Who Is To Be Blamed?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Who Is To Be Blamed?

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Yesterday a woman in my neighbourhood was crying and running after her 12 years old daughter, Nneka. Nneka is in Jss2 and is 12 years old. She just got pregnant and her dad chased her out of the house. She ran out immediately and her mum chased after her but couldn't find her.

Nneka wears a big body built and so she feels shes a big girl now. So many times, my mum has called and talked to her to leave guys and focus on her study. Funny enough she listens attentively when my mum talks to her yet she turns vack to her old ways the moment she leaves our house. My mum has even called her mum to talk to her daughter but Nneka's mum tells my mum "Nneka is just a child who's acting her age, she'll soon grow from this small boys who frequently comes around her"

Nneka is just 12 years old and now she is expecting. At 12 years she about to be a mum? How would she cope? She doesnt even have a junior secondary school certificate? What are her chances of going back to school when she will have a little baby to nurse? Its just so annoying anndd frustating to know Nneka wasn't even schooled about sex before going into it and this brings me to my question today;

Who is to be blamed for Nneka unwanted pregnacy?

Please answer the question at dpoll.xyz

  • The both parents who didnt give her early sex-education.

  • The man/boy who got her pregnant, Or

  • Nneka.

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for The both parents who didnt give her early sex-education..

Voted for The both parents who didnt give her early sex-education..

Voted for The both parents who didnt give her early sex-education..

Voted for Nneka..

Voted for The both parents who didnt give her early sex-education..

Voted for The both parents who didnt give her early sex-education..

Voted for The both parents who didnt give her early sex-education..

Not enough options. All have responsibility, the girl, maybe, the less. Teachers? Brothers?

Voted for The both parents who didnt give her early sex-education..