It's time to win some hive simply for your creative comment! Welcome to week three of my #weekend-engagement hive giveaway, a chance to win some hive, have some fun and engage with a few members of the blockchain. There's no real rules here other than fun so kick your noggin's into action and get commenting.
The prize pool
There's 40 hive on offer this week thanks to the generosity of a couple of last weeks' winners who returned their winnings. Pay it forward is alive and well here folks! Nice work champs.
Thanks to @bashadow and @stevenwood for 10 hive each back into the pool. I've put up the rest for a total of 40 hive y'all! I'll split up the hive commensurate to the number of entries; Last week there were four winners so this week who knows? You have to be in it to win it though!
I'm open to offers if anyone would like to add to the prize pool. No pressure. Just transfer me the hive and comment on this post tagging me so I can amend the prize pool amount.
Edit: Prize pool now 50 hive!
Thanks to @krazzytrukker for an extra 10 hive. Noce work mate!
The criteria
This is all about fun. Last week a few took it quite seriously and whilst that's cool, I'm looking for fun and creativity! This is a chance to showcase your zany side, creativity or droll humour; Whatever you decide!
Everyone can enter, even if you won last week. I still encourage it.
So, this week I thought I'd make it more clear and force you to be creative.
Week three topic:
Tell me what this is - Wrong answers only
You may get bonus points for deciphering, and adding to your comment, what you think is spelled on the screen too.
There's no wrong answer folks...Well actually they all need to be wrong so what I mean is anything goes here, you're only limited to your imagination.
Add your answer in the comments of this post and try to keep it under 150 words or so. Make sure you have your comment placed by Monday morning 02:30 GMT - That's 12pm (lunchtime) Monday, my time. I will announce the winners soon after and the hive will have been transferred prior to the announcement.
Why do this?
This is about inspiring commenting, engagement and creativity here on hive and to allow people to kick-start relationships between users they might not usually come across; What better way to open a relationship than with humour, creativity and fun right?
Drop your comments below and good luck.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
Join the Engagement League
That's the change we've all been waiting for!
You can have them anywhere you go now! :D
tokens.Finally, a clear opportunity to get em out for Hive.
I see your tits and raise you these tits
😂 Fucking gold brah!
For the love tittayss
Lol...It had to be done, and the blockchain will never be the same.
We're changing the world, one
titblockchain at a time.Ah yes, and digital-archaeological researcher's of the future will ponder over it for years.
Now I am happy that you didn't type ass.
you no go kill person
Don't you wish your titties were hot like mine
you wish... you want to see ... i wont show you
Aww, come on. Don't be shy, I won't touch it, I promise
Yes you will! Lol.
This is a Nigerian prince charming 😂😂😂
By their belly size you shall know them 🤐🤐🤐
It's basically a six pack but all.six of the abs gathered at the centre. Sweet in the middle you know 😄
Ohh I see. Can't see any honey 🍯 flowing in the middle.
What then makes it sweet?🤔🤔🤔
You know I hate beans😭😭😭
My apologies Mr Beans😂
Too many depression-noodles?
That adds up 😣
Oh no no no. You are a sensible dude, don't let him lead you down the wrong path!!!
Jeez this blockchain has descended in to utter topless anarchy :D
By the way don't say you 'raise him' the pubs will be open here again soon... Can you imagine the inappropriate vibes he will share with an unsuspecting community then???
I couldn't help myself. I saw those tits and I felt this weird surge of show your tits energy flowing through me.
Sadly I understand all too well. It's like a bloody spell... The instant I saw it I just knew I must smash every camera in the house in order to avoid the temptation...
Some here, call him community leader, I however call him a bad influence and a lesson to children everywhere (just not one that us adult ones will ever learn!!!) :D
Shit. That picture should have come with a warning damn it.
Oh that is certainly the truth!!! a powerful force.
Overwhelmingly strong.
Oh my eyes... LoL

please click src for a proper eye wash.
Motivated, thanks for the src.
tokens.You and the rest of the blockchain.
Click the source (src) link for a soothing eye cleansing... Heheheh
Aaaaarrggh!!! I hate koala bears!!
I've only got 7 hairs!
7 koala hairs!!! :0D
This comment feed needs more BOOBS!
And there it is...At last!
Boobs make the world go round!!
I like em round!
You can't go back on what you asked for.
