
in THE 2020s9 months ago

My Discord server is currently tied at 7 thumbs up and 7 thumbs down. First to 300 will win, will be given more power over my server to govern it as they deem fit. So, only 293 to go. Is this cooler than Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, Jenna, Italy, or trans? People were breathing in the toxins morning, noon, and night so the government could measure the effects it had on their lungs. This is evidence that the military has been in clear violation of the Nuremberg Code (which was established after WWII) since at least the 1950s.

Government sprayed deadly particles from airplanes and other places to give poor people and others deadly cancers and other things all over the United States of America, Alex Jones reporting. Is Fox News actually talking about this? Is it making people trans? In Texas, the toxins were spread by plane but in Missouri it was released off buildings. The cover story was the military was testing smoke screens. Alex Jones reporting via Fox News.

Why was military spraying zinc cadmium sulfide sprayed onto people in America starting in the 1950s? Under ultraviolet, it glows yellow or green meaning easy to detect where it is.

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn on social media. If you're new here, visit introduction and also check out the following links as well. You can also google search my name combined with keywords to find more of my content all over the Internet. You can also chat and advertise in my group on Discord. My content is not copyrighted meaning free to share, clip, reupload, edit, syndicate, rebroadcast, mirror, steal, copy, etc.

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2023-08-23 - Wednesday - Roy Merrick Oatmeal Where World Meme Carmen San Diego image.png

Oatmeal left his Discord

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-09-18 - Monday | Published in September of 2023



In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:06 AM
The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window, season 1, Spoiler Review

02:53 AM
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon 102 Spoiler Review

2023-09-18 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 876pics | Video

2023-09-18 - Monday - Weekly Monday Night Oatmeal Show - Episode 134 - Find Your Friends


google me to find me online
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INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:19 AM

My Discord server suddenly turned into a den of philosophy, I'm making people smarter as we speak unlike the trans, and I'm not even there I swear with all the care bear hairs in the world I dare.

05:42 PM
I love hummus on toasted bagels.

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2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Christmas 1992

2023-09-18 - Monday - 12:26 PM - My 1992 Log.

1992-12 - Rick said: "SNES and karaoke was from Christmas 92. We got two big items, it was really exciting for us." According to a ticket I found, we were at Disneyland on the 26th day of December of 1992. It's possible we got Christmas presents around that time in California and perhaps also in Oregon too. Either way, it's safe to say we got presents that month. Those were the two big items we got from dad. I do remember dad would suggest either a few big presents or many smaller ones. He probably said it multiple times in the 1990s. Not sure if dad would suggest one big present or a few big presents. But a smaller number of like five or less. I would always prefer a few larger presents over many smaller ones.

I wrote: "You did a skit with Bill which I named Chump, it was about a raffle ticket scam."

06:34 PM
Rick: "I only remember watching Feivel Goes West, after we got there. She had asked us if we wanted to go to sleep, but we said no, and of course, we fell asleep during the movie. One day, she made egg salad, and I couldn't eat, it made me want to throw up. Another time, me and Josh were walking somewhere, pushing a shopping cart. Then another time, we were at the park, he was on his motorcycle, pulling us behind him in some kind of cart, and going fast. And then another time, near Grandma's house, I got to ride the motorcycle for probably like 30 seconds. I'm just remembering it now. We also saw a bus stop at a stop, and some random person came out, and was spray painting the back of the bus. Not Josh, Ronny was pulling us behind him in the motorcycle. I think we were thinking that he was going to go into the military soon after that. Josh ran away at Disneyland because he rocked the lift thing that takes you to another part of the park, that Josh and I were on. He just rocked it a little bit, but I thought it was fun, so I rocked it a lot, and I think it was Ronny he made really upset, because they were on the other cart thing, and the rocking caused their cart to rock a lot. I remember Magic Mountain and another train ride, and seeing Thriller in the kind of like 3D theater, or whatever it was. I believe we went in the submarine also."

