Energy Refill Contest #19: Enjoy things by looking them in a different perspective

in GEMS3 years ago

Our perspective about everything in life matters, that's because our thought/mindset is what shapes the emotion we feel. Imagine a college graduate who did not gain admission into Harvard University, before he applied, he was not a student in Harvard, after he applied he was still not a student in Harvard, it only gets worst when he goes around telling himself "I did not get admission into Harvard university because I'm dull" and that's when he starts feeling bad hating himself.

Most times we tend to see things based on how we view them, I may be right to say our eyes and sense of feeling are connected to our mindset. Therefore, if we could look at issues from a different perspective from how we see them now, we will discover some bliss in them.
Last year was a tough year for everyone, the pandemic, lockdown, and starvation. though it was challenging, some people still consider it their best year, obviously they enjoyed the year because they were able to look at the pandemic and lockdown from a different perspective.


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Sometimes the things we see may not be the actual problem but how we look at them. Looking at things from a different perspective helps one enjoy life, while others say there's a casting down, you'll see a lifting up because you both are looking at things from a different view. The best way to appreciate and enjoy everything in life is by veiling your sight from what seems like the obvious and redefining it to suit your enjoyment. Our feeling and sight always carry information that is troubling to the soul, if we trust in them to rule our mindset we may never find peace within ourselves.

Our view about anything is a strong force that helps control our nervous system and gives out our thoughts. Just like the law of attraction, how we see things attract that exact imagination. So just like the quote;

Enjoy things by looking at them from a different perspective

We ought to have a positive perspective about things to be able to see their beauty.


Te apoyo cuando dices: "Al igual que la ley de la atracción, la forma en que vemos las cosas atrae esa imaginación exacta".
En Venezuela hay un dicho que dice: "todo depende del cristal con que mire". Esto es muy cierto porque si piensas, hablas y actuas en positivo atraeras cosas positivas atu vida. Esto no significa que la vida es toda color de rosa si no la manera de enfrentarla.
Si la enfrestas de manera positiva tendras mas posibilidades de salir airoso.
Gracias por participar en el Concurso de recarga de energía # 19

Mafa (2).jpg

I agree with the saying from Venezuela, our environment attract the exact forces of our thoughts. Thank You for reading through

Your appreciation and way of looking at things is very accurate. We shape what we think and if we do it in a negative way in situations that have not even been presented, we ruin our future. Great advice you leave us in your publication, it is wonderful.

Thank You, I'm glad you find the advice of interest to you

Hello, life is like that, it is in constant movement and there are situations that we can not change, we must accept it and not be consumed by them, we would be unhappy, so we must see the positive side that can come out of everything we are living.

You're right, life keeps changing and sometimes there's little or nothing we can do but to accept it. Thanks for your contribution

Es correcto, el problema real está según nuestra perspectiva, si lo vemos desde el lente correcto la apreciación será diferente.



Tu publicación ha sido identificada como contenido relevante y de valor para Hive. Cada día nos superamos a nosotros mismos y vamos aprendiendo más de esta plataforma. Hive es otro mundo.

Te deseamos un hermoso día.

Curado manualmente por @tripode

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You're right, you do not have to focus on the bad, since that blinds us for the best things that are coming. Success and a big hug for you!!🌟

Thank You, Yeah, focusing on the positive vibes may help save our mind from some emotional breakdown

great...I loved your was an excellent reflection. Good luck in the contest!

Thank You, I'm glad you enjoyed reading through

Certainly our feelings and thoughts affect our behavior, having positive thoughts help us to see the glass as half full instead of half empty. And it is definitely better to walk through this life with thoughts of happiness, no matter what is going on, everything is fine. We are right where we are supposed to be with the learnings we are having.

You're right, our thoughts and feelinga affect our behaviours and Sometimes we assume that's life at play. Thank You for your comment