You can get them if you really 🙂🙂🙃
In a loud tone REALLY want them
REALLY! (This is the equivalent of a blockchain loud tone.)
Pierce those bad boys for the blockchain.
No needles near me thank you very much!
Tweak them then.
later ;)
Lol, yes!
🤪 My eyes have been violated 🤮
My work here is done :D
What has been seen, can never been unseen.
I feel so teary after seeing it 🥺🥺🥺
I think many of us will need psychological treatment after seeing it. Hopefully they take hive as payment. 😂
What am I seeing pls😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈
Thou shall not see
Sorry not sorry! :D :D
You don't need to. What's :D :D?.
Is it supposed to be an emoji cause I can't see any
:D is a lazy 😁
Ohh 🙄🙄
Any other one?? :E, :F do they also mean lazy
I don't think so. On some chat apps a :D will automatically convert to 😁
Is this back view or front view???😂😂
Does anybody have any top-tips on the correct method to apply hydrogen peroxide to retina???
Ain't nobody got enough money to pay for the kind of counselling I'm gonna need!
And here's me thinking it's been my best contribution to the blockchain all week!
Funnily enough, that could very possibly be true also...
No offence... :D
Add a side-boob angle and a few paragraphs and I could onto a winning post here :)
Yup the bar has been raised significantly recently, huh?
I'm working waaay too hard, I need to stop celebrating completing a post with whisky and drink the whisky first and just let loose! :D
Let her rip!
It's been poor on the content production front for me to this week, perhaps a few drinks will help :)
Well, it's your only entry right? So...Top of the pops!
Claim it on work-cover, tell them you were on the computer checking "work emails" and it just popped up.
The last time I was on the work computer and I used the phrase it just popped up oh maybe there's no need to tell this story now...
Lol...Yeah, happens to the best of us. :)
You're just trying to make me feel better aren't you... Why oh why am I not like the other boys?
Haha, well only you can answer that question.
Hahah nice. 84 comments on this NSFW nudie!
Boobs are popular!
Ugh. You made me look.
That’s my step counter after I got lost in Kuitpo Forest or one week on a good week or one months worth while working from home cuz of COVID
Lol, not bad step count. You should be proud. That's about 12 months worth for me!
Speaking about creativity & about 1 invisible enemy. People are so creative that they fall for any theory they hear.
The theory of our leaders is that we have an invisible enemy.
Our leaders imposed some measures that reduce our liberties so they have the burden of proof.
What's the proof?
How creative do you have to be to accept a theory that has zero proof, without asking questions?
Is lack of creativity funny or sad?
My guess is that it's so bad that it's not even funny.
What do you think?
Are you referring to COVID-19?
What do you think about it?
Just glad I haven’t got it, I can see a lot of jobs going because of the lockdown. How about you?
Our leaders imposed some measures that reduce our liberties so they have the burden of proof.
What's the proof?
i guess you missed that part from the previous comment.
Can you stop leaving nonsense and irrelevant comments all over the place, please?
Do you believe we should give up our freedom with zero proof?
I believe you are full of nonsense.
Everybody can make claims, even i can.
Do you think you can offer an argument for your claim?
Is that some kind of solar-powered random porno password generator?
Haha, yeah...That's possibly what it is. 80085 is probably the master password for every pornsite ever. I'm sure they're be a few scrambling to write it down and store it as safely as their hive keys!
Does porn site use password 🙄🙄
Neverrrrrr knew.
Lol 🤔
I'm serious. I didn't know🤔
Sure. 😇
I also know it's not true ☺️☺️☺️
tokens.WooHoo! My first ENGAGE tokens on Hive. Score!
I want six of those
Lol, I'll sell you one...
It's a random knowledge generator for me...never knew about it before...
I never knew the porn community was so echo friendly
Before the fall this was how we think people communicated. They were limited to simple words or phrases but we suspect they were pretty adept at it. One can only surmise what they might have accomplished if their civilization had survived. For now, all we can do is keep digging for more relics like this.
