#lifeUnmoderated tagAll postsTrending CommunitiesLeoFinanceWorldmappinSplinterlandsHIVE CN 中文社区Holozing CommunityPhotography LoversLifestyleActifitLiketuHive GamingHiveFestHive LearnersExplore Communities...#lifeTrendingHotNewPayoutsMutednamiks (75)in TravelFeed • 20 hours agoTaking The Soviet Elektrichka Train to Borjomi from Tbilisi: Part Three The sun began to set as the rail in the horizon led to more open land. Villages with smoke rising above into the gradienoflyhigh (84)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 4 hours ago没有帮上朋友的忙,我却彻夜失眠我有一个认识了二十多年的男网友,当年在网上结识他的时候他还是个初中生,不过可别小看这初中生,他写了一款共享软件,发布到网上,火爆得不得了,也因此赚了个盆满钵满。 (图源 : pixabay ) 我们在同一个论坛上灌水,一来二去大家混得很熟了,就彼此加了QQ好友,从坛友变成了真正的网友。…meesterboom (80)in #life • yesterdayCaribouYou will love this place my guy, I can't believe you have never been! I stuffed random toiletries into a suitcase in preparation for our holiday to Ibiza at the weekend.…oflyhigh (84)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • yesterday西安旅游分享:西岳华山(西峰 & 太华索道)继续来整理和分享我的西安旅游照片。你知道嘛华山有东西南北中五大山峰,其中华山西峰莲花峰,海拔2082.6米,几乎和最高颠的南峰2160.5米相差无几呢。 华山西峰有巨灵足、翠云宫、莲花洞、斧石、舍身星等诸多景观,峰上岩壁石刻遍布,且有号称小苍龙岭(屈岭)的山脊与南峰相连(封面图就是我拍的小苍龙岭哦)。…bugavi (74)in HiveFest • 2 days agoGhost Day of Hivefest or The coldest Ship tour of my life? 🚢⚓🚩The story of the worst ship tour of my life. As you may have heard Hivefest had a boat tour scheduled for the fourth day. But the day before the date it was announced that due to…davidke20 (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 hours ago奇葩易怒拉叔是个不碰金融话题的人。在这平台6年以来,发表币圈金融相关话题应该不超过十次。有时,看到这些奇葩头条,是很想将心里的话和大家分享。 先说说狗币,2017年的时候,拉叔发现新大陆。原来,挖提卖已经到了可以不必用自家电器干了。于是,拉叔出尽法宝,偷偷在商场的陈列室电脑上,以木马方式将挖矿程序通过USB直接装了在他们的电脑上。…livinguktaiwan (79)in Food & Culture • 14 hours agoGlutinous rice with chickenI've been meaning to post about the glutinous rice with chicken meal I made a while ago. Today I saw a community called Food & Culture run by @akipponn, and figured this would…solominer (79)in #solar • 22 hours agoSolos Solar Array production stats – SeptemberIn the month of September we produced over 1.1MWh (Megawatt hours) on the farm. This month was quite active with tropical storms coming through the area, so we had much less…rivalhw (80)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 5 hours ago夜市听说增城广场那边有打铁花,还有音乐表演,更有许多美食。。。 吃过晚饭的时候,便带着孩子们出发了,想着时间还早,路上经过新塘广场,顺便进去逛下。。。 感觉人气不旺,也许是这里的活动是9月27号就开始,3号都要结束的原因吧,转了一圈,大人小孩子都觉得无趣,果断决定去增城广场那边。…lizelle (78)Silver-Blonde Lizzie - Founderin Silver Bloggers • 17 hours agoMemoir Monday - The Next Ten Years#MemoirMonday has taken off like wildfire as more and more Hiveans discover the value of storing memories here for future generations! @ericvancewalton's question this week is:…lethaliel (52)in Aliento • 15 hours agoMi introducción a Hive. / My introduction to Hive. [ESP / ENG]Presentación en HIVE. Mi Nombre es Jesus Daniel Graterol Mogollón (Leth’aliel para los amigos Online). Soy Venezolano de 33 años, casado por más de 12 años y con un hijo de 2…kesityu.fashion (73)in Cycling • 6 hours agoClimbing up this mountain - 2'429m by bike.In front of me I can see the road going up in endless serpentines. Suddenly I have to assume, the two hours of climbing I had done previously haven’t been part of the real thing. It is still all in frontavdesing (74)in Wednesday Walk • yesterdayWalking towards an unexpected gallery full of colour.When I go for a walk it's always nice to know that I might come across beautiful things that I didn't expect. A day like any other, walking through the streets of the…fotostef (76)in Photography Lovers • 2 days agoOn the fenceSometimes life can be thorny, hostile and spiny. And the closer you get to a milestone, the harder it may look to keep going. It has happened to all and will keep happening. The…claudio83 (79)in Olio di Balena • 8 hours agoPoke per pranzo!Qualche giorno fa, in una giornata di shopping e passeggiata nel centro di Bari, io e mia moglie abbiamo deciso di pranzare in uno dei tanti ristorantini in cui la specialità del…corvidae (74)in Black And White • 8 hours agothe ride of your lifecosmic yeehawhetty-rowan (74)in FreeCompliments • 4 hours agoThrough the BlockadesWhen inspiration fails I often look at people here on Hive in amazement at the people who manage to post a blog online EVERY day; some of them have been doing it for years.…oflyhigh (84)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 days ago加油💪:如果你不开心,就去加油站上班吧有个冷笑话不知道大家听过没有: 如果你不开心,就去加油站上班吧,那样就很多人会跟你说加油,而且他们还会给你钱 。 (图源 : pixabay ) 哈哈,每次去加油站加油我都会想起这个笑话,加油站上班的服务员是否会开心我不清楚,虽然我是那个说加油且出钱的人,但是这个笑话依旧给我带来许多快乐。 而且我也很愿意对服务员说…rem-steem (78)in Foodies Bee Hive • 8 hours agoWhip Up a Delicious Chicken Korma in No Time!Sometimes I want to make a quick delicious meal without spending hours in the kitchen. I'm sure I'm not the only mom who does this. And thanks for the 'pre-mix' spices that made…revisesociology (80)in #inleo • 18 hours agoThe Wanna-be Entrepreneur Aspiration-Reality Gap According to some recent research carried out by Santander, many people have strong entrepreneurial aspirations, with the desire strongest among younger people. 57% of…