I replied. Feivel Goes West, maybe I remember this but my memories are mixed with other times I saw that cartoon. I remember Walt Atkins' giant toe nails and Mary had like giant ears. I felt like they were the oldest people i have ever seen at that time. I thought Jim Atkins had a garage but perhaps it was Ronny. Us being in a wagon or something being pulled by Ronny makes sense, my memory said somebody was pulling us. Yeah i remember seeing michael jackson and i didn't know it was thriller. I think i did not really know who MJ was at that time, maybe my first time seeing MJ. I got lost, space mountain, I did the home alone thing following the back of my dad but it wasn't him.

Thanksgiving 1992

2023-09-18 - Monday - 12:26 PM - 1992 Log.

1992-11 - Rick: "I don't remember the skit. I remember that when Josh and Jimmy came to visit, I think it was November, but not sure. I think we rented an SNES fromWhizbang when it was located on Mountain View Lane, near the Laundromat. The guy who worked the counter asked us - shouldn't you be in school. We walked the railroad tracks with Katie. Josh through his huge shoe at the wall in our room, next to the bathroom, and it stuck in the wall. Then he started laughlingly, and started destroying the sheetrock wall with his shoe. Thats why dad had to replace the wall with paneling."

According to dates on photos, I can confirm JIm and Josh Atkins were here in November around Thanksgiving for a few days in 1992. I have memories of the SNES, tracks, Whiz Bang being by the laundromat. I slipped on the ice and snow there once. I didn't know about the shoe wall story or forgot.

1996 Home Videos

2023-09-18 - Monday - 06:43 PM - My 1996 Log.

I wrote to my brother: "Some of the videos we made in 1996 included dates printed as subtitles on the screen, those months include February, May, June, August, September, November, December. So, I'm not sure about the other months. I'm not sure when you filmed the wrestling match between Janet Bailey and Canaan. I'm not sure when you filmed China Man Jack's house."

Discord Drama

2023-09-18 - Monday - 12:26 AM - Discord Log.

South Africa Big Flopper and Italy Emu should stop stalking or stocking my Twitter and take my God damn Discord server poll, it's hotter than trans, Russell Brand and Joe Rogan approves. Big Flopper took my Discord server poll, he gave me a thumbs down meaning he does not want me to be in my own group. Be careful what you wish for. Well, the poll is not final until Flopper and Emu finds 300 more of their friends to give me thumbs down. Then they'll take over. My Discord server is currently tied at 7 thumbs up and 7 thumbs down. First to 300 will win, will be given more power over my server to govern it as they deem fit. So, only 293 to go. Is this cooler than Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, Jenna, Italy, or trans? If you love Johnny Depp, then come take over my Discord server, just take the poll first. Flopper, when is season 2 of Severance coming? Flopper wants me to fight my own battles. Nah, there's an app for that. I mean, there's a poll for that. I'm too busy fighting fish globalists. Anybody can join my Discord server regardless of your politics or religions or gender or trans or whatever.

11:29 AM
On my Discord server, Big Flopper said this: "Moves of Carlton Banks and Elaine Benes." Flopper was talking about the way I dance, Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Elaine from the Jerry Seinfeld show.

12:47 PM
Lopez finally left my Discord server. He was probably working with XBK who gave me bomb threats. Why is Cuba and trans trending on Twitter?

02:11 PM
This Discord server poll won't be final until we get 300 thumbs up or 300 thumbs down. First to 300 wins. The more you help us finalize this poll, the more you'll be rewarded. Thumbs up if you want me to stay in my own Discord group or thumbs down if you want me to leave.

03:14 PM
My Discord server is for you. Feel free to join to make friends. Feel free to advertise, plug, cross-promote, for self-promotion, commercials, buy, sell, classified ads, share links, share memes, share your own groups, plug your social media, your websites, etc. Have fun.

