Express your fancifulness from this visual prompt !! Whimsical writing challenge ^_^

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Sweet day my thirsting of surprises Lovelies !

Today I want to propose you a cheerful game if you dare to...

beautifools story.png

Who are the BeautiFools ?

You might want to read my wednesday post which is the introduction to a new character I have drawn ...

he/she is part of the BeautiFools Tribe

I began to describe the most obvious and visible features,

All came very quickly under my pencil, the Beautifool was bright and beaming like a shiny lemon, its green eyes were mysteriously adorned with stary pupils, and the mouth was a feminine one, as the Beautifools are obviously androgynous beings

They have a very flexible and rather elastic body, the ears are more developed than those of the Wonkies,
and now they have A LOT of fingers...


I just described the obvious and yet, I had a lot of ideas about them that popped into my mind but...

it soon became clear that we could tell a much richer and cheerful story of this character...ALL TOGETHER ^_^

This is how this playful thing came to my mind because...

*Nobody here seems to doubt I have a gnome as friend and I reign over a Kingdom of Fancypets and a merry tribe of BlueWonkies...Nobody....

If you are THAT crazy you can let the wonkiness go out and write from this visual prompt ;-)LoLminuscule.png

So now what is the game...?

~ well, let's say it is a game more than a challenge, it will be less stressful for you, me and all the BlueWonkies that are waiting unpatiently in front of the screen =D ~

  • Let your imagination speak and hear what this little lemony character tells you,

and you write quickly everything that comes to your mind and flows to your keyboard

That it is some sentences or a page does not have any importance, let go and play with this image and how it speaks to you, how you would explain this character to someone that doesnt have met him yet, where he comes from, what makes him happy, how is his whole tribe, what he likes to do etc ...these are just examples, don't let them disturb or limit you ;-)

  • no limit to your imagination,

nothing has to be plausible or orderly, here, we are no longer in the world of adults with mental constructs ... we are in a whimsical fanciness and anything is possible, don't let any physical laws hassle youLoLminuscule.png

just in case you'd had not noticed it
this BeautiFool has 6 fingers at the right hand
and 7 fingers at the left hand---->pink beautifoolinv1.png

and he is now purple-ish

why pointless to say I'm not letting any kind of law or color bothering me =D

  • I you choose to make a post, please post the link in a comment below, or else I won't know you have done it and...too bad ;-)
    You can simply post your story in the comments below is up to you ^_^

  • Feel free to insert in your post any of the picture here containing a Beautifool, don't forget it is your visual prompt, so it is free to use it in a related post
    edit : please make it sure you have mentionned the source of the photo (me @barbara-orenya and the link to this post) as this game is made with @mariannewest freewrite challenge in the same time, I saw a lot of time my picture of lemony BeautiFool in posts being lost without mention of my work. ...

  • Beside my full upvoting and resteeming your post on my profile,I will send the bid bot @treeplanter on your post for the max value , which will earned you some more rewards and also help plant trees in Cameroonyeah.png

This is the incentive to participate to this creative writing, even if I know you will make it for the fun of it ^_^

  • Game will last as long as there are propositions, which generally doesn't exceed the steemit week of life ;-)
    if you pass along the information to people you know might be interested in writing or simply in having fun,
    armandmini.png it would be cool, very cool and excellent Karma

  • I will make a post featuring my favourite propositions, and the sbds of the post will be shared between the featured participants

  • If the participation is great and you enjoy taking part of the whimsical stories, there will be other pictures submitted to your fancifulness...if not, I will go back sleeping and hibernate until springfloating.png


If we end up having a blast and great participation on each submitted pictures- prompts,
I then would manage to integrate your submissions to a bigger project, in making

a collective story with my illustrations and your texts,

Wouldn't that be crazy wonderFOOL ?! ^_^

Why if you want to play with me, indeed this is the big opportunity to be frisky together ^_^

You can not make it wrong, so give it a try ;-)

Give me your interpretation of the Beautifool history now !

GoGoGo !gleeful.png


Little Starlight looked up from her favorite spot in the back corner of the garden and noticed a lot of activity happening along the far fence line. It appeared that the Wonkies had gathered there and she was very curious to see what they were doing.
Now that Autumn had arrived, and the leaves had fallen to the ground, Starlight had much more time on her hands, ( although it always seemed like she had more time on the hand with six fingers that she did on the hand was seven)
As she walked across the garden she kept being distracted by all of her favorite plants that were now settling in and getting ready for winter, and when she reached the Wonkie gathering, they told her they were preparing for winter, too. They had decided to build a house from stones and sticks they had gathered, and they invited Starlight to help with the decorating, because everyone knew that Beautifools had a better sense for beauty than Wonkies did. She immediately started gathing all the things she would need for the sunny yellow decorating scheme she had planned. They all agreed they couldn't wait to see it when it was finished!

I knew you would come with such a lovely rendition Melinda ! I love it !!

