Poetry About Us

in #fiction4 years ago

SMA Negeri 13 which originally seemed peaceful, suddenly broke out by the hustle and bustle of the students. All class doors are wide open for students who are returning home. Under the school canopy, Amel was waiting for Bian, her idol. Two years they have been together, two years also Amel faithfully waiting for Bian who is super busy. But Amel never complained. For Amel, accompanying Bian was a pleasure for her.
But one day, Amel's friends felt that Amel was only being played by Bian and told Amel to break his relationship with Bian. No other reason is because Bian is so busy and has almost no time for Amel. Initially, the tweets of his friends Amel did not hear. But, the longer, the more Amel felt his friends were right about it. Amel was pensive in his loneliness. Suddenly Bian came over to Amel.
"Eh, just stare. What's wrong? " Bian asked.
"Eng ... it's okay ko" Amel answered nervously.
"Oh, really? Please tell me, "persuaded Bian.
"Bian, actually do you love me anyway? I'm tired of waiting for you to continue "Amel whined suddenly.
"Mel ... Oath! Not because I don't love you, but there are so many things I have to finish. How can you think like this? "
"Said my friends, you ..."
"You have to trust me. Don't be influenced by people's words. After all, we are doing it, "answered Bian, who had interrupted Amel.
Since that, Amel felt better. But apparently the taste did not last long. Bian is getting busier and always comes home late at night. It's clear, there's no time for Amel to wait for Bian. Finally Amel went home alone, thinking about the continuation of his relationship with Bian.
A few days later, Amel came to see Bian in his class. Bian was seen joking with his friends. They were aware of Amel's presence and immediately made room for Amel.
"We broke up!" Amel shouted loudly.
Silence! Everyone in class looked at Amel. However, Amel immediately left the class. Bian? Bian was silent. She shy. He is angry. He did not pursue Amel at all.
Graduation ceremony arrived, all grade 3 students gathered at Balai Samudra. Amel who had come earlier, was waiting for Bian to arrive. Really, actually Amel still really loves Bian. But unfortunately, Bian did not pursue Amel when Amel wanted to be pursued.
Bian finally came. But, Amel could only look at him and hope that Bian came to him. Like the blue sky that hopes the ocean comes to unite with it. Desire that is impossible will come true right?
The event began and went very well. Until finally at the close, a teacher asks one of the students to display something in front of their peers. Without hesitation, Amel immediately raised his hand, intending to read poetry to Bian. But unfortunately, Bian's nose does not show at all. Even so, Amel went ahead and recited poems by his.

