
in THE 2020s9 months ago

VOTE MICHELLE OBAMA. Or else you're racist and sexist. Never mind Britney Spears with knives. Just announced, this is the plan. Roger Stone has been saying Michelle would be running for the past like 2 years since like 2021. Alex Jones reporting. Covid Contact Tracing. Michelle Obama will replace Biden. They're blocking RFK. They're trying remove Trump off ballots. They want to replace Trump with anybody. So they can have Obama beat the anybody. Whether it's Pence, DeSantis, Vivek, etc. Roger Stone & Alex Jones reporting. Big Mike vs Orange Man. Just announced, Michelle Obama will be running in 2024 against Trump who they're trying to remove off ballots, imprison, and murder. Vote Big Mike or you're racist, sexist, and crazier than Britney Spears dancing with knives next to puppy poodle dogs.

NO CHEATING: You're last saved celebrity picture is your therapist... Alex Jones and his Alien Seal. Britney Spears needs help. But we all need help. The question isn't do you need help but how can people help you. Both things are true. Her father did her bad and she did herself bad too. It's not either or. I blame MK-Ultra and the drugs and everything. I relate to her.

Covid Contact Tracing is back. Biden ordered American Airlines to reinstate the evil Covid Lockdown Contact Tracing just announced, this is scarier than Britney Spears dancing with knives near cute puppies who you want to squeeze. They want to squeeze you. Covid Camps. In America. Comply with Contact Tracing. Or they come to your house. They drag you off to the camps. They did that in Australia. They're preparing to do it in the United States. Just Announced. Scarier than Britney Spears.

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn on social media. If you're new here, visit introduction and also check out the following links as well. You can also google search my name combined with keywords to find more of my content all over the Internet. You can also chat and advertise in my group on Discord. My content is not copyrighted meaning free to share, clip, reupload, edit, syndicate, rebroadcast, mirror, steal, copy, etc.

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Screenshot at 2023-09-26 18-34-05.png

Mark Hamill in The Machine

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-09-26 - Tuesday | Published in September of 2023



In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


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INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:06 AM

Marriage is a death sentence for those who don't get it depending mostly on perspective and background. A common excuse is I married the wrong person which is often true but still a deflection. Even if marriage is a prison, at least you get to experience it with your spouse.

01:13 AM
Alex Jones, why are you not king of Planet Earth? Me and all my alien friends are confused. Everybody listens to you. Everybody knows you're right. But they all pretend like you're the emperor with no clothes. Better yet, with no body. Even Elon Musk pretends you don't exist.

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2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-09-26 - Thursday - 01:14 PM - Discord Log.

People tried killing me. Trolls in my Discord server sent cops to my house, said they sent bombs to my house, tried framing me, doxxed me, is spreading fake nudes of me, they're on 4chan. Meanwhile, some people say it's my fault. Truth of the matter is I can't stop it. What's your favorite pizza? Here is an Oatmeal meme Roy Merrick dropped in my Discord server personifying the pizzas the trolls stole this summer, Pizza Hutt and Domino's should hunt them down. They also had the cops swat me and my family. Roy Merrick refuses to take my Discord server poll and yet expects me to overlook it. Let me know what your favorite Oatmeal memes are. Please tell Roy to send me hard drives or something. Ask Roy about Covid contact tracing. Roy might be a leftist or federal. Hard to say. Dear everybody in my Discord server: If I like what I see you post in my server, I will share it on my Elon Musk Twitter X, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, social media networks, video platforms, websites, forums, email, online places, offline, and/or so many places. Don't tell anybody. The 143 mods in my Discord server now have the power to timeout members, please monitor this situation, just announced, crazy like Britney Spears with knives even as Shakira had knives. Mods can mute users. You may be demoted if you abuse this power. If you don't get me 300 thumbs up in the server poll, you may never see me here in this Discord server ever again. Those who follow me on Twitter should relay everything I say to Discord. People don't want me here in my own server. I set the bail, the ransom, at 300. If you want me back, just get me 300. Brandon Shortlidge timeout Perky @ trulyperky for saying kys in my Discord server. I untimed Perky because I don't think it matters when compared to bigger problems in the world and even things just done to me, I think mods and admins shouldn't be too aggressive in muting. Roy Merrick said he voted in my Discord server poll and wanted a recount assuming China hacked machines via the Internet, thumb drives, dead people. Only thing that matters is getting to 300 thumbs up or 300 thumbs down, I never said the votes had to be real or fake, can't know. I'm holding myself ransom. The bail is set at 300, I'm not talking to Roy Merrick ever again online or offline until we get to 300 thumbs up or thumbs down, a major exception to this rule might be if Roy sent me enough hard drives or there may be other alternative options too. 03:12 PM. Roy Merrick lied. Roy said he voted but I don't see him in these two photos. I have 10 thumbs up meaning they want me to stay in my Discord server. There are 9 thumbs down. Is Roy trying to be funny when he lies about voting? Should I demote Roy for lying? What Roy want? IDK. 07:24 PM. Exactly. I only have 200 members in my Discord server, most are probably trolls, criminals, and bots. If you want me to interact with you on Discord, all we need is 300 thumbs up in the poll. This means you must grow the server by just half of what it is right now. Or else.


