Super cute Miska puppy :: Daily and Fresh πŸ“· (350/366)

in Daily & Fresh πŸ“Έ β€’ 3 years ago (edited)


Took some new photos of Miska today!
Leo gently held him in his hands while I took the photos. I used the external flash by bouncing it off the ceiling to give the photos more light. (Sigma 50mm Art 1.4, 1/200, F1.4, ISO200)

He is so cute!

Am I mistaken, or is his eye slightly opened? It may be the puppies are finally starting to open their eyes. After all it's been one day over 2 weeks since they were born.

Miska is just adorable.

I must take similar photos of Maksimillian and Milaya too.

See ya!

Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #351
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #352
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #353
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #354
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #355

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These are great photos! I am not good at taking pictures of pets, but I know what I like and I think my favourites are the last two :)

Yay! πŸ€—
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