Further into the excavation, a slightly more sophisticated device is uncovered
But on it the same simplistic language in reference to 80085 persist. On this single device the team has uncovered
Perfect 80085 (o)(o)
Fake 80085 ( + )( + )
Big nipple 80085 (@)(@)
Wonder bra 80085 (oYo)
Cold 80085 ( ^ )( ^ )
Lopsided 80085 (o)(O)
Pierced 80085 (Q)(O)
Tassel 80085 (p)(p)
Grandma's 80085 \ o /\ o /
What or who were these 80085 and why did these ancients seem to spend almost all their time talking about them? The quest for the truth continues
Oh man! I would love to see Discovery channel take on that investigation...
These ancient peoples seemed to be obsessed with 80085 and references to them can be found everywhere. The masters need to be convinced to delegate significant resources to researching this topic to determine what these mysterious 80085 are and if they can be used for the benefit of our society.
Nice, a communication device, that pretty much only spells out boobs. Makes a lot of sense now you say it and I see how it totally works. I can imagine bunch of archaeologists sitting around scratching their heads over it until one works out what 80085 actually spells.
Well done. Nice comment.
tokens.My scales give me that very same reading, every time I get on them!
Wait, you weigh 80085 too!?
Haha, scales...Nice one. Well, I eat a few donuts here and there, a little chocolate and a burger or two...So, yeah why not...I might as well weigh 80085kg. 🙂
As long as you're not also developing BOOBS. 😉
Nah, just 80085. Lol.
tokens.Seth MacFarlane's golf swing analyzer, of course!
It is a golf swing analyzer -there is no question about it. It has already become an integral part of our daily lives after all. You have one, huh?
The tricky question here is whose gadget it is.
"MR" implies that the owner is a man.
"MC" implies that his name contains "Mc" or "Mac"
The numbers on it imply that it might include a dance number while the color pink indicates that it has something to do with women.
All these along with the last two digits "85" are more than enough to crack the code -"BOOBS"- given on the screen: The 85th Annual Academy Awards. It must belong to the host, Seth MacFarlane, who bragged about seeing the world's most beautiful women's boobs, except Jennifer Lawrence's.
Too sexist but equally funny - enjoy!
Now, come to think of it, we saw Jennifer Lawrence's boobs a year later when her iCloud account was hacked. And golf helped her break the news of her nude photos to her dad, so it is only natural that she also gave a golf swing analyzer as a "I'm sorry" gift to her dad!
Hmm, I've changed my mind - here is my final answer: It is Jennifer Lawrence's dad's golf swing analyzer.
A delightfully wrong (as expected) but oh so right answer! It has everything: Logic, humour, boobs (essential), Jennifer Lawrence's boobs (also essential), Seth McFarlane...I think you hit this one out of the park!
It is nice to wake up to this comment of yours.
I crossed my fingers!
There's been a lot of comments, let's see what happens on Monday! Have a great weekend though.
You, too.
A lot of creativity is going around here. It is impressive.
I know, creativity and some funny comments. That's what I do this for though, to get people interacting.
tokens.Clearly it’s a time machine! But why would you want to go to the year 580.08 (as a Finn, I assume the eight is the month, no other explanation to this weird date) when people eat only turnips and cabbage? Oh farts the amount of gas in the air! Talk about pollution!
Oh, it seems I read it wrong. It's the other way round. It’s the year 80085. I bet then, it is the same thing as in 580. People eat only turnips and cabbage.
Oh I know! Let's make predictions for the year 80085. And you always have to start it like Conan's house band singer starts the predictions singing: "In the year three thousaaaaaaaaaand." (You have to promise me that you won’t go to the year 80085 and check what the future brings.)
Okay, I'll go first:
"In the year eighty thousand eighty-fiiiiiiiiiiiiiive..."
Sorry, word count 150 prevents me from writing more.
Don't tell me Conan survives and makes it into the future! That's disconcerting.
It seems, also, that turnips and cabbage feature prominently in the future too...I think it might be best that I stay here. Lol.
Well he is a barbarian, they are tough stock... Oh wait... We're not talking about the same Conan are we???
Lol...Nah, this Conan is somewhat less built, than the other. Talks a lot more though.
tokens.So essentially what I am hearing is this is a device to travel back to 580 and then travel forward to the year 80085 and sell the last remaining cabbage and turnip ever for 80085 BTC?
By Jove that's an ingeniously cunning plan...
While excavating the new site with Professor Galenkaput, Faithiana found something she was not sure about. She did not know what to think of it, but she knew that the dream of her life would have an idea.
"Professor, what do you make of this", she asked as she was checking his pectoral muscles out. All that shovel work early in his life was very kind to him.
