Achievements deserve to be celebrated …

in Reflections2 months ago

Big changes happen gradually, in small steps, in small gains, in great experiences…

To achieve what we set out to do is a wonderful feeling. It boosts our self-esteem and makes us feel good about ourselves.

It doesn't matter what kind of task we are talking about: solving a problem, organizing an action plan, passing a test, maintaining a routine or simply finishing something we started – all achievements deserve to be celebrated.

By celebrating I mean above all by stopping and feeling the joy that comes from having finished a task, acquiring something for which we have strived, being healthy.

Acquiring the habit of contemplating what we have done and congratulating ourselves, for that reason it is the simplest step to realize the great amount of things that we are capable of achieving.

Don't let anyone or anything tell you that you can't, because everything is possible... it depends on you!

We have to rescue the lost values, starting from every home, school, to put them into practice inside and outside, wherever we are. Values, the best way to be better citizens.

Passion is born from the heart and manifests itself in the form of optimism, enthusiasm, emotional connection, determination... it feeds an unrelenting drive.

Sometimes we waste time waiting for better times ahead. The eternal dilemma of focusing on the future, without appreciating where we are.

The path we have traveled has allowed us to learn and grow and be absolutely grateful for the lessons. Today is what I have, I take what life can give me right now and make the best of it.

More than 40 years ago I decided to dedicate myself to this passion that makes me exist, motivates me to do something, to make things happen, to do it well, in the right way, to achieve that detail that no one sees, that sense of belonging that we have for something, that's what moves me every day, and that's what excites me about being a management consultant, researcher, university teacher and speaker trainer.

If you're not passionate about what you're doing, it doesn't make any sense, you're not going to do it well, you're not going to enjoy it... getting excited is always worth it.

Those who know me know of my love and respect for everything I do. Life has been so generous with me, that it has allowed me to develop abilities, skills and abilities without pretensions, simply giving me the great gift of learning, growing and evolving every day.

I am a person who has had the luxury of leading teams with amazing people who are willing to learn, to fall in love with who they are while giving life to their creativity, their talent and their desire to move on.

It's simple... I believe in myself.

A life in which everything goes well, everything comes to me easily, a blue sky, even a look at the sea, a cool life and what is for me is on the way, I deserve it and I celebrate.


Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL


You're a wonderful person my friend, someone we can all learn from 🤗

Thank you very much my dear friend, really life is so short that everything we can learn, teach and share will always be a win win for everyone 🔆 Have a wonderful day @erikah