Google Censors Great Barrington Declaration - by over 7000 Scientists and Doctors against Lockdowns

in #19844 years ago

On 3 October 2020 over 7000 top scientists and doctors signed the Great Barrington Declaration calling for an end to lockdowns and other COVID restrictions and a focus on the actually vulnerable (old and infirm).

Almost 250,000 people have now signed it.

Now Google Search is memory holing this important initiative.

Compare the search results below from DuckDuckGo and Google.

Google salts the search results with smears about "fake experts" and "climate science denial" and hides the actual declaration right at the bottom of the page.

Screen Shot 20201011 at 8.19.40.png

Zero Hedge has also noticed this.

If you are still using Google search then change to something else (DuckDuckGo is least censored) NOW!

If you want to stop the COVID tyranny then sign the Declaration.


just signed it


I sent them this email as a heads up.


It's great that you are doing this declaration petition, but you need to verify the signatures for the doctors/scientists--some people are spoofing your declaration when they sign. Talk to your web developer and see if you can't either have a warning that professionals with be verified before adding their names to the petition signed list or add some sort of hoops for them to jump through first to provide more in depth information on their credentials.

Here is someone who spoofed your website petition--

~~~ embed:1314529977040277504?s=20 twitter metadata:TmFmZWV6QWhtZWR8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vTmFmZWV6QWhtZWQvc3RhdHVzLzEzMTQ1Mjk5NzcwNDAyNzc1MDR8 ~~~

~~~ embed:1314529987379240961?s=20 twitter metadata:TmFmZWV6QWhtZWR8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vTmFmZWV6QWhtZWQvc3RhdHVzLzEzMTQ1Mjk5ODczNzkyNDA5NjF8 ~~~

I signed as concerned citizen.

I hope they get this sorted. It is needed.

I checked the signatures page. They will not display them yet until they have all been approved. Hopefully their approval process is thorough, so clowns like this Dr. character (Dr. of BS most likely) can't bring discredit on the declaration.

It's so fucking strange how fucked up things are. Where activists that previously used their anger to attack the system, now support the 'reset' by going along with this narrative, using their anger to be righteous about this Con.

Righteousness and control were always the aims of such people - their true motive was never truth and altruism - it has always been to be an influencer to put their narcissistic cock in any hole that happens to be available by which to push down people that object - using the new system of morality as dictated by the sub-narrative to exert their inferiority complex onto the world around them.

What a fuck up this entire web of information is.

How quickly polarity flips on such issues. I suspect there are a lot of skitsophrenic anarchists running around the world at present - as the latest turn in the information war has caused them to stand on a knife's edge - one side of being helpful to the environment and greater causes and assisting others and the other side of not submitting to control and the hierarchy of domination.

As soon as lies embedded in information gain enough traction and have enough emotional influence - they become 'fact' in the collective data set.

Then these 'facts' and the way they influence must be factored into the would be truth disseminator's plea - because to attack it head on is to be boxed and sorted and polarized, which results in having no influence and no voice in the collective.

So many friends that were once gung-ho for freedom as activists - are now running headlong into a totalitarian state.

The momentum of both the far-right and the far-left is being utilized to push forth the new paradigm.

The energy of polarization is being utilized, meanwhile Cons pass as 'facts' in the middle ground between the polarities, both extremes accept the Cons and end up moving towards the same ends.

I look at humanity in one instance and consider, is there really any hope? The honest answer is no.

I then remind myself of the power of the individual and whether delusional or conditioned it's all I've got left. It's all I can hope in because when I look at the collective I simply see a homogenized mess of conflicting ideologies that are all falling inline to the same unified direction.

My father passed on an interest to me, the study of ancient Imperial Rome. If you ever want a sobering read try The Education of Julius Caesar by Arthur Kahn,

What jumps out at you from every page is how close their society is to ours and the outrageous amount of violence, massacres, conspiracies, plots, wars, slavery, intrigues and all the while these Romans viewed themselves as upstanding moral people. Sound familar?

It makes me think of those few awake caught in the sleeping masked masses mad rush for the precipice. History is repeating and we are witnessing.


Sure man, it's a scary world. I'll check out the book.

Google not good anymore.

Presearch and their platform DSearch are giving better results but not stellar. The decry is close to the top of results.