Let's have a look then, as he leaned down to look some numbers started to form on the device. Did you touch it Faithiana? he asked as the numbers began to form.
"No professor, it looked odd, was giving off some sort of a vibration, so I called you...she paused in her thoughts as the professors shirt slowly began to fade from his body.
"Go on then Faithiana, finish your thought" he said as he continued to watch the numbers form. "Hmmm..I wonder what the meaning of 80085 is" he mumbled to himself as he felt a soft cool breeze across his chest. "hey where did my shirt go"! 80085, wait that's boobs, Boobs why would that suddenly appear and my shirt disappear"? he wondered aloud as he looked over at Faithiana.
Faithiana, just stood there staring at his chest, she felt compelled for some reason to speak, to answer his question while she was staring at his chest. "I don't know Professor, I was just standing here watching you hover over the device and...and...well I started thinking about your chest"
"You found it Faithiana", as the professor jumped up and gave her the hug she had been dreaming of all her life, "You found the Arcturian Dream Maker Device, now all our dreams can come true!!!
Dream maker device...Of course it is.
I'll be honest, I didn't know where this was going when I read the word vibration but dream-maker device is a legitimate destination.
I liked shirt off/swooning girl aspect, so Mills and Boon romance novel and slightly risqué.
I think you nailed it here, again.
[Now, how do I make this thing work...There is hive to moon!]
It is rather hard to think after reading all the comments already from the last seven hours, and there were a lot. Everyone it seemed had seen the boobs, so I had to work that in with the what the heck is this thing concept as if no one had seen one before.
It's funny, I thought people would make their comments refer to the item, but most relate to the numbers on the screen. It's Asher's fault for getting his baps out. He started it. #blockchainbadboy
tokens.Wow! They really are impressive pectorals, I just wanna rub oil all ov.... Whoa wait... Your words are insidious and oh-so-convincing, for an instant I lost myself... Jeez you are like a story tellin' ninja, you sure know how to set a scene!
Maybe a future as a romantic novelist awaits... Who knows, eh?
I see boobs. As the cultured and simple man that I am, if I see boobs, whether it's on a calculator, or grasped in my hands, I like.
( . )( . )
tokens.Lol...I read your whole reply, but all I saw was boobs!
Is there anything else that a man ever needs in his life? My mate's dad once told me, "Having life without friends, is like having tits without nipples... It's pointless!", lol XD
boobs (.)(.)
Haha! Smart dad.
80,085 is number of lice in your hair. If you've reached 80,085 HIVE, you can consider getting a baboon to do grooming for you. They eat lice like snacks.
Lice? Hmm, I'd like to think there wasn't even one! 80,085 of them would be far too many, I'd rather have 80,085 BTC right now, and I wouldn't mind a baboon also, I'd send it to my workplace to do my job in place of me.
Just found out they are not lice. The white stuffs monkeys pick on hair are actually salt particles from dried sweat.
Lice, dried sweat...All sounds so charming. Lucky I'm not a monkey I guess, and shower twice a day.
tokens.Where did you bought that? I've been looking for this everywhere. I've earned 5 Hive and I wish to trade it for that. For those who don't know what this is. Its the 80085 Quantum Computer made by Satokamoto and is capable of delivering a computing power that will surpass all the worlds computer combined. It is so fast that it can solve a problem even before you start typing it in. It can even predict what you are thinking right know. (.)(.) , (.)(.), (.)(.) & (.)(.) =P
tokens.Hmm, I like it! I could use a computer that can solve the problem even before it knows the problem!
Ah naa!! How did anybody not figure out what this is!! Its a fart counter bro.. Just an ol' fart counter.. This is for the loud ones though.. There should be two more. Red and green for the wet ones. And black and blue for the silent ones.. Eh! Easy peasy.
Of course, that's what it is...Tally them all up, work out what percentage were wet, silent, loud. Po let sized and easily transportable. A handy piece of kit.
that guy must have eaten a can of rotten beans or something🤔 or might be that swedish fish pickle surströmming. 80k loud ones! Poor guy must have a crater on his back now.
Lol, his ass went off like fucking Chernobyl!
Guy could run a theme park now. With all the rides and pools. welcome to the adventures of Pooland lol
Lol @ Pooland.
Sounds like fun for the whole family. Do they have a log ride? Lol.
