Credit card or personal loan? Which is better for me?

in dPoll7 months ago

Credit card or personal loan? Which is better for me?

Greetings friends!

I am thinking to own a credit card but it may force me to buy more things which I really don't want to buy. On the other hand it gives me interest free period for paying my dues. Personal loan is also an option but it is not suited for long term loans and also not fit for big investment. However, it provides a chance for us to stay within my limit. So, what should I do?

Credit card or personal loan? Which is better for me?

  • Credit card.

  • Personal loan.

  • Something else???

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Voted for

  • Credit card.

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  • Something else???

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  • Something else???

You sound like you know you have a problem with self-discipline. If that is the case, I recommend you work to strengthen that aspect of yourself. Keep a score of things you need to do, and track your own progress. Have you ever had some bitcoin? Visit, and look at what you bought for 0.2 BTC, 30 BTC or maybe 200 BTC and look at what you could buy with it today. Take your shopping budget for a month and buy bitcoin and hive dollars with it. Put your hive dollars into savings. Put the recovery phrase in two safe places, maybe you should remove the hot wallet for it, and try not to sell it for two years. Write down your Hive savings amount that you bought. After a period of two years check the value of both. Let yourself feel a little envy for those who live off of their interest payments. Bitcoin will program you to be a saver.

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  • Something else???

debt is poison