Starlight had much more time on her hands, ( although it always seemed like she had more time on the hand with six fingers that she did on the hand was seven)

How fun and clever ! okay.png

and they invited Starlight to help with the decorating, because everyone knew that Beautifools had a better sense for beauty than Wonkies did.

For sure !! LoLminuscule.png

Thank you so much for your story my dear friend, it makes me very happy that you participate ! ;-)

I love that you provide opportunities for all of us to stretch our creativity! I take pictures and do not see myself as a writer, and am always surprised when I am challenged to write something and soneone likes it!

You have taken all my creative challenges till now my friend...You friskily rock !! ^_^

Good job! Thanks to @barbara-orenya you have planted 0.13 tree to save Abongphen Highland Forest in Cameroon. Help me to plant 1,000,000 trees and share my Steem Power to the others. Selfvoting is prohibited, but that should be the reason to spread the world to protect our precious environment. Check out profile of our conservation association @kedjom-keku and the founder/coordinator @martin.mikes to get more information about our conservation program. My current SP is 14295.10. Help me to plant more trees with your delegated SP.

Thanks a lot,
your @treeplanter

Writing is not my strong suit; however, I love Wonkies and fall in love with Starlight from the moment I saw here, so I could not resist the invitation. She speaks to me telepathically and she explained that she is from Beautifool Galaxy. Here she is shortly after she was beamed to a Raspberry Fields on Planet Earth to experience taste. Starlight beings do not eat; however, they can come and visit Earth if they wish, because Earth is one of the best planets in the whole Universe offering a wide variety of flavors.
After Starlight tasted Raspberries she was amazed. The sweet and juicy raspberry taste was better than she could ever imagine.

Oh my !...this does explain the softness and mellow raspberrysh color of her lips !! Thank you so much my divine friend for this fruity offer !

Oh yeah!!! It could be added to the story........."after she tasted Raspberry, her lips turned pink." lol. My pleasure Dear Barbara, I am glad you like it 🌸💖🌸

Indeed I love it so much ! it is so you with the raspberries ;-)

merci !beautifoolwaving.png

It's a collaboration.............she told you how she look like and she told me why she came here, lol. 🌸💖🌸

Indeed ! I can't wait to learn what she will confess to Denise and Melinda LoLminuscule.png

Oh yeah, me too!!!

...and now a little + with a vote from @treeplanter for your sweet contribution my dear ^_^

Good job! Thanks to @barbara-orenya you have planted 0.13 tree to save Abongphen Highland Forest in Cameroon. Help me to plant 1,000,000 trees and share my Steem Power to the others. Selfvoting is prohibited, but that should be the reason to spread the world to protect our precious environment. Check out profile of our conservation association @kedjom-keku and the founder/coordinator @martin.mikes to get more information about our conservation program. My current SP is 14295.11. Help me to plant more trees with your delegated SP.

Thanks a lot,
your @treeplanter

I wanted to say thank you! I found your alien-creation through a #freewrite prompt and did the five minute challenge. I felt so inspired by the little life you created and wrote this short bit. I hope you like it!

I could tell my creator was upset. Feeling adrift, lost, stuck in this place of no… inspiration. She had fussed over me until I saw tears forming in her eyes. I could tell they were tears of frustration, even though at that point, I was just a pair of beautiful eyes. She had seen me inside of her heart and drawn my eyes just so. They were big and beautiful and just with the eyes, I could already see. We were connected, my creator and I. I was so excited to see what she gave me for a body, for arms, for legs, maybe a tail or a silly hat. Would I have hair? Would I have funny ears or none that showed at all?

I didn’t care, honestly. All that mattered to me was that she and I were bonded forever. She had brought me to life from her very spirit and put me on the page. I was excited to see what came next. She drew my head around my eyes and I saw her grimace. I felt somehow like I had let her down, disappointed her. She dug through her desk drawer, pencils clattering, muttering under her breath and slammed the drawer shut before approaching me with a big red eraser. My head, for what it was, disappeared under her frustrated strokes of the eraser.

She tried again, biting her lip until I was afraid she’d draw blood. I tried to let her know that I would be perfect, however she decided to create me. I had no expectations, but I was sure that I would love whatever she chose. She skipped the head and went straight for my mouth. I could feel the pencil scratching across the paper until I had big, beautiful pink lips, much like hers…then she started to draw my arm and a tiny hand at the end. Suddenly tears dripped onto the paper, making my heart ache for her. She growled and stood up, leaving me alone.

At first I wasn’t sure what to do. As I sat there on the paper, I felt my fingers start to stir… I had an idea and I reached for the pencil she had left sitting next to the page.

This is a very creative rendition from the view point of the character in the drawing process ...! How poetic and imaginative ! A bit sad also...I'm glad I don't have to go through all this pain to give birth to a drawing ;-)
Thank you very much for your participation @byn ! ^_^

You are welcome on Steemit also ...!

