I Can't Do This Alone!!

in Hive Learners10 months ago (edited)



Well, as the saying goes, no man is an island unto himself. Another saying also goes as this; a tree doesn’t make a forest. There are so many quotes and teachings I could use to back up what I’m about to talk about, people have talked about it so many times already. That’s just to show you how important it is to us humans.

I guess that’s just how we’re wired. We’re destined to always need someone for something, anything at all. No one is capable of being totally self-sufficient. That must have been God’s fail-safe plan that he imbued in humans to ensure that no matter what, people will always have a reason to come together. Because I’m certain that if everyone could function perfectly on their own, more than half of the world’s population would be living in isolation. By choice.

People need people! That’s how it has always been and that’s how it’ll continue to be. Sometimes, it’s for financial reasons, social reasons, or just a shoulder to lean on, just an ear to listen to, or even just a heart to love. No matter what the reason is, we can’t live without each other. And as a result, the people we find around us will be a great determinant in what our lives will turn out to be. They’re the ones who will turn out to be the circumference of what would be called the Circle of Influence around our lives.


And for me, I’m no different from anyone, I also have people who have helped me greatly and still help today. And as they say, it’s always great to give honor to whom it’s due.

For me to get to this stage of my life, it would never have been possible if I didn’t have supporting parents who understood my passion and allowed me free rein to go for it. Studying Engineering and looking to pursue a career in Writing is not something that happens every day, and besides, with the rampant cases of fraud in my country, they could easily have assumed I was one of the bad guys considering how often I’m always on the phone. This is a thing because I have a friend whose Mum doesn’t believe any money made online is ethical. As long as there’s nothing physical to back it up, it has to be a scam to her. And her son is tech-savvy and makes loads of money just by working on his phone. As a result, both of them are always quarreling.

Well, as there’s no evidence, baba don explain tire!^

Well, in my case, my parents came through for me. Everything I’ve been able to do today is because they’ve always had my back. And they’re the two people who have influence even on my decisions.


And then, there are my siblings as well. All four of them. We’re all Creatives actually, but one of us is not really pursuing the craft. They’ve always been a source of inspiration to me and will continue to be. Because I know that no matter how good or how bad life gets, I’ll always have them in my corner. Nothing beats that feeling of knowing you’re not alone in this big evil world.

Also, I have my closest friends as well, my real Gees!! They were the gifts that my school gave to me, and at least, that’s something I can thank the school for. They’re just two in number and we’ve been together since our ND1 first semester. We started this journey of financial independence together and we’re just about at the same point in the journey as well.

We’re really close, seeing how we have tips for each other on how to do things. It’s said that friends that grow together stay together. Okay, I don’t know if anyone has ever said that. If it hasn’t been said before, then know that I’m the first to say it!! Lol…


We have so many great plans together and I’m sure that we’ll be able to achieve them all. Our lives are proof that if you want it badly enough, you’ll make it happen. We’ve clawed from the bottom to get to this point in our lives, and we’ll keep on clawing our way until we get to the top. There’s no stopping us!!

Last but not least… that’s me! Yeah! I’m the last member of the circumference that makes the circle! Inasmuch as I owe these people in my life a lot, I can’t downplay my efforts. I’ve done and seen a lot and for me to be able to make it this far, it’s not been easy at all. So, I’m giving myself a mental clap on the back.

So, as I said, life is designed in a way that we can’t do without people. It’s just not possible. And if you’re blessed to be with people who care about your well-being, then you’re blessed beyond all imagining. Because then you’ll find it so much easier to chase your dreams.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the third topic of the week which is Circle of Influence. Feel free to try it out.


[^]: Just a trending slang in my country right now; talks about how without physical evidence to back up your claims, you’ll have a lot of explanations to make!

N.B: All images are mine!!

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 10 months ago  

Let's remember that God created Eve because Adam was lonely and he could not live in this world alone. No matter how bad people might have been to you, you still need people around you

Indeed... you'll always need people just as they'll need you as well. That's just a default setting life gave us.

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We all need people around as whether we like it or not.
That's just how life is

Yeah... indeed!

 10 months ago  

As you said, we are design to take help from others. Doesn't matter how much capable we are we need help of others and it's impossible to avoid.
I think most of influencer in our life is our family member specially our parents. Isn't it?

Yeah... the people with most influence in our lives are those who are in it the longest. That's just natural.

 10 months ago  

It is a fact that a person cannot live alone in this world, whether the next people are good or bad, one has to live with being good and a person should try to always be with good people so that his life is also good.

Yeah... the people you surround yourself with will determine the quality of life you get to live.