Publish your story...

in Freewriters7 months ago


A good story is meant to be published for the world to see, i do not see a reason why a well written story would not be published.

These days the rate of corruption in the world is really alarming, people prefer to be paid than to do the right thing. The way money has become the other of the day is so sueprising, selfish people roaming the streets.

These things are not surprising to me, because i have my own story to tell. I have witnessed it first hand the selfish act of humansat the expense of doing what is right.

I really would live to encourage the story writer to publish, and bless the world with such amazing write up. Inspite the wayward way of the world, some of us deserve the best part of things. The beautiful stories soothings the heart and makes up for time spent alone.

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