Here's someone enjoying their visit as we speak...
Well, now humanity will never have any shortage of quality fertilizers. XDXD
tokens.I tried getting the Black version but they were always sold out on Aliexpress
Too trendy lol. Or some crazy billionaire hodling and trying to be a tillionaire. A fair guess would be Ronald Dump. fighting fox news with fart machines
I hate how correct you are
Me too brother. Me too.
Fools... fools one and all... All of the answers in this thread are ridiculously far off the mark.
This is the boobometer model 80085 it was developed by social scientists to understand men's brains better. To demonstrate exactly how this remarkable device works an extraordinary scientific feat was undertaken.
Galen input the data 3 days ago, divided the base tangent by the average number of people likely to visit this post, by the number of unique respondents (a process known as the mammary equation, developed by Titus Nippleonius Breastman) The immense machinations at play would deduce with pinpoint accuracy how many times the word 'boobs' would be used on this page...
In an almost perfect display of predictive modelling, the device, now almost at the end of the experiment reads 80084 just one short of the total number believed would emerge from this extremely complicated process. As an academic I have one deduction yet to summarise from this amazing demonstration...
Smart guy old Titus is...
I don't know, a sad indictment of where people's heads are at on this blockchain...Or all these answers for what this item is actually are true! Lol.
Nice comment.
Keep your eyes open for this weeks topic...You'll need pen or pencil and paper.
tokens.Behold the candy-ledger-mighty-draw crypto wallet!
The incredible safety that comes from this crypto hardware wallet is first and foremost its blinding colors. Ready to scare away any thieves that might come your way.
Secondly, its many buttons will make sure that no one will be able to figure out how it works without the manual.
And thirdly it is equipped with the latest encryption for safe connecting to your phone over Bluetooth.
Fourthly, as it is a Japanese invention, you need to read the characters from right to left, so any person that might get in contact with your candy-ledger will have a hard time to realize what it is actually for.
The code you see on the screen is your personal discount code, that will be enabled once you send me the seed phrase of your regular ledger-nano s. As soon as I have been able to confirm the validity of your seed phrase, I will personally make sure that this magnificent device is shipped to you for free!
Not convinced yet? As a one time offer, an offer that will never be available to you again, I will include my book ‘moon-Lamborghini-crypto’ my top ten reasons why u you should trust my authority and a special discount code that you can give to any friend or family member you like: ‘moon-bitcoin-4u’.
Make sure to fill out the form on the website right now, there are only 3 devices left! You do not want to miss this opportunity!!
Lol, good comment!
Yeah it makes sense; A crypto wallet. I can tell that the encryption would be secure and with backwards-encryption the candy-ledger looks to have cutting-edge tech!
I'm glad I have it in my possession.
You are a lucky man to be the owner of such a prized possession 😋
I am...And lucky also to have the chance to dish out some hive to some lucky people today...Stay tuned for the announcement post.
tokens.Damn! This is why my lady won't allow me to watch infomercials I want TWO of these NOW!!!
Can I use that discount code twice??? CAN I???
Ofcourse you can! But you have to act today!
You know when there were no computers and internet, and physicists were trying to get the heck of nature of the electron. They were so desperate and frustrated with inexplicable behavior of these little assholes.
So this was their only way to get high and release their stress since the act of sex was believed to be a sin in that era especially for intellectuals.
Step Involved:
8008S, 8008S, 80008S...............upto infinity.
Those physicists are freaks by nature it seems, but clever too as they managed to work around the no sex rule. 😂
Your wrong answer is indeed right!. So, here's some...
HAHA! No sex-rule land:
If Vitalik Buterin come up with such a project in Russia ,I am sure people are gonna invest in it. This token is gonna replace Bitcoin in like 4 months. We are gonna discuss how cool this project seems and bla/ bla...
On the top of that, think about @leofinance discussing about the chart of $NSX as it becomes the global currency.
Humans are crazy, or is it just my mind? :-D
Nope, you're 100% right...Humans are crazy for sure.
:-D Thanks
tokens.I knew it!
I have always been utterly convinced all those research grants were spent on beer and Pizza and number generated strippers!!!
Haha! I am more convinced now. Poor Physicists🤫
Disclaimer: I have no intention to disrespect any profession. It is for entertainment only.
That is one of the best inventions ever created by God and Man. A source of life And death.
