
in THE 2020s7 months ago

Crowder Broke Nashville Manifesto. Tattoos are kind of like clothes you cannot remove. Imagine wearing the same clothes every day. Imagine ink poisoning. Imagine being unable to detect skin diseases due to ink covering it up. Skin is meant to absorb through pores which tattoos might clog. Oatmeal Leaves The Farm Rap, part 01 of 04. By Roy Merrick who manages my Discord Server. I want to make you an admin in my Discord Server or possibly a co-owner with Ian to have all the administrative powers to be able nuke/raid/build/destroy/create/dismantle. Please ask us what you can do to be promoted, we can direct you to my articles/videos for more information. The first one thousand people who join my Discord Server before 2024 will automatically become admins. But the server is full of trolls spamming fake news. Ask us how to become co-owners with Ian. Looking for partners. Let's help each other out. Ironic Mystic.

I'm dying to give Roy the same powers Ian has but I've seen more in Ian. I need Roy to go to the next level. I'm not sure what Roy wants, who side he's on, where he's going, what's he doing outside of Discord which is too private/personal making Roy suspect, weird. To summarize what I do, my heart is focused on my autobiographical archiving projects/family history/logs/blogs/vlogs/debunking fake news/farming/homesteading/research/study/teaching/influencing/building/collecting/planning/writing/videos/art/designing/plotting/etc.

I wasn't born in Germany a long time ago. I'm not an Italian Nintendo Mario version of Hitler. Big Pharma is behind forcing people to transition from one gender/sex to another which leads to mass shootings like this one. But they want our guns or else. So Trump did what to who? Name me the victims in the Trump trials asked Robert Barnes on Viva Frei. POTUS White House Peaceful?



Oatmeal in heat

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-11-06 - Monday | Published in November of 2023



In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:17 PM
Oatmeal Leaves The Farm Rap, part 01 of 04. By Roy Merrick who manages my Discord Server

Oatmeal Leaves The Farm Rap, part 02 of 04. By Roy Merrick who manages my Discord Server

Oatmeal Leaves The Farm Rap, part 03 of 04. By Roy Merrick who manages my Discord Server

Oatmeal Leaves The Farm Rap, part 04 of 04. By Roy Merrick who manages my Discord Server

2023-11-06 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 553pics | Video

2023-11-06 - Monday - Weekly Monday Night Oatmeal Show - Episode 141 - Stick To It


google me to find me online
start | bing | brave | duck | google | yahoo | yandex | you

INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:15 PM

Tattoos are kind of like clothes you cannot remove. Imagine wearing the same clothes every day. Imagine ink poisoning. Imagine being unable to detect skin diseases due to ink covering it up. Skin is meant to absorb through pores which tattoos might clog.

follow me on social media
discord | facebook | instagram | snapchat | tiktok | twitter | youtube

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-11-06 - Monday - 12:07 PM - Discord Log.

No, the problem is Discord is retarded and it requires many things. Often times I have no idea which channels work until people tell me. Roy should be able to post memes now. But it should have worked before this too. But you don't want me to bore you with the details. 12:17 PM. First you have to customize server settings. Second, the settings within categories and channels. But within that can be specific settings for over 30+ roles for 30+ channels which each one might need to be individually customized in server settings and again in channel settings. There are different ways to do it which can confuse people depending on the philosophy of how people want to do it. Each role can have dozens of settings making it like 30 X 30 X 30 = 270 individual settings to customize. Maybe more or maybe less depending on variables/etc. Regardless, depending on everything, it might take a while. And then it may not work on top of that. A lot of back and forth.

