Should Bitcoin's popularity be diminished in order for development of other cryptos?

in dPoll7 months ago

Should Bitcoin's popularity be diminished in order for development of other cryptos?

Greetings friends!

Bitcoin is the king of the cryptos. But, it is too much popular while other deserving cryptos don't get much attention.

Should Bitcoin's popularity be diminished in order for development of other cryptos?

  • Yes.

  • No.

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  • No.

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  • No.

You can't! Even if you want to...

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  • No.

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  • No.

I think we should be able to put BTC on other chains. The Rune system allows you to trade BTC in a DEx. The Rune protocol incentives people to keep BTC in a multisignature account while they stake double the value in rune. So now you get the utility of Bitshares while being able to trade into BTC directly. If you want to bring something new to the table you should do something similar with respect to BTC. Build on top of what Rune is doing.

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  • Yes.