2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


03:27 AM
NO CHEATING: You're last saved celebrity picture is your therapist... Alex Jones and his Alien Seal.

03:47 AM
This is how democracy dies, in a silly button on the suit of a con man named Bill Gates who may have stolen the origins to Microsoft design from others.

03:55 AM
What is your point? Are you saying nobody should ever talk about anything at any time? Truth be told, everything is different from everything else and everybody else in different places at different times regardless. Are you denying the art of application and relate-ability?

12:01 PM
Britney Spears needs help. But we all need help. The question isn't do you need help but how can people help you. Both things are true. Her father did her bad and she did herself bad too. It's not either or. I blame MK-Ultra and the drugs and everything. I relate to her. Maybe Britney Spears is sending a message to Shakira, they did do a music video together years ago, so if Shakira can play with knives then so can Brit. Why are we Shakira this exception to the rule while automatically judging Brit?

12:51 PM
There are online dating websites where you can donate money to save Ukraine women from the depths of this kind of poverty of nightclub explosion.

01:00 PM
Men are too impatient, rushing into things clouds judgment, it's critical to become a real man before pursuing marriage. You have to build yourself before attempting to build a family. People end up marrying the wrong people because people are blind. The first step is admitting.

01:05 PM
Game Stop is a cool place. I used to go there. And Blockbuster. And Whiz Bang Videos.

01:06 PM
When a sex kink goes too far.

04:35 PM
Banks are charging monthly maintenance fees. They already steal your money to make money from investing with your money while refusing to give you any of the profits they make off your money. Pull out your money.

04:50 PM
Heritage Bank NW started charging me $8 monthly maintenance fees, I just got the letter in the mail today, fees were waived as I had at least $100 minimum balance monthly. Heritage Bank started charging me out of the blue without warning, I opened my account in April of 2018. Heritage Bank NW also locked me out of my online banking account making it harder to see what is going on as they steal money from me. I did my banking with them these past six years since 2018 with no problems other than being locked out from online banking. Now, it's ruined. Heritage Bank should let the world know if they started charging an $8 monthly maintenance fee starting in August of 2023. I don't think the website is very clear whether policy changed. The monthly maintenance fee was waived every month for me since April of 2018. Why change?

06:18 PM
How can you not have at least one internal voice for thinking? I hear voices. I'm also very visual as I'm often visualizing images and thinking several trains of thoughts simultaneously meaning my head is full of creative chaos of chatter and visuals like the Muppets on drugs. In 2004, I was going to sell knives.

06:37 PM
I love Russian accents. Mark Hamill destroyed Star Wars but is appealing based on this trailer. It looks like a fun adventure movie. The trailer sort of spoils the plot a little. I'd probably watch it.