12:30 PM
I'm dying to give Roy the same powers Ian has but I've seen more in Ian. I need Roy to go to the next level. I'm not sure what Roy wants, who side he's on, where he's going, what's he doing outside of Discord which is too private/personal making Roy suspect, weird. Robe-Wearing Red-Beanie Roy is holding himself back on Yoda Planet, as soon as I described this he had the audacity to ask what was holding me back when in fact the subject was regarding the choices he made. It's almost like he is unwilling to ponder what I put out there but why? Oatmeal Leaves The Farm Rap, part 01 of 04. By Roy Merrick who manages my Discord Server. 01:40 PM. Star Trek Captain Oatmeal going places no Bumbaloe has gone before. 02:02 PM. If I'm murdered, Ian can have my Discord Server, the fate of Roy may be determined in 2024. I'm interested in people who help me but also people I can help as well. But is Roy either of those 2 things? Dying to make anybody/everybody co-owners. See my videos/blogs for more info. Roy is like a highly sophisticated troll who has been interacting with me since 2019. I'm confused as to why he sends me shirts instead of hard drives, a bridge unto an abandoned Oatmeal Island featuring the ruins of a city. Seems we're not on the same page. What does Roy want? 02:18 PM. I want to make you an admin in my Discord Server or possibly a co-owner with Ian to have all the administrative powers to be able nuke/raid/build/destroy/create/dismantle. Please ask us what you can do to be promoted, we can direct you to my articles/videos for more information. 02:36 PM. If you want to be an admin/owner in my Discord Server, I've already talked about what you can do in videos/articles going back months/years. The more you're on my same page in life, the more likely you'll be given more governing power/control. I'm Darth Vader, you're Luke. 02:45 PM. My first thousand Discord Server members before 2024 automatically become admins as soon as they join my server for a limited time offer only. There are ways to be promoted higher, see videos/articles for more info. I'm looking for partners/contributors. Infinite Altitude GYJO. 02:50 PM. The first one thousand people who join my Discord Server before 2024 will automatically become admins. But the server is full of trolls spamming fake news. Ask us how to become co-owners with Ian. Looking for partners. Let's help each other out. Ironic Mystic. I might someday make you a co-owner with Ian. You'll be more powerful than Roy. 03:08 PM. To summarize what I do, my heart is focused on my autobiographical archiving projects/family history/logs/blogs/vlogs/debunking fake news/farming/homesteading/research/study/teaching/influencing/building/collecting/planning/writing/videos/art/designing/plotting/etc. Roy might be on a different path, Roy is more a troll/fan as opposed to what Ian is. We're at a fork in the road. Roy refuses to change/graduate to the next level after four years of guinea-pig wheel-looping in Ground Hog Day repeating the same day Monday through Friday. 05:16 PM. I'm looking for people to run my Discord Server, you must be on the same page I'm on, same path, life missions, projects, goals, objectives, directions, intentions, dreams, careers, big picture, or as much as possible, ask me 4 videos/articles for more info. 05:27 PM. If you want allegedly guilty governor Oatmeal to interact in voice channels in his Discord Server, get him another one thousand members before 2024. I'm also looking for people to run it plus other demands. We can negotiate. Many variables, etc. Also looking for metaphorical-children to continue my legacy online/offline if I'm ever murdered or anything else, I want people to run my servers/groups/channels/accounts/etc, I'll be accepting applicants/resumes/CV/portfolios/etc, this is on my bucket list. You can continue my legacy with or without me, now or later, don't wait until I'm gone, even if I don't hand-pick you, there are many purposes for my Discord Server, ask me about the many projects I'm working on in life as I'm buried in work, I'm looking for help. 06:11 PM. Photo of my future wife. If you want to run my Discord Server, you need skin in the game in general in life/online, you need to be going places. We shouldn't normally promote anonymous trolls spamming fake news. Make content about us. Show us you're real. Many factors. 06:37 PM. I don't know if I should focus more so on making videos for TikTok, YouTube, Rumble, Bitchute, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Hive Blog, and/or what. So many social media video platforms, blockchain networks, websites, etc, and more. Many factors, variables, things, to consider. My ultimatum is get me 1,000 members for my Discord Server before 2024, and/or ask me about other options, if you want me take you seriously, if ya want me in vc/or other demands, exceptions to the rule exists, ask us for more info, I'll be saying more in videos/articles/etc. 07:05 PM. Objective behind demanding 1,000 Discord Server members before 2024 is to determine demand/success/priorities, it's not necessarily about how many people are in my group. But usually when things are effective, they expand/grow. Otherwise, they retract/shrink. 07:58 PM. Those who complain about getting pinged in my Discord Server by me, the creator therein, shouldn't be promoted above admin, it's a sign of incompetence. Who should be promoted/demoted or not should be an ongoing debate or term limits like a three-governance with checks/balances. 08:47 PM. I'm not a pedo, Ian is not my alt, I'm ten feet tall, I live in the sun, I lived in Texas in 2009, I have five hearts inside my body, I don't have a blog, YouTube did not delete my 10K+ videos.

