Winner of Splinterlands card giveaway #13 and announcement of giveaway #14

in Splinterlands10 months ago

Hello, Everyone. How are you? I am fine. I hope you all are well. On the last giveaway, a total of 27 people participated.

  1. @alexis666
  2. @yeckingo1
  3. @danideuder
  4. @olaf.gui
  5. @rtonline
  6. @bokica80
  7. @fredkese
  8. @outwars
  9. @daethical
  10. @jhuleader
  11. @henruc
  12. @gregory-f
  13. @kojiri
  14. @daniarc
  15. @bilidrg
  16. @ternizator
  17. @ebastion
  18. @monsterbuster
  19. @sparkyontherun
  20. @jfang003
  21. @emeraldtiger
  22. @ladymisa
  23. @arc-echo
  24. @blitzzzz
  25. @imfarhad
  26. @bitandi
  27. @vaynard86

And the winner is--:

  1. @gregory-f
  2. @rtonline
  3. @kojiri
  4. @sparkyontherun
  5. @imfarhad

Congratulation 1. @gregory-f 2. @rtonline 3. @kojiri 4. @sparkyontherun 5. @imfarhad . The card you sent has been completed successfully.

The announcement of giveaway #14


Element: Water
Edition: Reward
Type: Monster
Rarity: Common



No one would have thought that a mermaid could seduce a vampire, but on that fateful day, the seas became an even deadlier place to be. The merdhampir shares all of the merfolk’s gifts beneath the water, along with an insatiable appetite for blood. They also have bat-like wings that are useless in the air but are crucial beneath the waves.

The merdhampir carries a great trident that it uses to catch its prey. The barbed prongs hold fast whilst the merdhampir drags its quarry back into the water using a long, thin chain attached to the weapon. Struggle as it may, the poor victim is pulled to an inevitable death. Few can escape this amphibious blood drinker.
Count Orsova pulled his cloak tighter about him and peered over the gunwale. The bow of the ship cut through the dark waters, sending crystalline spray up into the air where it sparkled in the moonlight.

“Careful, mi’lord,” the Captain said from behind the helm. “There be mermaids in these waters.”

Orsova peered over his shoulder. “If only that were true, Captain. I have always wanted to see one of the creatures. It is said that they are the most beautiful thing one could ever hope to behold. Even more stunning than a vampire.” He smiled to himself, and his fangs peaked out ever so slightly.

“I’ve heard many a tale mi’lord, and there ain’t one that ends well.”

Looking back out to sea, Orsova cocked his head to one side. His sharp hearing had picked up something… Was it a cry? Or maybe one of the crew talking in their sleep? A quick pang of hunger touched him at the thought of drinking blood from such a victim. But no, the sound, there it was again. It was a female voice…singing.

Gripping the rail, he leant further toward the sea, intent on hearing more. The singing then hit all his senses at once. The gentle voice seemed to caress his skin. He could taste the sweet melody on his tongue. He climbed onto the gunwale in the hopes that he might edge that tiny bit closer to her, wherever she was. His aide’s hands fumbled at his legs and cloak, but he ignored them, brushing them aside as he crouched low. There were muffled voices in the background as well, like echoes deep underground. None of it mattered, nothing compared to her call. All Orsova wanted was to be with that sweet siren of the sea. He dived from the ship, hitting the icy waters below, and in a moment of cold clarity, he realized he was lost forever.

How to get this card?

If you want to this card, you just leave a comment with your Splinterlands username. Comments on this post until the age hits 24 hours will be considered as a valid request for participation. After 24 hours, I will pick up all of the usernames from comment and randomly pick five username and select winner. I will be doing an announcement post after sending the card to the winner.

User commenting more than one will be disqualified. The user need not to upvote or resteem the post for attending the giveaway contest, But resteeming will be highly appreciated as it will attract more people to join.

Notification list

@aleczazam @alex2alex @amaari @anj4 @arniboi @bandada @bilidrg @bitandi @blessedkid-121 @blitzzzz @bokica80 @bot-bdbhueso @chillmaw @circlebubble @cryptoace33 @cyberqueenmeg @danideuder @dagger88 @daniarc @darusic @diochen @dk1trade @eman13088 @engilhramn @fire-born @frazfrea @fredkese @gagegida @gregory-f @haizelanne @henruc @homeboy0130 @ianballantine @iasplan @imfarhad @isnochys @jhuleader @ladymisa @lazybones @lolz.pgm @lolz.pimp @luizeba @kaeltegott @kalib @keniel16 @keys-defender @kojiri @kungfukid @m249 @marleyroots @memess @mickymouse @mirroredspork @monsterbuster @mrnestea @mxm0unite @noctury @obifenom @olaf.gui @osmw14 @outwars @pero821 @phantomassassin @powermeat @pulubengdugs @rimurutempest @queen-silvia @relf87 @rentaw03 @rtonline @sh4w @sieghard1990 @speedtuning @splinterboost @stewie.wieno @stonemountain69 @subidu @ternizator @thaddeusprime @thepimpdistrict @txrose @vaynard86 @wolcott @yeckingo1 @zonadigital21

Thank you for reading.


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please count me in

Thank you for the card
please add my name in the draw, thanks

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Count me in please. IGN outwars

Count me in

IGN @olaf.gui

count me in



Congratulations to the winner!
I want to participate @yeckingo1
Thank you very much for the giveaway and good luck to all the participants.

Count me in please @arc-echo 😄

Thank you for the card.
Please count me in again @sparkyontherun

Count me in.
IGN: @vaynard86
!Gif thank you

Thank you for the card
count me in @rtonline

Please count me in. Thanks


count me in @jfang003 !LOL

A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class.
It was a weapon of math disruption.

Credit: reddit
@adiiba, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of jfang003

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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@noctury(5/15) tipped @adiiba

Thank you for the Merdhampir card!

Count me in again 👍🏻 Thanks! @blitzzzz

thanks !MEME !LUV

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count me in pls

ign: arniboi


Congratulations to you all the winners.