07:37 PM
I would go there with books and paper. I'm a writer. I would spend the month working on things. It would be very good. Pay me money to do this? No Internet. No TV. I would do it for free. Money is an added bonus.

07:42 PM
Eugenia Cooney may run into health issues someday, fat and muscles have multiples purposes as they contain substances the body can pull from when needed which may increase as you get older. So, there may be side effects to this that may finally catch up with her someday. The United Nations is up to no good.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Soros Caravan Wings Judy Judge 2018 Nov 4th Sun Road Vans proxy.duckduckgo.com.png

Winter King 105

2023-09-25 - Tuesday - 03:34 AM - The Winter King 105

Once the way of things to put to swords babes who made a sound after midnight. Duel by sword.

12:09 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 9/26/23 • DEEP STATE BRINGS BACK CONTACT TRACING, News & Analysis

12:15 PM
JUST ANNOUNCED. Michelle Obama will replace Biden. They're blocking RFK. They're trying remove Trump off ballots. They want to replace Trump with anybody. So they can have Obama beat the anybody. Whether it's Pence, DeSantis, Vivek, etc. Roger Stone & Alex Jones reporting.

12:19 PM
VOTE MICHELLE OBAMA. Or else you're racist and sexist. Never mind Britney Spears with knives. Just announced, this is the plan. Roger Stone has been saying Michelle would be running for the past like 2 years since like 2021. Alex Jones reporting. Covid Contact Tracing.

12:24 PM
Michelle Obama dunking on Lebron James. Vote for Big Mike or you are racist and sexist.

12:29 PM
Big Mike vs Orange Man. Just announced, Michelle Obama will be running in 2024 against Trump who they're trying to remove off ballots, imprison, and murder. Vote Big Mike or you're racist, sexist, and crazier than Britney Spears dancing with knives next to puppy poodle dogs. Are you afraid of black women? Michelle Obama is scheduled to be installed as the next president, they'll try stealing enough votes to stop Trump, election meddling is crazy like Britney Spears dancing with knives near dogs, just announced, Covid Lockdowns contact tracing.

12:36 PM
Covid Contact Tracing is back. Biden ordered American Airlines to reinstate the evil Covid Lockdown Contact Tracing just announced, this is scarier than Britney Spears dancing with knives near cute puppies who you want to squeeze. They want to squeeze you.

12:39 PM
Covid Camps. In America. Comply with Contact Tracing. Or they come to your house. They drag you off to the camps. They did that in Australia. They're preparing to do it in the United States. Just Announced. Scarier than Britney Spears.

12:44 PM
Comply with Covid Contact Tracing. Vote Michelle Obama over Trump in 2024. If you don't, you're racist, sexist, crazier than Britney Spears, and we will say you have Covid. Like Australia, we'll drag you to camp in the United States for your own safety. Have a nice day. Biden.

12:49 PM
Contact Tracing is back. Just comply or else we'll throw you in the camps. We built camps in Australia, America, China, etc. Remember to get Covid Vaccines which will give you cancer. But at least you won't have Covid. Vote Michell Obama 2024 over Trump. We own you.

02:01 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Tuesday 9/26/23 • ROGER STONE - MICHELLE OBAMA 2024, News, Reports & Analysis

02:03 PM
Michelle Obama 2024. Roger Stone predicted this years ago. Was this 2019? First female President. Michelle Big Mike Obama. Just announced, thank you Satan. It is hard to help Maui victims because the government in Hawaii is evil, thank you Satan. He said the fires in Hawaii were not caused by climate change global warming scam but by people and that is very true, he said Satan cannot win when we come together.

02:17 PM
People on Twitter want Americans to suffer. They demonize the Trump organization which employed many people. They want these employees and their families to starve to death. They probably want Rumble to go under too for hosting Russell Brand.

02:34 PM
Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom 2024. Gavin will get the vice-president spot by donating money. Probably millions of dollars. Michelle is popular in America. They see her as non-political even as she is very political. Vote Michelle or you're racist, sexist, and got Covid.

