Should Downvotes Come With Feedback?

in dPoll3 years ago

Should Downvotes Come With Feedback?

You can downvote post that contain stolen content, scams, spam etc.
However most users encounter random accounts down voting their post but they can't figure out what they're doing wrong. Should there be a feedback option? Maybe someone misunderstood what content goes on what tag.
For instance back in 2019 on Steemit, this guy thought I was such a horrible person for making money on Steemit and flagging my post but why weren't they after other people who are doing the same as me? If something didn't sit right with them they could have addressed it instead of jumping to conclusions.
The creator should know what their doing wrong so they can stop the mistake immediately.
Do you think down votes should come with feedback as to what the person is doing wrong?
When I was having problems with down votes if someone told me what I was doing wrong I could have stopped it.
There must of been an Easter Egg I didn't know about.

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Yeh a pop up text input should show where the downvote is forced to manually write a legit reason to downvote when they click the dv button! Good idea!! Also should have one of those robot checker things to make sure it is an actual human giving the downvote.

That too. Add the little 'prove you're not a robot' prompt to make sure it's a human doing the downvoting and not a bot. Back in 2018 on Steemit, I was a target for bot downvoting abuse. From that Cammie person. They were using bots to automatically downvote any posts I made. What I did to get their attention, I do not know.

100% agree! Especially now

My answer about if downvotes should come with feedback is yes, though that is only to be expected - not required - from downvoters. 🤔

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Until people give feedback for why they upvote, this is something that should be between you and the downvoter.

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Every time. Otherwise, it should not be valid.