A little baroque pearl - Church of the Most Holy Name of Jesus

in Worldmappin5 months ago

I spent a few years living just a few minutes away from beauty. I have passed it by dozens of times in that time. But it never occurred to me to open the door and enter.

This time, something pushed me inside. It was a cold and rainy day, and I saw someone opening the door, so I followed.

I entered, and my jaw dropped...
This is what you see after you close the door behind you:

Kościół uniwersytecki Najświętszego Imienia Jezus Wroclaw 5.jpg

Church of the Most Holy Name of Jesus in Wroclaw

Uniwersytecki kościół Imienia Jezus we Wrocławiu

Church of the Name of Jesus in Wrocław, currently a university church - a baroque church, built by the Jesuits in the years 1689–1698, and work on its furnishing and decoration lasted for almost another 40 years, until the end of 1734.

Kościół uniwersytecki Najświętszego Imienia Jezus Wroclaw 2.jpgKościół uniwersytecki Najświętszego Imienia Jezus Wroclaw 3.jpg

Kościół uniwersytecki Najświętszego Imienia Jezus Wroclaw 1.jpg

It is dark and quiet, even though it is in the city center, with a smell of old wood and stone. I had no idea where to look first. My camera refused to work in the darkness without a proper tripod, and I was forced to use my phone; somehow it adjusted better to the darkness.

Kościół uniwersytecki Najświętszego Imienia Jezus Wroclaw 4.jpg

The ceiling and sides are covered in episodes from Jesus life. Images full of colours and movement.

Kościół uniwersytecki Najświętszego Imienia Jezus Wroclaw 6.jpg

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Kościół uniwersytecki Najświętszego Imienia Jezus Wroclaw 8.jpg

Can you see the white and blue piece of cloth in the corner? It so annoys me when such things are put in interiors like this. It doesn't fit, shouldn't be there, and just ruins the effect. This church is so beautiful on its own. Leave it as it is! No fake plastic flowers, cloths, doilies, and other unnecessary gadgets, please. Please!

Kościół uniwersytecki Najświętszego Imienia Jezus Wroclaw 7.jpg

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Kościół uniwersytecki Najświętszego Imienia Jezus Wroclaw 12.jpg

The alter was built in 1722–24, and the large painting in the middle shows baby Jesus being circumcised. I didn't get any closer shots as there were people gathering for some upcoming mass I didn't want to disturb.

Kościół uniwersytecki Najświętszego Imienia Jezus Wroclaw 11.jpg

What is surprising to me is that the doors are on the side of the building instead of on one end.

Here is a Wikipedia page with detailed info. Just google translate it to English :)

The whole building is connected to the university on one side, and I would never have thought that these small doors would hide this treasure.

Kościół uniwersytecki Najświętszego Imienia Jezus Wroclaw 13.jpg

A Google view shows that it has quite an awkward position between all the buildings. The long pink one on the left side is one of the Wroclaw University buildings.

Google maps

And a fun fact:
On the side of it, there are still bullets from WWII. Never repaired or covered with fresh paint on purpose.
Image also from Google, as I forgot to shoot it 🙄

Google maps

Shot with OnePlus 7 Pro
All photos, graphics and text are my own unless stated otherwise.

separator flowers.jpg


It happens like that sometimes... we are so close to beauty and we discover it just like that, suddenly. You can't imagine how much I hate plastic flowers.

Hi 5!
They could just skip the plastic and it would be so much better, but no.... few more here, few more there... blehh ;p

A charming beauty. I understand your surprise. Great architecture and wonderful murals. I can look at it for hours without getting bored. I'm glad you opened the door and walked in 🙏🌸

I am glad too even though it wasn't on my list for that day :)

A very beautiful building and quite tall, of course, and gorgeous, beautiful to look at ;))

It is lovely. The other nearby churches are much bigger, so this seemed small to me :)

Astoundingly beautiful church. It is overwhelmingly. The wealth of the church can be seen here. I alsowonder at the details - I do not ever believe that "primitive" people did such work.
I can definitely imagine your surprise upon entering. Glad you shared it with us.

A LOT of money was put into churches to show the wealth. As if the faith could be measured by it...

Who would have thought that such an impressive interior, with so many ornaments, is hidden behind those doors. I love that moment of surprise and delight when I enter somewhere I have not been before...

Yea it was cool and very unexpected to see :)

It is interesting that the church has decided to leave the WWII bullets as a gesture of history, the bad thing is that it has some graffiti there, many people must not know the meaning of those holes will think it is just a wall.