06:21 PM
First to 300 thumbs wins. The results of this Discord server poll must be final but won't be final until we get 300 thumbs up or 300 thumbs down. More you help us finalize this poll, the more you'll be rewarded. Winners may be promoted to become mods, admins, gods, and owners. 1/ Thumbs up if you want me to stay in this Discord server or thumbs down if you want me to leave and never come back. You won't see me here again in this server until this poll is final. Once the results are final, the winners will be rewarded.

06:49 PM
How blind can you be?

People ask me for invite links to my Discord server.

But I post the link on all my social media networks, my blockchain blog websites, TikTok, Facebook, Discord, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Hive, etc.

Join my Discord server:


2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


01:34 AM
Biggest issue I got is Disney Star Wars is adding plot-holes with every new thing they do. I'd forgive them if they simply tried explaining what Ahsoka was doing during the Original Trilogy. Why not begin with the end of Rebels and catch us up to Return of the Jedi?

11:53 AM
Is this why F-35 is trans trending on Twitter? I was thinking more like a D-35. F must be bigger. Just kidding. But seriously, the U.S. federal government is unchecked, I mean mostly the leaders at the top. Biden is trying to get WWIII to go hot with Russia/Ukraine.

04:28 PM
Madonna incited violence in this video when she said she thought a lot about blowing up the White House, this is worse than the goons in my own Discord server threatening to send bombs to my house which is enough to get FBI involved but please don't look at Madonna.

06:13 PM
Jenna is trying to react to a hypothetical that is intermixed between different variables. So, it's not really fair to live in abstract land. In reality land, Trump is a variety of things both good and bad as all humans are. So, it comes down to what your best options might be.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Soros Caravan Wings Judy Judge 2018 Nov 4th Sun Road Vans proxy.duckduckgo.com.png

Daryl 102

2023-09-18 - Monday - 01:43 AM - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon 102

Flashback to when she was a robber at night clubs, how she was introduced to walkers. Baby born from zombie, Catholic father tries to get demons out of the dead mother but its not demons but viruses or whatever.

King 104

2023-09-18 - Monday - 03:40 AM - The Winter King 104

She nearly kills herself and Arthur saves her. She was the prisoner wife lady of the one guy. Fighting. Vision in the baby.

11:25 AM

11:34 AM
Government sprayed deadly particles from airplanes and other places to give poor people and others deadly cancers and other things all over the United States of America, Alex Jones reporting. Is Fox News actually talking about this? Is it making people trans?

11:41 AM
Is chemtrails or geoengineering being reported on Fox News? Well, a local station was specifically interviewing a whistle blower who reported on how the U.S. Army and military back in the 1950s would spray deadly chemicals onto people in St. Louis, Missouri. Alex Jones reporting.

11:45 AM
In Texas, the toxins were spread by plane but in Missouri it was released off buildings. The cover story was the military was testing smoke screens. Alex Jones reporting via Fox News.

12:00 PM
Why was military spraying zinc cadmium sulfide sprayed onto people in America starting in the 1950s? Under ultraviolet, it glows yellow or green meaning easy to detect where it is.

12:09 PM
Military was spraying the toxins in St. Louis, the greatest concentration was near this housing complex which was home to 10,000 low income people and 70% were under the age of twelve, they may be 60 years old or older today. Military was testing the compounds on them.

12:13 PM
People were breathing in the toxins morning, noon, and night so the government could measure the effects it had on their lungs. This is evidence that the military has been in clear violation of the Nuremberg Code (which was established after WWII) since at least the 1950s. In 1994, Richard Gephardt was trying to get all of this released to the public in order to determine if the military testing on poor people in St. Louis was safe or dangerous or deadly or legal or what.

12:23 PM
Decades before government demolished 3 WTC buildings on 9/11 in NYC, they flatten the housing complex as to cover up the evidence they sprayed RADIOACTIVE CHEMICALS onto thousands of Americans in St. Louis. This isn't a Spider-Man joke. Bad like Covid Vaccines.

12:44 PM
This was a white wash meaning the fake news will eventually confess to crimes but will always localize it and say it was only one small bad thing one time in one city. But things like this happened many places many times to many people. So, truth is stranger than fiction.