The key to life and death? Hmm, I must be lucky to have such a powerful tool in my possession then!
tokens.I will go bad boy on this 🤪🤪🤪
I see a white babe wearing a pink bikini 👙 saying let's go 80,085 rounds baby 😅😆😆.
Haha, you know, I saw the same thing! They say great minds think alike and I think we just proved it!
Yeah thank you sir 🤗😊😇
tokens.You would need the same number of bottles of lotion for the soreness after that many rounds!!!
I swear, man go just die.
After that many rounds I think that would be the ONLY option left!!! 😆
It's a typewriter for mathematicians, and at first it was very popular, because it really spoke their language, but the fad quickly died once they discovered that only a few useful words like the one above could be typed. Also, they had to erase each previous word before the could show another one to their colleagues.
Hmm yes, it's so obvious now you say it...I'm rather embarrassed I hadn't worked it out myself now.
Of course that's what it is...I'd like to know what the other useful words are, although to be completely honest, how much more useful could they be than 80085? The most useful things ever! Lol.
Thanks heaps for participating and clearing up, once and for all, what this thing is...And also for endorsing the extreme usefulness of 80085.
Yes, that was the sample word that was used in all their ads for the product, which is probably another reason for high initial sales.
It sells...Everyone knows that. Even made me buy a pink one! (Not that I'm a mathematician or anything...) But who can resist the power of 80085?
A search of the web will reveal some of the other less popular words that could be typed on the typewriter, here's a small sample:
HO = 04
LESBO = 0.8537
OBESE = 35380
Another annoyance was that sometimes you had to flip the device around, as some words were displayed upside down.
Ah yes, Google knows everything!.
Just looking at those three words, reading them in reverse order with the words, you're nothing but an... in front of them...
Sort of makes me chuckle.
Not you of course...I mean you in the more general sense of the word.
At 50 years old a person would think this sort of thing wouldn't make me laugh...But nope, still laughing.
No not a bit of it... Age is no substitute for maturity my friend, the two are often mistakenly linked but alas they have zero correlation...
They did release a version of this typewriter that allowed the words to be printed on paper, like traditionally-marketed typewriters, but strangely, those typewriters were mainly aimed at accountants instead of mathematicians.
And it still suffered from the problem that some words were upside down, and this problem was even more evident when multiple words were on the page, with some being upside down, so there was no way to read all the words without flipping it back and forth.
And now accountants are as redundant as the device itself...Thanks Xero accounting software. Who needs jobs anyway?
Ultimately the entire design team was canned, but there's a happy ending to the story, because they realized that their true strength lay in quick sell fads of useless products. Among other well-known products, they later went on to design the "fidget-spinner"...
Haha, the fidget-spinner...It's flame burned brightly, but briefly. I had someone give me one for some reason or other. I fidgeted for a few minutes then threw it in the bin. One of the worlds most useless products. Now, the yo-yo on the other hand...Many hours of fun! Lol.
Ah, the yo-yo was a great product. Originally designed to teach the principles of angular mechanics to small children, but later banned in many countries after children found it also made a great weapon.
Now I do not want to stereotype or pigeonhole mathematicians in any way shape or form but I imagine they would have parties and that type-writer and indeed that very word would be incredibly popular...
After billions of dollars of research carried out by the greatest minds on the planet, I believe what we are looking at is the equation that proves men can think of 2 things at once
Lol...Yes, and we know what those two things are...
Nice answer indeed.
Isn't that a digital toaster used for hearing the thoughts of vegetables before they go to school every morning?
Digital toaster...Of course, how could I not know this?
Could have fooled anyone with the brilliant design
Yeah, could be that, or maybe I'm just dumb. Let's go with the brilliant design premise. 🤔
What is this?
Looks like something meant for the kids, enjoyed by the man and handled by the women.
I am talking about legos.
Haha, I've never seen a Lego minifigure like that before! Quite huge 80085's.
37818 6,9: 378806 - 5304 - 58008 - 5317738 - 53704, - 05 - 53507 - 7734
Hive key?
it is a tough code to crack.
Yes, virtually indecipherable.
Hell Loses So Holes Bellies Boobs Hoes Gobble ?? Bible...
Am I even in the ballpark?
What are you writing that for on a pink and white calculator you have me concerned mate😱🤣
80085 should have been your user name.