A lot of towns in Poland still have signs from the war, like the bullet holes in walls.
The graffiti is just annoying. I see no point of the gibberish ones.

Me neither, I remember once I went to Ecuador and I went through a place at the time all stores where open but the next day I went through way early when everything was close and every single store on the outside had this similar weird graffiti, I don't know if its a language code or a trend but even though its some kind of art is very annoying seen it on so many doors one after another

Now this is magnificent!! A Perfect work of art, ohh dear see what you’ve been missing all these while.

ohh dear see what you’ve been missing all these while.

I know.. but I fixed it :D

Very nostalgic and historical. I am always fascinated by baroque churches; the art and everything are so beautiful. Who would have thought it would last for many ages?

Can you imagine how any of them didn't last and we lost them forever? :/

I can't imagine, they're as old as time. Lucky these ones are still standing telling a history of time.

it's like a very beautiful work of art, I like seeing every carving that looks classic there, but it is something very beautiful

Art and more art everywhere! :D

This is simply majestic beauty! Why I love this is that you can and should look at it for a long time down to the smallest detail and be amazed at the amazing detail.

Yea, that is what I am gonna do next time. I'll just sit and stare :)
I didn't have much time as they were preparing some mass or something.

Wow! That is incredible!! That first shot you posted gave me that dizzy-headed feeling when you first walk into a vastly enormous space. You a right about the unassuming exterior. Except for the WWII bullet holes, the outside is pretty unremarkable. Such an interesting place.

Haha I think I might have said "wow" out loud when I entered.
From the outside it like any other building around. Nothing special, small doors... I never even noticed the cross marking that it is a church. Though I knew there is one like that in that area, I never looked for it. Now I know this is the one :)

A church that dates back from the 18th century is this beautiful? The architectural design is superb and awe inspiring. It is the Church Of Jesus indeed 🙏

A lot of churches from that time are filled with art like this one. Shows the richness of the Church and how much they could afford.

Surprised when we saw the exterior and interior of the church. From the outside it doesn't look much, but inside it changes everything. For the bullet holes, it's always good to leave them, it allows us to reflect the violence of wars. Given the location of the impacts, people were probably executed there.

From the outside it doesn't look much

Exactly why I never got inside. I didnt even notice the cross saying it is a church.

Maybe not executed (though who knows..), but large part of the city was completely destroyed during the war, so it I'd say it it was part of a regular battle. Unfortunately.

Sometimes habits make us forget the details around us. We go far away to visit something while sometimes at our friends' house there is something more exceptional to see. Now for a while, when I take photos to post on Hive, I pay attention to the details around the target that caught my attention. Because the target is so big that everything around it becomes invisible. The invisible can make us discover beautiful things. The black and white community allowed me to open my eyes differently.

I'm not a fan of churches, but they really surprise with their architecture and the art of frescoes that decorate the walls, it's really nice to see the history of creation on the walls from so many years ago…

I like them as buildings. Some are just magnificent and the amount of art put inside is overwhelming sometimes. Plus it is usually nice and quiet inside and you can just walk and admire :)

"I entered, and my jaw dropped"... Wow and rightly so!... It is full of art inside!... Apotheosis!... Excellent document!... Thanks for sharing @ewkaw friend!

!discovery 40

@ewkaw! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp. (5/5)

Thank you!. I will go back there though to take more detailed shots. It is amazing.

The watercolor paintings on the interior of the ceilings are a true work of art, I really enjoyed the tour of this church.

It is. I wish I took more photos of the ceiling, but some mass about to start and I just left.

So very ornate! It would cost so much to recreate that today!

Oh yea!
I am sure it was a fortune back then too, but church was probably a lot wealthier than now.

Looks like the Oneplus does a great job. I'm currently rocking the Samsung S21 and will upgrade to the iPhone 15 pro in a few days(Santa came a bit late, I know). Curious how the cameras on that one are.

Its not bad especially that is it not a new phone. I still prefer camera, but sometimes it is just handier.
The iPhone one should be really nice :)

This church it's so cool!!

Yea :D I will go check it out again :p

I really like the architecture of churches and my head whistles from seeing all the art and beauty of architecture. I agree that mobile phones are more responsive in dark environments. good luck my friend

Some are really amazing and I am so glad they lasted this log.
Thank you!

Wow - ornate does not even go far enough to describe what that church is like inside - it looks fantastic !


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A beautiful Church 👍

It is, thanks :)

U r welcome 😁

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Wow, what a beautiful architecture!!!! Really awesome my good friend

Thank you! :)

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