I've seen that you don't have posted yet, if you love to write you can make posts with @mariannewest freewrite prompts =)

Good job! Thanks to @barbara-orenya you have planted 0.13 tree to save Abongphen Highland Forest in Cameroon. Help me to plant 1,000,000 trees and share my Steem Power to the others. Selfvoting is prohibited, but that should be the reason to spread the world to protect our precious environment. Check out profile of our conservation association @kedjom-keku and the founder/coordinator @martin.mikes to get more information about our conservation program. My current SP is 14295.13. Help me to plant more trees with your delegated SP.

Thanks a lot,
your @treeplanter


Barbara - I sent you a message through the chat. I got your message in my email, but couldn't open it in the chat. I totally make cutie lemon the prompt for tomorrow and link to your post and direct people to share their story with you. This way, they get a 2 for 1 - what could be better. I am using your image and the first sentence as the prompt - and then link to your post. So much fun!! Thank you for thinking of me!!

How does it get any better than that ?! ^_^ It's me thanking you my dear, this is a great collaboration between you and me you are allowing here ;-)
I'm not at home for the moment but will have a deeper look at all in a few hours !
have a fantastic sunday =))

Oh...I posted mine here. Should I add it to freewrite, too @mariannewest?

yes!! That would be great!!

How fun...I'll be back after things quiet down around here, but for now, I am up voting and resteeming!

Ooh how great is that ?! Have a fantastic day my dear and looking forward to your play ^_^

Your creations are just too adorable for words. Here is my entry on the lemony cutesy

I'm happy you made it Sharoon, as said in my comments in your post, this is so cheerful and lovely, I enjoyed a lot ;-)

I'm not much a writer, especially in English, but I just want to say again how much I love your sweet aliens!:)

thank you very much Inber, expressing your support by leaving this comment is very much appreciated ;-) It is encouraging, even if you won't participate , thanks a lot and have a beautiful day ^_^

This post has received a 2.63 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @barbara-orenya. Send at least 1 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.

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Funny and cute! I just wish I had time for all the challenges! :-)

oh yes this is all so exciting ! ;-) gleeful.png

Wow. I'm speechless. This Is cool.. How do i join?

All is explain in the post ;-)
As soon as your post is done, you come back here and leave the link to your post in a comment ;-)
you just leave your text in a comment here, if you don't want to make a whole post of your participation ^_^
hope that makes sense ?

Thank you, it's clear now 😃

I'm here from @mariannewest Day 24: 5 Minute Freewrite

Here was my entry: space.jam taken from the same subject matter 🙂

Calling @originalworks :)
img credz:
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Your quality post caught my attention and I hope you benefit from my resteem. My followers have a refined appreciation for quality art. You might also enjoy my curated collection. To see the quality posts I have curated via resteem, see my blog @pixresteemer. If you want to know more about me and my mission, please check my introduction.

Because all your creatures seem to me to be non-earthly beings, here's what I think about Beautifool: He was sent to Earth from a planet called Fool. The problem of the beings on that planet is that they could no longer have children, and so their civilization (otherwise very advanced) was on the verge of extinction! Fool beings could not get closer to each other, they did not like it, they did not love it anymore. The only solution found was to send Beautifool to Earth to see why we can still be in love. I forgot to say that on planet Fool, all beings, including Beautifool, were very beautiful except one element, mouth. Their mouth looks like a hole in a wall! The first thing Beautifool did when he landed on Earth was to steal a beautiful woman's lips, put them in the place of his hideous mouth, and become this beautiful creature that we see. Now he is very happy because it is certain that after he takes these fleshy and voluptuous lips to the Fool, soon millions of Beautifool children will fill their planet.

Ooooh !! How lovelyfool is this story @bluemoon !!
I love it muchos indeed ^_^lovesender.png

Thanks a lot for this creative rendition =))

I have to thank you for giving me the opportunity to write it!

Good job! Thanks to @barbara-orenya you have planted 0.13 tree to save Abongphen Highland Forest in Cameroon. Help me to plant 1,000,000 trees and share my Steem Power to the others. Selfvoting is prohibited, but that should be the reason to spread the world to protect our precious environment. Check out profile of our conservation association @kedjom-keku and the founder/coordinator @martin.mikes to get more information about our conservation program. My current SP is 14297.88. Help me to plant more trees with your delegated SP.

Thanks a lot,
your @treeplanter

And now I send you @treeplanter for an extra something earning, as promised in my post ;-)
have a nice evening !

Thank you, you are very kind. I hope you know that not for earning something I wrote, only for my pleasure and for you.

have no doubt about that, don't worry !

Hello Barbara. I took the freewrite challenge and below is the link to my story. Hope you like it :) I am actually a little worried that you might not :) :P

Why would I not enjoy it ? ^_^ Please no worries ;-)

Your drawings are wonderful fodder for writers! I'm so happy to have found your work through the #freewrite challenge. I really enjoyed writing my little piece, inspired by Stralight! I'll share it with you so you can see all the creations you engendered with your art.