Cracked up ... if only
time could come back ... hmm if ...
Is that enough nod?
Black ... Dark ... Everything goes dark
Dead ... yes, my picture now ...
O light ... shine on me ...
I miss ... miss the colors of your rainbow ...
God ...
This one I really don't want ...
I don't know ...
I keep hoping ... hoping ... and hoping ...
Will the return of the light ...
Broken up ... I
said ...
No ... no ... no ... I regret all the
cracks ... it's up to me
... your love ... your return ... now ...
Everyone applauded, and some even cried after hearing Amel's poem. But love a thousand dear, Bian did not hear it. Amel resigned, he knew that Bian didn't want to hear him or even see him again. Amel's regret decided that Bian might forever be Amel's. Amel considers himself too stupid to decide Bian in front of his friends. Considering himself too selfish because he could not understand the bustle Bian.
Seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn to hours, but Amel is still Amel. The love in his heart is still Bian. Amel always believed that someday he and Bian would be together again, who knows when.
The days at Amel's new campus were nothing special, nothing could fill her heart space except Bian. In fact, already three men who shot him. His days were only filled by campus activities, after that he went straight home.
"Hufttt ..."
"This is non, the tea," said his aunt Amel, putting down a cup of tea for Amel.
"Thank you bi ..." Amel replied, sounding tired.
"Sorry, non ... um ... how come non have never brought a girlfriend anymore, non? Non beautiful, don't be wasted or non ... "
" I still love my ex, bi ... don't know until when "
" I'm sorry, yes non, does ex-non still like giving news to non? " aunty asked rather quietly.
Amel just smiled wryly, embarrassed to answer.
"Oya bi, who is the flower from?" Amel asked, changing the subject.
"Ohh that ... aunt also doesn't really know non, but it seems like from the next door maid who has a crush on aunt. Hihihi .. "replied the aunt embarrassed.
Amel just smiled, but his smile was not as stupid as before. He smiled, imagining how happy it would be if he fell in love again. Although not in love with Bian. It seems that Amel really should have moved on from Bian and provided a gap for other men to enter his heart.
Yes, once more. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, and now Amel who always loved Bian turned into Amel who loved other men. Indeed, the love in his heart is still Bian, but now his love for Bian is not as big as before. Amel was not sure of the day he and Bian would be together again.
It's been two years. Two years Amel underwent her new story with a man named Rico who apparently is now a candidate for Amel's husband. Amel's decision with Rico was unanimous, even Amel sent his engagement letter to Bian's old address, whether Bian still lived or not.
Ting ... tong ... ting ... tong ...
The sound of Amel's door.
There was no one outside, but Amel saw a rose that was always displayed by her aunt. Amel took it, read the little message, wondered who it was from.
Amel was moved to tears, she ran toward the flower vase that had been in the care of her aunt who turned out to be from the love she always hoped for, none other than Bian. On each flower there is a small inscription, starting with "Hi, how are you?" "Mel, I love you" "Mel, it turns out my life is more beautiful with you" "Mel, where have you been?" "Amel, please reply".
Really Amel's heart was cut like a sharp knife. He was not aware, every month Bian gave him flowers. Two years, yes there have been twenty-four flowers there. But the small letter that made him cry the most was today's letter. The letter said that Bian was disappointed with his marriage to Rico. What is the feeling Bian who had always been unrequited except the wedding invitation Amel gave.


The wedding arrived, guests gathered. Amel, who had been ready, had been waiting for Bian to arrive. Really exactly! The nervous feeling that Amel showed was exactly the same as his feelings when waiting for Bian in the 3rd class farewell. And yes! Bian is coming. Bian hasn't changed much, even his heart for Amel, only the wrinkles on his forehead have started to appear.
In the middle of the event, Bian disappeared. Bian's disappearance scared Amel, he was really afraid that Bian would just leave. Amel wanted to tell the truth, Amel didn't want any misunderstanding between him and Bian.
Check .. one .. two .. three ..
Suddenly Bian's voice on the mic, all the guests immediately turned their attention to Bian.
Cracked up ... if only
time could come back ... hmm if ...
Is that enough nod?
Black ... Dark ... Everything goes dark
Dead ... yes, my picture now ...
O light ... shine on me ...
I miss ... miss the colors of your rainbow ...
God ...
This one I really don't want ...
I don't know ...
I keep hoping ... hoping ... and hoping ...
Will the return of light ...
Broken up ... I
said ...
No ... no ... no ... I regret all the
cracks ... it's up to me
... This poem ... be ... a witness ...
Will love ... we ...
All guests immediately moved to look at Bian. Seen some guests hold back tears, especially Amel. He remembered once, it was a poem he had made for Bian. The poetry Amel read to Bian, the poem Amel thought Bian didn't know, and the poem that still exists even though Amel is not there for Bian.
Bian walked away. The guests, who were still touched by Bian, immediately gave him the opportunity to step up, step onto the wedding stage.
"Congratulations, bro. Take good care of my friends, "said Bian knowingly.
Rico just smiled confused.
"Mel ..." Bian called back in tears.
Amel was unable to answer, he was still in tears. But suddenly Bian hugged him. Hold her so tight.
"Seeing you happy is enough," Bian whispered.
Then Bian let go of his arms and left never since.
"I will always read poems about us to my children," Amel promised in his heart.