02:42 PM
Owen Shroyer has to turn himself in. Deadline is the 24th day of October of 2023. This case should make it to the Supreme Court. Obama Biden is trying to lock up their political opponents. Hitler has a big thumbs up. Put Trump is a gas oven. Alex Jones.

02:51 PM
Roger Stone has wanted Trump to run for President of the United States of America since 1988. Trump was preparing to run for 2000 and 2012. So, 2016 was Trump's third time preparing. He ended up officially running for 2016, 2020, and 2024. Like Grover Cleveland.

02:54 PM
Government stole 2 phones. From Owen Shroyer of Infowars Alex Jones. Maybe they will steal your phones too.

02:56 PM
Roy Merrick is online. Roy is happy Owen Shroyer is being attacked. They are going after all of us. Roy must be a fed.

02:59 PM
2 government agents. Went to Owen Shroyer's house this morning. To harass him which is illegal. Biden will go to your house next. Obama is sinking America. Globalism is on the rise. Like never before in history.

05:21 PM
Timcast IRL - Judge Orders Trump Organization SHUT DOWN, SHOCKING Corruption w/Carl Benjamin

05:38 PM
Summary Judgements are illegal. Trump was not allowed to counter. Judge is bias. They're dissolving Trump's organizations. I hate snake but would eat this dong of a bong.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:20 AM
Yeonmi Park - My Journey to America - Fireside Chat with Dennis Prager

12:25 AM
Meet Kevin - Confronting Tim Pool: Trump, Andrew Tate, Tucker Carlson, Failure, and Success

12:27 AM
Magnates Media - The Untold TRUTH Of Nintendo, September of 2023

Winter King 105

2023-09-25 - Tuesday - 03:34 AM - The Winter King 105

12:09 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 9/26/23 • DEEP STATE BRINGS BACK CONTACT TRACING, News & Analysis

02:01 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Tuesday 9/26/23 • ROGER STONE - MICHELLE OBAMA 2024, News, Reports & Analysis

05:21 PM
Timcast IRL - Judge Orders Trump Organization SHUT DOWN, SHOCKING Corruption w/Carl Benjamin

Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:40 AM. Forget dreams. Debate with mom, she said he could not eat fat as he is sick due to the gall bladder or whatever releasing something to meet the fat. I did not understand and told her that. I eventually figured out the problem is the stone thing. She mentioned the stone but failed to tell me that was the root cause of the problem. When I finally said it was, she acted like I should have known even as she did not say it was. She just sort of mentioned it briefly without connecting dots possibly assuming I already knew what she knew. Ok. Breakfast, 11:58 AM. Lunch around 1. Dishes around 3 included recycling. Mail, saw this $8 monthly maintenance fee thing for this month and possibly last month. What a heritage. Banks do this. I thought the minimum was $100 to avoid that fee but perhaps things changed. Dinner, 05:21 PM. Picked tomatoes by my room outside by the book shed around 06:50 PM to 07:17 PM. More food eaten after that. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 11:58 AM. Lunch: 2 home made from a mix blueberry muffins around 1. Dinner: soup, 05:21 PM. Yogurt, 07:17 PM. Nap around like 8 to like 9. TikTok after that, mostly duets which I started doing some days ago during like the last ten or so days in September of 2023, so was doing that till 01:40 AM meaning maybe close to 5 hours. I tend to average an hour a night on TikTok. Sometimes more. But not sure if I am wasting my time or not. But I do enjoy it and I get sweaty while dancing. I may try to keep it to an hour or less each day.

If you don't hear from me in a long time, I was possibly robbed, attacked, imprisoned, murdered, destroyed, etc. I will NOT kill myself. I will NEVER commit suicide. There is a lot of fake news about me online. People had police swat us. People sent unpaid pizza to our house. People are spreading fake nudes of me. People are trying to take out fake credit cards in my name. People stole my social security number (SSN).

Please join my group on Discord to help us debunk the LIES. You can ADVERTISE in my group. I need more MODS and ADMINS. For extra credit, if you want to help, come to my Discord and type in promo code Tree92.