08:21 PM
Oatmeal is looking for help regarding:

  1. Debunking Fake News
  2. Introduction Videos/Articles/Memes
  3. Archiving Content/History
  4. Outlining Everything
  5. Advertising, Reaching New People
  6. Networking/Connecting People With People
  7. Creating Oatmeal Trailers/PR
  8. And More


2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


01:07 PM
Oatmeal Leaves The Farm Rap, part 01 of 04. By Roy Merrick who manages my Discord Server.

01:30 PM
I wasn't born in Germany a long time ago. I'm not an Italian Nintendo Mario version of Hitler. Big Pharma is behind forcing people to transition from one gender/sex to another which leads to mass shootings like this one. But they want our guns or else.

03:08 PM
To summarize what I do, my heart is focused on my autobiographical archiving projects/family history/logs/blogs/vlogs/debunking fake news/farming/homesteading/research/study/teaching/influencing/building/collecting/planning/writing/videos/art/designing/plotting/etc.

06:21 PM
YouTube creators were doing their hooks 10+ years ago as they had their video templates or formats.

07:19 PM
McDonald's Big Mac, only $18, thanks POTUS President Trump, I mean Biden.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Soros Caravan Wings Judy Judge 2018 Nov 4th Sun Road Vans proxy.duckduckgo.com.png

Fear The Walking Dead 810

2023-11-06 - Monday - 04:32 AM - Fear The Walking Dead 810

Dwight coming back after a thing at his house and what was the Sanctuary. Behind the scenes they still wear masks.

03:15 PM
LIVE - Ep. 185: Trump Gag Order; Colorado Ballot; SBF Verdict; 2nd Amendment & MORE! Viva & Barnes LIVE!

03:35 PM
So Trump did what to who? Name me the victims in the Trump trials asked Robert Barnes on Viva Frei. POTUS White House Peaceful? 03:51 PM. They yelled at her in the Trump trial. First they went after Alex Jones which was filmed by movie companies as it was a show trial. Declared guilty (not innocent) until determined how guilty violating the Bill of Rights. Second, they're after everybody.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

02:33 AM
SimpCast 100! Chrissie Mayr, Ann Coulter, Gavin McInnes, Gary Buechler, Brandi Love, Alex Stein

Fear The Walking Dead 810

2023-11-06 - Monday - 04:32 AM - Fear The Walking Dead 810

11:47 AM
Ron GIbson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Monday 11/6/23 • EZRA LEVANT - News, Calls, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

12:23 PM
LWC EXCLUSIVE: Nashville Trans School Shooter Manifesto Leaked!

02:28 PM
The Quartering - The Daily Wire CEO BLASTS Steven Crowder Over Manifesto Story & Gets ROASTED By His Own Followers

03:15 PM
LIVE - Ep. 185: Trump Gag Order; Colorado Ballot; SBF Verdict; 2nd Amendment & MORE! Viva & Barnes LIVE!

05:03 PM
Timcast IRL - Nashville Trans Manifesto LEAKED, CONFIRMED By Crowder, Local News w/Chase Geiser

Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:30 AM. Refilled bird feeder and traded places with humming bird feeder in front yard making the larger bird feeder be closer to the front door to discourage the squirrel mom spotted hopping in for a bite. Breakfast, 11:45 AM. Lunch, 03:29 PM. Dishes, 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM included compost, mail, cloudy, was raining, patio organized chairs, put them away so to speak. Dinner, 05:00 PM. Got the heads of 2 sunflowers by the raspberry bed gate inside in the dark around 7 or 8. Cut them with my hands. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, yogurt, 11:45 AM. Lunch: chicken, 03:29 PM. Dinner: 4 packs of yogurt, 05:00 PM. Apple, carrots, potato, 8.

I created my Discord Server in 2019. If anything happens to me, if you don't hear from me in a long time, maybe I was killed. Maybe I was murdered. Maybe I was robbed, attacked, imprisoned, destroyed, etc. I will NOT/did not/would never ever kill myself/commit suicide. There is a lot of fake news about me online. Online anonymous troll haters had police swat us/sent unpaid pizza to our house/spread fake nudes of me/tried taking out fake credit cards in my name/stole my social security number (SSN)/etc. I need to put out better content/articles/videos/websites/memes/etc debunking defamation thrown at me, you can find fake news about me on my Discord Server and type in secret code Fonnie Filden 163 to show me you read this. Let us know if you want to help us.