01:00 PM
She only got cancer 4 times and all her siblings died. Alex Jones reporting.

01:21 PM
Military used cadmium sulfide which is a radioactive bioweapon on thousands to millions of Americans since the 1950s violating the Nuremberg Code, children were breathing in the toxins each day which led to cancer. And people wonder why cancer is on the rise.

01:27 PM
What military was doing since the 1950s was a test run for the killer Covid vaccines, geoengineering, and everything else.

They've been poisoning millions of people these past 70+ years and people wonder why health is on the decline.

It's not a mystery.

They want us all dead.

01:31 PM
British government pays 100K over Nerve Gas Death and that is only the tip of the never ending iceberg. If the general public knew, it would be game over for the New World Order, Alex Jones reporting.

01:41 PM
What is the United States Agency for International Development (USAID or AID) which was born in 1965 and the Foreign Assistance Act of 1968 (The Population Program)? Why does AID sound so much like AIDS and is this sort of like how the Patriot Act was really Anti-Patriot?

02:00 PM
This old man said the planet can only support under a billion people or eight billion under a smart dictator within communism. He's promoting depopulation and tyranny. He wants to kill and also control.

03:02 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Monday 9/18/23 • News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

03:09 PM
If Owen Shroyer goes to prison for 2 months, then thousands of innocent Americans will be dragged into court after that, Trump said he was in the way of the tyranny. First, they throw The Donald into jail. They already put Andrew Tate in a dungeon. They won't stop hunting us.

05:34 PM
Clinton sold China nuclear secrets? Biden left technology in Afghanistan? Obama gave Iran our drone tech which now Russia and China also has? Talk about engineering the beginning stages of World War III.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:39 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Sunday 9/17/23 • Alex & Elon Support Russell Brand Amidst False Allegations

Daryl 102

2023-09-18 - Monday - 01:43 AM - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon 102

King 104

2023-09-18 - Monday - 03:40 AM - The Winter King 104

11:25 AM

02:19 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Monday 9/18/23 • News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

03:02 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Monday 9/18/23 • News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

05:45 PM
Timcast IRL - Russell Brand Hit By MATRIX ATTACK, Cancels Tour Amid Me Too Scandal w/Adelitas Way

08:44 PM
#014 Candace Owens | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:15 AM. Forget dreams. Breakfast, 11:23 AM. Went into RV to grab the 3rd last hummus and took out 2 bagels from the big hosue freezer. To unthaw. Oh there are bagels in the fridge too did not know. Lunch, 01:48 PM. Dishes, bucket clean, compost, bish water, mail, see dress wearing neighbor, around 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM. Dinner, 05:40 PM. Dishes, 8. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 11:23 AM. Lunch: rice tomatoes soup is pretty good, 01:48 PM. Dinner: hummus on 2 toasted bagels, 05:40 PM. More lunch soup to like 7 or 8. ChinhPham0271: 2023-09-18 - Monday - 10:30 PM. 1. The Winter King is about King Arthur. Michael J. Fox is known for the Back to the Future movies. Invest in stocks relating to AI and robots. Elon Musk should start a search engine to compete with Google. An AI program might take your words and correlate with data regarding other songs to turn your words into a song. It's dangerous to put an AI inside a robot. I need robot body guards to protect me from bad robots. Robots are cool as long as you can turn it off. Robots. Off switches. In 2010, you could sell gold to buy dollars to buy Bitcoin.

If you don't hear from me in a long time, I was possibly robbed, attacked, imprisoned, murdered, destroyed, etc. I will NOT kill myself. I will NEVER commit suicide. There is a lot of fake news about me online. People had police swat us. People sent unpaid pizza to our house. People are spreading fake nudes of me. People are trying to take out fake credit cards in my name. People stole my social security number (SSN).

Please join my group on Discord to help us debunk the LIES. You can ADVERTISE in my group. I need more MODS and ADMINS. For extra credit, if you want to help, come to my Discord and type in promo code Tree92.