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RE: A discussion on reposting abuse

in OCD4 years ago

Since its inception I've participated in almost each week of #showcase-sunday and have taken the time to rework the posts adding hundreds of words, making them time-relevant, more interesting, informative and better-written from a punctuation perspective. It's a little embarrassing to find so many errors in my past posts to be completely honest.

Having said that, the bones of the posts are the same, essentially.

I believe the concept of the tag is sound, allowing users to show some of their past posts which newer users will probably never see, and also creating more activity on a day where traditionally it would be a little slower, Sunday. It will always be open to abuse, as with everything else here.

Whilst I like the concept I think it will be doubtful I will participate again as ending up on a blacklist is not something I am keen to do; I think that would be quite damaging to my account, credibility and to my own feeling of enjoyment here. It's a shame that there is not a place where people can demonstrate their work to new people, other than nonames concept.

I also agree with @bashadow in that the voters, the ones abusing the reward pool, need to be addressed; It shouldn't just be on the content creator.

I recently posted a six-part series on #showcase-sunday about the Tobruk campaign in WW2. Each was originally some 700-900 words and when reposted I had added around 900-1200 words to each on average...That's bad though? That could end up with me on a blacklist? But what about the voter posting a picture of a Bittrex trading graph 10 times a day and self voting each one...They're all good?

I don't know the answer...All I know is that people will have to scroll back through three years of my posts to find my work...Which we all know won't happen. It's a bit sad as every now and then I actually feel i have presented something interesting to the blockchain.

Thanks @nonameslfttouse for the concept, I have enjoyed it and hope others have found something in my work they missed earlier.


It is amazing that the person who took the time to create a post can have their reputation destroyed because someone gave them a really big vote. I have, in the past on various discussion type post expressed my view when it comes to reward dispute then the voter is the one that needs to take the hit, not the creator. If there was a penalty borne by the voter for attempts at excessive curation rewards then we would have a more balanced down vote system.

Yes agreed. I admit I've not thought of it that way before until I read your comment on my brother's post but you're 100% right. If it's a circle-jerk then sire, but let's say someone likes guns, comes across one of my 2300-word posts about some shooting concept or another and the upvote big...Is that my fault as the creator? Nope. This happened recently and whilst I didn't say anything publicly I wondered what I had done wrong. (Clearly nothing.)

I wonder if there'll ever be any attention placed in the direction you mention...Probably not. All I do is try and produce decent content and whilst not everything is a 2300-word epic I add some flavour, passion, personality and effort to each...I hope to get good (big) votes, but sometimes worry about them too, you know?

I do understand the conundrum of a large vote, I am hoping after Hive is able to finish the break away from steem with the final airdrop hard fork, that we can get attention turned to correcting what I feel were some of the downfalls of steem and steemit. Namely the witness selection and retention process, and then the down vote issue. It is time for people to take a good look at all the issues of the down vote system and repair it also. Then we can get to work on-boarding people into a more user friendly place.

On-boarding, user-friendly and engagement initiatives need to be looked at for sure. I know there's a twitter thing going but many don't have it. I don't, or Facebook for that matter, so I think something else is required. Also, having people land on the trending page full of posts about hive...Hmm, not legit.

I would rather see people land on a page that was full of communities, a synopsis of each, so people could go where they wanted based on their interests...You know, almost like a directory. I mentioned this to Asher a while back who urged me to do a post on it...I'm reluctant though, because I'm really a bit of a hive dumb-ass.

If I was new and landed on that trending page I'd bounce out within seconds. It looks shit, although the peakd one isn't too bad, and all those hive-posts...Enough already.

Anyway, the sooner I never have to hear the word steem again, or read another post about it the better. Then the smart people here can focus on hive as you mention and knuckleheads like me can have a better platform.

It is always hard to find the balance between encouraging participation and discouraging abuse as unfortunately, no matter the area, if there is value, there will be those who try to get more than what they probably deserve for their effort. But, that is part of the "game" and something we have to be able to address and evolve with, as abuse doesn't stop evolving. It is kind of like a cat and mouse game.

Yep, agreed. It's a shame really, but I think I'll have to come up with some other way of showcasing my old work, not sure what.