Savoring Singha Beer: A Thai Gem by the Villa's Poolside

in BEER8 months ago (edited)

Imagine this: You're stretched out on a pristine beach in Koh Samui, Thailand, the sun kissing your skin, and the turquoise waves gently lapping at the shore. There's something truly magical about this tropical paradise, and it gets even better when you have an ice-cold beer in hand.

During my unforgettable holiday in Koh Samui, I had the absolute pleasure of savoring some delightful local Thailand beers. As I savored every sip, I couldn't help but dive into the fascinating history behind these Thai Beers while capturing its essence in a mini photoshoot for the Beer Community on Hive! Stay tuned for a series of posts on the different Thai Beers to follow! 🤗

Previous Post

A Brief History of Singha Beer

Before we dive into the details of my day, let's explore the history of Singha Beer. This iconic Thai beer has a rich and illustrious heritage. Singha, which means "Lion" in Thai, embodies strength, courage, and nobility – qualities deeply respected in Thai culture.

Singha Beer was first brewed in 1933 by Phya Bhirom Bhakdi, a visionary entrepreneur who aimed to create a premium beer to represent the heart of Thailand. The brewing process incorporates the finest ingredients, including barley malt, Saaz hops, and pure water from the Prachinburi province. The result is a beer known for its golden hue, a balanced taste, and a rich, malty flavor. The brand's iconic Lion logo symbolizes not just its royal lineage but also a commitment to excellence and heritage! 😉

Retreat In Our Private Villa

The day kicked off with my group of friends embracing the sunshine, the sea, and the sandy shores. We dedicated our morning to a range of water activities, which I've previously elaborated on in my travel post, so I won't dive into the specifics once more. Nevertheless, it proved to be an exhilarating way to commence our day!

Following a few hours of beachside enjoyment, we made our way back to our luxurious villa, our bodies fatigued from the morning's endeavors. However, the allure of the sparkling private pool right on our villa's premises was simply irresistible. Without a moment's hesitation, we plunged into the cool water to escape the relentless sun! 😤

The Allure of an Ice-Cold Singha Beer

With the sun beating down on us, the idea of indulging in day drinking became increasingly enticing. As I reached into the villa's refrigerator, I was pleasantly surprised to find a diverse selection of beers at our disposal. Choosing among these tempting options was a tough decision, but ultimately, I opted for Singha Beer. This choice was driven by the beer's reputation for its crisp and refreshing taste, perfectly suited for quenching one's thirst on a hot, sunny day! 😁

A Playful Photoshoot for the Beer Community on Hive

While savoring my can of Singha Beer in the living room and gathering photo materials for the Beer Community's blog post, the idea of a fun photoshoot suddenly struck me. I decided to incorporate a vibrant pink flamingo pool float as a quirky and colorful prop. This whimsical addition added a delightful twist to my beer photoshoot!

Under the golden sun and clear blue skies, I hope to capture the essence of Singha Beer. The iconic can of Singha Beer, the vibrant pink flamingo, and the tropical paradise served as the perfect backdrop. It was a playful and visually appealing tribute to Singha Beer's charm! 😍

Crashing After the Fun

As the day gradually drew to an end, and we readied ourselves for the evening's adventures, I couldn't resist capturing a lighthearted snapshot of my friends as they all collapsed in the living room (followed shortly by myself) 🤣

It was a snapshot of our collective weariness and satisfaction, a fitting conclusion to a day brimming with laughter, exciting adventures, and the enjoyment of Singha Beer!

Till the next post of another Thai Beer! ✌️

This is #BeerSaturday week and I would like to invite @macchiata (since you expose my Singha Beer topic 😅)
to write a post in any language about beer with at least 3 pictures.

Are you interested in reading some of my future writings? Don't forget to follow me!

Here are some of my most recent blogs (non-gaming posts) if you'd like to view them:

Sipping Sunshine: Exploring the History of Chang Beer in Koh Samui
Finding Serenity in the Midst of Sickness: A Walk Through My Neighborhood
A Morning at the Coffee Shop: Lessons and Kopi in Singapore
Embracing Value Over Need (Latest Blog)

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and I look forward to sharing more next time! 😁

All images used in this post were taken from my iPhone


Haha nice choice selecting beer as the model. I havn’t tried this beer yet. But ill have it on my list.

Haha yeah that is the whole point of this Beer Community isn't it?
The beer definitely looks more attractive than I am so deserving of being the model 😅

Thanks for dropping by my friend ✌️

looks like you can start selling beer liao lor become influencer lol

Haha if only it could be sufficient enough to pay my bills... 😅

to be honest it could leh if u have a good following in social media

I would not want to rely on social media for my main source of income.
That sounds scary.

O.O ya yet theres many people that are doing this and making millions

It's great that they're finding success, but it's essential to remember that these visible accomplishments might not tell the whole story. I am sure that there are way more that didn't make it.

I don't want to discourage those pursuing the dream of becoming a social media influencer, but it's important to recognize that not everyone is suited for it. It's crucial to be realistic and consider the potential consequences, as you can't risk everything without being certain you can provide for yourself and those you care about in the end.

of course la. that's the same thing in any business mah. not all will find success some will close down.

There's a risk to doing your own thing than finding a job and working for others. but theres a lot of upside as well. I know you're very risk adverse AK know you long enough liao.

well sometimes people do risk everything. they put their home on mortgage , they all in. it's crazy but i wanna say 90% they pull it off because once they reach that point they are where they can't afford to fail. They will hustle and make it happen.

I bought my dad a singha beer shirt 😂 and I told him it's equivalent of Indonesian Bintang popular. In hindsight, I should get him Chang's shirt. That would be next. Have you tried Beer Lao? I think they have similar taste to Singha.

Hahaha Singha logo with the golden lion on a shirt is a bit too loud for me,
Chang would have been a better choice 😅

Are you referring to Leo or Lao? Never tried Beer Lao before 🤔

I am referring to beer Lao, they're made in Laos and most available than Chang. But somehow, they taste like Singha.

Oh hmm, haven't come across that beer before!
Will keep a look out for it now that you mentioned 😁

Thanks again for curating my post, appreciate it 😊

Too busy with events. Hope soon can start writing.

Haha yeah you surely must be with so many big events happening in Singapore post covid!
All the best with your work 💪

This is the busy season. But there are months that can be really quiet.

Well as with most jobs I think.
Can't wait for my lull period where I can just catch a breather 😌

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Thanks for curating my post @steemflow, appreciate it! 😊

Heheee, a nice one. I like the pic with tired people after the pool'n'beer day

Hahaha yeah thought that was quite a funny picture as everyone just crashed on the sofa!

P.S. please do not tell my friends that I am posting this unglam photos of them 😅

we don't see faces and we all had parties

We all had fun, that is all that matters 😉

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