Bad Habits - Weekend Engagement Week 165

in Weekend Experiences10 months ago


I have two unhealthy habits. Really I have more than two, but we will stick with two since that is what the challenge calls for. The two habits are the use of smokeless tobacco and snacking.

For over three decades now I have used smokeless tobacco regularly. It started right after entering the military service. It does cost money, at times it has become expensive, and doesn;t make much financial sense to continue. Then there is the potential impacts to dental and oral health, but I have doing it for years now, and my teeth are still good, and mouth hasn't rotted yet. Probably just a matter of time.

But honestly, right now I have other health issues to worry about. So having false teeth are the least of my worries. No, I have zero plans of quitting or breaking the habit at this time.


Snacking is another bad habit and I truly want to break it. This started becoming an issue soon after I left the military service, and went off the rails when I medically retired a little over a year ago. We are not talking healthy snacks either. This is the nasty good All-American sugar laden shit.

The snacking too can be expensive, as these sugary treats do not come cheap, and I can put them away, especially when I have too much Jameson Irish Brew. The health imact is abd as I am a Type II diabetic, and really have to watch myself. It is a fine balancing act and I fall a great deal of the tight rope with my blood sugars.

I do want to get better with this and have started to. Have replaced some of the more sugary crap stuff with granola bars, veggies, yogurt, and fruit. Occasionally I still grab a reward of a Moon pie or something like.

This last one is more important for me to break as it it something that is currently impacting some of my current and future health and seeing the impacts now. Hopefully during my next doctor visit and blood labs we will see the fruits of the effort and my A1C will have dropped.

Well, that is all I have. lIke I opened with, there are more bad habits, but that is my two big ones for now. One I don;t wish to quit and the other I must. I leave you with a Dennis Leary video on quitting his smoking habit.

Thanks for reading,


Note: Images are mine taken with iPhone 6S

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It's hard breaking the bad habit but maybe if you start now, maybe something will change, though I know it's really hard. Let's just try and try, as for snacking, one of the bad habit that I had plan on breaking but because its too hard, I just stop trying. I mean, food is life, lol. Esprcially junk foods and those sweets with too much sugar in it.

I am not overly concerned about stopping the tobacco like I said, in fact I don't plan to. As far as the snacks, yeah it is hard, but I have to, it isn't much of a choice at this point as it has and is impacting my health. If you keep working at it, and really set your mind to it, surely you can stop the bad habit.

Thanks for stopping in and commenting. Hope you have a good weekend.

greetings friend I hope you have an excellent weekend, you are clear about all the reasons why you should not have this series of unnecessary habits, it is on your part for your health to have the willpower to leave them and lead a healthier life

I agree, it is all on me for sure. Like I said, one I decided I just don't want to because I enjoy it for now. The other, I am working on. Thanks for stopping by and reading. Appreciate it.

The dip, you can keep for yourself but I'd have a snack with you any day...although how about we look for more healthy choices to keep the A1c under control huh? 😊

We all have bad habits Joe, even those who say they don't, and I guess we need to decide whether they're sustainable or not.

Thanks for joining in man, I hope your weekend is a good one.

Yes sir, we can do some healthy ones for sure. I don't blame you on the dip, it can be a disgusting habit for sure and may eventually catch up with me. As far as bad habits, I have more, like I said. Those are just the worst I think. Others may say I have worse, I dont know. You have a good one as well.

Ah Dip, that’s a tough one! I know it’s addicting but for me, it’s just gross so I’ve never done it lol.

The snacking is certainly the most important as you know, to get rid of. It sounds like you’re making some progress on it which is good! Keep it up man!

It is gross to the senses of some. I can understand that. As far as the snacking, it is a work in progress for sure. Thanks.

First things first: I think it's a great step that you are able to identify bad habits. It is important to be able to discern between the good and the bad. Then it is to see if you really want to eliminate it from your life. Last but not least, it is important to stop doing what you have identified as bad for your health and that counts on your shoulders with a lot of willpower. I wish you success in this process of eradicating bad habits. 👌

Like I said already, one I don;t want to eliminate right now and the other I do. Agreed that it is all on my shoulders. Thanks for the well wishes. It is appreciated.

Never tried a "moon pie" before! The concept sounds dope, as I love mallows full on!.. not sure whether they would be ok for a diabetic at all, though I'm certainly not a mendical practitioner and not exactly the healthiest fella lmao.

Ih, they are not something I should be chowing on. Probably wouldn't kill me to have one for a reward once a day or couple days, but suffice it to say I have more. Working on stopping.

dang i totally feel you with the snacking. I love chips and other junk and honestly it's hard to stop :x. its really an addiction when the snacks are so yummy

Fruits and veggies can be yummy too. I am starting to enjoy them more.

O.Oi dnt enjoy them. im all meat meat meat meat met hehe

Sugary treats definitely aren't cheap anymore. I remember when Twinkies were dirt cheap, of course I was a hell of a lot younger! Every now and again indulging is fine just as long as it's not 24/7. Keeping the A1C down can be a lot of work, thank God I don't have issues there. Eating just veggies for snacks can get really old really fast, I've tried it before...

Yes, it can get old fast, which is why I am going to try and work in some type of reward system for myself. I also just don't snack with vegiies and fruits. I have yogurt and granola.

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