Home Education Curation Collection. 29th October 2023

in Home Edders8 months ago

I want to apologise for not being on the ball this week. Every time I came to the community I seemed to have missed the window to get members' posts to curation. I'm very grateful to all of those taking the time to share with us and I'm excited to share some of them here today

First our usual thank you everyone who makes this community what it is. This week 7% beneficiaries will go to some great contributors who didn't get as much reward as they should have:




This week from @emmaris we had a fun maths game with a mathematical pyramid. I love this puzzle design for practising addition and I can imagine it would work well for multiplication too.

We had another puzzle game from @eumelysm to help develop motor control. It also includes the opportunity to see how well they can follow instruction and recognise colours.

More maths fun comes from @yessi08 with an interactive ice cream board for addition and subtraction. I love the interactive nature and how it can be reused.

The joy of homeschooling is that you can choose to learn however you want and sometimes opportunities pop up that are not to be missed. This week @taliakerch shared with us how she got the opportunity for her son to attend a programming school. Have you experienced opportunities like this before?

With @missdeli we return to puzzles, this time it's jigsaw puzzles. There was another lesson in the topic she shared, in that leading by example can be the best way to encourage a joy of learning in our children.

Thank you for joining us. This curation was brought to you by @minismallholding and this week I have added @qwerrie as 10% beneficiary for the ongoing delegation support. Thank you!
HomeEdders image created by @minismallholding, logo created by @ryivhnn's sister.


Supporting home education and educational content. If you’re a home educator, home educated or are thinking about home education, find out what we’re about HERE.

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@tipu curate 8

Thanks for the mention and support!

Best regards!

Muchas gracias por el apoyo ☺️

Another lovely round up, as always.
I also apologize for not being always here to curate some of these posts.