So that's thick ceramic, and at no point is there like a thin steel wall that gets too hot, and should start burning the lollipops.

That was the biggest problem we ran into before, is well, the inside temperature overall might be controlled pretty well, the edges get too hot, and so we really started having burned sugar. So we got new lollipops. We have now unwrapped a new thousand lollipops, and these ones actually have paper sticks. So even if they are in contact with a heating element, they probably, I don't think it would get hot enough to burn, and definitely, wouldn't get it to melt. So we've got our new slow cooker, which is now very very full of unwrapped lollipops with paper sticks. And unfortunately, we can't fit all 1000 in at first. So we have a plan. Plan's going to be pretty simple. We are going to wait until this melts down, and as it does, we're going to add the rest of them. So this is what? 800 almost or-- Yeah, I'd say we probably added about 800, and 200 here. So once those 800 melt down, we're going to pour in the rest, and hopefully, everything melts evenly, and then we can pour it into our mold. If the glass top gets to covered in steam, we'll probably take that off.

It would go slower without the top, so we're hoping that doesn't happen, but we'll keep an eye on it. And if it gets opaque, so we can't see the lollipops melting, we'll remove it. Our lollipops are thoroughly cooked. More thoroughly than we were expecting them to become in fact. Or that we wanted them to become. I was confident that the low setting on a slow cooker like this, with the ceramic pot to evenly distribute the heat, would keep it all low enough that we wouldn't have a burning problem. I was wrong. So that was just a piece that had bubbled over and drip down the side. and I was just tasting it, see what it's like, and it's very burned tasting. There is like a fruity tangy flavor to it. But then it's also just pretty acrid. Taste like burnt sugar, huh? Yeah, that's burnt sugar with a little bit of flavoring. Let's see if we can get this lid off. It bubbled over like around the lid, then it cooled down. So now the lid is pretty well attached, and it's glass.

Wait, see if we can just pick the whole thing up by the lid handle. Okay, you go for that. >> Oh, well, we got the lid off. >> Well, it worked. Okay. Now, we have what looks like a pot full of pretzel sticks. That one actually broke like a pretzel stick. Usually, lollipop sticks like his will just bend. This is just... That's like your pretzel. You can break them, but you can't really chew them. Mmm. It's a weird combination of sour and bitter. Actually, it still smells quite good. >> It smells like lollipops. >> It really does.

These were our remaining few that we did manage to get into the crock pot before it boiled over. This has more smell than this. Really? Wait. Yeah. That doesn't really smell like much to me. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I think burning it, or even this cooking it kind of brought that smell out. It smells very fruity. Like a candy fruit flavor, but like a fruit flavor still. Check this out. The sugar is about here. So that means we have four inches of solid burned cooked sugar full of lollipop sticks. Look, it's a new sort of lollipop. Oh, yes. It's the sideways lollipop that gouges in to your face. Those will be very popular. I regret everything. It's interesting. You really can still taste like the fruit flavors of the lollipop mixed in with the burning flavor. I was expecting a lot more of like a smoky burnt flavor.

Yeah. Yeah. This is just bitter. Well, I'm surprised that it did this. I have learned something about crock pots. From what I researched, it said that the low setting should be under 200 degrees. But I assume that even though we had the thick ceramic pot, it still had hot spots where right at the edges, it was getting higher than that temperature, and the temperature that I looked up must have been the average inside temperature. The ambient temperature. Yeah, so we were getting burning as you probably saw in the time-lapse. It kind of foamed up, bubbling and burning on one side. A little bit on both sides, more on one side than the other, and just took over everything. Yeah, and it was around the edges. So I'm-- Yeah, like you said, I assumed that heat was much much higher than expected. This doesn't taste nearly as burnt. Yep. It's more efficient this way. I don't think that word means what you think it means.

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