@j80085 lol.
Hmm actually i see a pink caricatulater...Making from numbers to caricature...:)
Caricatulater...Sounds like a handy device to have around I'd say. One never knows when one needs to produce a caricature.
if we gain something unknowingly, it must be a machine for hive mining.
Hive-mining device...I like it...Good thing it's mine then huh? 🙂
It looks like a masturbation prompter... Jastek made the best ones.
Jastek have the monopoly on wank-reminders. Cornered the market it seems.
It's all in the name!!!
Damn! You were doing so, so well Boomy... You hadn't mentioned masturbation in almost 8 minutes... Oh wait no I re-checked, I meant 8 seconds... :D
a rather rare and evasive sea bird, and a relative of the Gannet
Is that the Boobie you mean?
Booby, yes :)
Lol...Thought so. 😂
Think outside the box, yet in it :)
Personally I see a purple floor mat with Alphabets used to design it.
Correct me if I'm right😁😁
Ah yes, a floor mat with a design on it...Well, every answer has to be wrong, so considering you met that requirement then your wrong answer is indeed correct, at the same time as being wrong. 😂
Yes 😂😂😂
I'm glad you see the floor mat too. I had to wear contacts and binorculars before I could dicpher what I saw in that picture
Haha, it's all so clear now. Quite obvious really. 🙂
Obvious really. Can't believe it was difficult for me to decipher but it was easy for you to 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺😟😟
You guys have killed me.. I am just laughing here like a crazy person 😅😆😆😆 especially @belemo @beckie96830 and @abh12345.
There's been some funny comments. I hope you enter with your own answer to my question.
Sure.. check mine 😅😆
Yes oh. I left answering the questions and turned your comment section to a private group chat.
Haha, that's ok, not a problem. This is all about engagement!
Yes. I'm relieved to know that you are cool about it.
I'm a pretty cool dude in general B, so...Yeah, cool.
Those are my titsss baby. Titties and proud
Always. I'm proud of you too😆😆
Abeg ohh. Don't die😅
Uhmmmm I scrolled a bit down and saw that it's getting hot in here🔥😂😂😂 So much Hiveian male skin hahha. From just a couple of numbers. Who knows what might be next during the weekend. Hahhaha I laugh so hard😂😂😂
I will be thinking about this. Until then....dimple gym😂
Yes, the comment thread needs a woman's touch I think, so we'll wait and see what you come up with.
Ahhhhhhhh I had a first thought but nonono I will not say🙈🙈 I have many ideas, must select, I shall return with an answer hihi
Sometimes I get stressed with work, too many things have to be done and as the day goes on you just have the feeling nothing goes as you planned. I used to get pissed off with days like this, but when we entered lockdown, after lunch I enjoy having a coffee outside and smoking a pipe. Today was one of those days, so I took this cup for my coffee and relaxed slowing down getting ready for the weekend. :)
Coffee is life's great healer!
I am working a nightshift tonight and will drink in excess of 40 cups... After that much even my teeth itch and I can smell colours. Yup! Don't let the stress get to you, once it is cleared and everything is put right new stresses will come along the next day anyway.
Coffee makes most things better, even work.
Reading the comment I get to learn too many things....especially the porno keys...I never knew before..and secondly people are so crazy getting to the answer....
At first , I took it as your bank balance or crypt wallet balance...that may you own in crypto curently...😉
Yeah, 80,085 BTC.
Who knew that a thread centred around the word boobs could be so educational, right? LOL :D
Ahhh..😲.that really lookalike now i a mathematical numeric figure can relate to lady figure..😜
Oh yes indeed! Academics and ancient civilizations have known this secret for millennia. It is called the 'boobcurve numeric principle.'
That is a time machine, and the numbers indicate which year we Argentines are going to move to.
in 80085 the international monetary fund will have to go or wait to collect Argentina's external doubt.
A time machine would be nice to have I think, especially one that fit in the pocket. Hmm, I wonder what I would do with such a device, where I would go first. I think I'd certainly go backwards, not forwards. The future doesn't look so good in my estimation.
I think like you, if I had the opportunity to travel in time I would do it backwards, I have made many mistakes that I would love to remedy, saying I love you that I never said, apologizing to those who did not do it and they are gone.
As for the future I want to discover it day by day, therein lies the meaning of my life, being able to face and overcome all the things that are going on
I wish you a wonderful weekend
Seems a perfectly good reason to go back in time, and to ensure you rectify the mistakes of the past from this minute forward.
@galenkp, That is the amount that you are giving and that I want to win haha
If I had that amount (of BTC) I'd be happy to share it around. Lol.
Hopefully, this way I can receive my share and you can help many more Mr @galenkp
We'll see... :)
You are generous, I know that you would do it with a large part, or not?
Tiempos aquellos en los que la mente, el lápiz y el papel eran nuestras únicas herramientas. Pues sí, cuando los hombres nos divertíamos con barcos de papel...
Thanks for your comment. I'm sorry I don't speak Spanish but I appreciate you taking the time to reply.
Looks like the total $ I have spent on Truck Stop Slop that I have eaten in the last 28 years of KrazzyTrukkin'...
And a flat chested girl would be (turn upside down to read) 22378008
Fun fact... Sammi Jo has 6 of them. And cats can have anywhere between 4-10 of em. And it can even be an odd number. It is also a very common cause of mortality in cats (3rd highest) less common in cats that get spay'd. Yes cats do die of breast cancer.
I've had my share of truck-stop chow. Rarely good for the health, but often good.
I didn't know about the breast cancer thing in cats. Interesting.
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The computer says penis, about all the time I have to write sorry :) Well it is 2,41 am but I did log in and tried to join in, but got a 5am start so off to bed.
Lol, that's a mike-drop comment. :)
:) Well you can but try, I guess my career in comedy is over then lol.
That’s the actual number of times bill gates has said ‘we need a vaccine’ in a single day as he watches the stock prices of his vaccine ‘investments’ skyrocket. Trust the billionaire software programmer!
(He does indeed consider vaccines a better monetary investment than most things)
You !3104558
Old Billy huh? Yeah, he loves vaccines, but not as much as the money they make him. Worldwide strife is when billionaires become trillionaires I guess. And people like me become more firmly entrenched in slavery.
+10 HIVE from Krazzy!
When your cat learns magic tricks...
Hey bro...Thanks mate, I've amended the post to note the 50 hive in the prize pool. Much appreciated mate. Classy.
Thinking of your "Lil' Guy" Merlin.
I was finally able to sell the Bittrex Steem (a month late) and convert it to HIVE.
Nice one mate...Yeah, I sold my last powerdown only last week. I have 250 left in there and started a new PD so will get some of it out although I don't know what the price will be when it comes out. Oh well. I convert it all to hive anyway so whatever it is will end up powering up. Every little bit helps. Trying to get to 100K on hive. Loooong way to go.
(Merlin is gone K. I'm pretty broken right now. Just trying to be normal, but the sorrow and grief comes in waves. I miss my best friend.)
tokens.Oh my my I scrolled again through here.... My eyes hurt😂👀 My dimples are pure muscle now lol.
Theen I figured... Let's find some girls to put some skin/hair in the game. So.. The 80085 represents the secret number of men from the entire Earth who have a secret crush on meeting one of these two gorgeous ladies in a real life form in 2020
I do not dare to think how you got your hands on this top super secret statistics. I know you can't reveal the sources. But well.....That is 80085 heartbreaks, cuz those are only seen on TV😂😂 Maybe lockdown severely altered men's taste in women🤣🤣🤣🤣Go hairy or go home😂
Not this man...Still, who knows what other guys think? Not me that's for sure.
Hahahahahha. Too much man hair in the replies, I felt I had to ruin it somehow hahhahhaha😂😂😂
It was a good comment.
The comment thread took on a rather male-dominated aspect and strangely seemed all about the numbers on the calculator screen rather than the calculator itself. It was strange how that turned out as I was more interested in the item.
Anyway, let's see who wins some hive in 16 hours or so.
Haha, that is why I brought up the two ladies, balancing things up. One hair at a time😂😂
By the way, I started to read a Jim Rohn book and guess what I found. I instantly thought of you
Jim Rohn is my new idol. I absolute love what this man had to say. Will keep on reading and listen to him.
Haha, yeah pretty close to my life ethos! I'm not read my Jim Rohn myself, a little here and there. Seems like he must be smart, if he quotes me. Lol.
Times when the mind, pencil and paper were our only tools.
Yes, when men have fun with paper boats ...
Way back when technology wasn't a thing huh?