
in THE 2020s5 months ago

Perhaps Y2K was weaponized. Bill Clinton spoke on C-SPAN2 on 1998-07-14 talking about coming together to fix Y2K. Three years later, Bush after 9/11 said we have to come together. Regardless of the fact that Y2K was an issue, it may have also been taken advantage of. Some people went on television claiming allegedly that they worked very hard for almost a decade to prevent Y2K from becoming the end of the world. My @greenoatmeal account was banned for Jan6 and @elonmusk has not restored the account yet, @XCreators @TwitterMoments @XSpaces @TwitterDesign @TwitterComms @verified @X @SpaceX @YouTube @TwitterFood @Support. While talking AI, Osbourne family pondered what if there were deep fake videos of the President declaring war with Russia which Biden already did but to know if something is real, go to the source, actual verified Twitter accounts, and others you trust.

Chrissie Mayr compared @AnnaPerezDC to people like @Lauren_Southern and @MelonieMac. Didn't realize @AnnaPerezDC has a show with an impressive name, Wrongthink; on CMP, they talk about the problems with the right which I agree. I saw this video on Rumble where allegedly some fake news people on TV in 2016 said Hillary Clinton died, I'm not saying anything, I'm only wondering whether they really did say that and why. The second amendment must be amended to emphasize the need to not only bear arms, as in guns, weapons, self-defense, family protection, for private property rights, but also the right to bear robotic body guards to defend against rising threats of artificial intelligence (AI).

Sometimes I've been stuck in bipolar limbo between too much info (TMI) and ironically not enough during the course of my life, as I get older I become more aware of how misunderstood I can be; moral of the story, don't judge a book by its cover and improve your own cover/image.



Oatmeal & Friends

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-01-01 - Monday | Published in January of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

2024-01-01 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 381pics | Video

2024-01-01 - Monday - Oatmeal Weekly 149 - Gaming & Dating

Spent last 5 hours gaming & dating
First 2.5 hours playing via video games on 3 websites: Hero/Total/Farm
Played Total Battle which I was playing almost daily in January of 2023 and less often as time went by
Was playing games like a few hours each day like 12 months ago
2nd game, Hero Wars, and last played games back in August of 2023 which was 5 months ago, I just stopped playing completely
3rd and final game for today: Taonga Farm; and I can go from playing games 10+ hours day to under 10 hours a year
Spent almost 2.5 hours on dating websites today: first being LA-Date which I've not visited since like August 2023 or maybe as early as like January of last year
2nd website being Asian Feels and oddly no Russia in some of these possibly scam like websites
3rd website being Eastern Honeys, some of these alleged women may be AI-generated images/videos and chat bots
4th website: Match Truly: I want to eat a whole more than just that watermelon ladies if you know what I mean
5th and final website for today: Sofia Date which ironically had a message asking me if I was the bot, no I think you are but what am I to reference Pee-Wee Herman


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

01:32 AM

Britney Spears is the queen of pop, fuck Madonna and her duck face. 01:35 PM. Trump hosted Vanilla Ice who I first saw in Secret of Ooze singing Go Ninja Go Ninja Go, that is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, the original live-action trilogy from the 1990s. 02:19 PM. Perhaps Y2K was weaponized. Bill Clinton spoke on C-SPAN2 on 1998-07-14 talking about coming together to fix Y2K. Three years later, Bush after 9/11 said we have to come together. Regardless of the fact that Y2K was an issue, it may have also been taken advantage of. 02:49 PM. What year did IBM start only using two digits for dates which would go from 1940 to the end of 2039 thus creating a new Y2K problem in 2040? Before Y2K, there were people saying that the right was spreading fake news about Y2K which was partly true but also taken out of context. 03:04 AM. Some people went on television claiming allegedly that they worked very hard for almost a decade to prevent Y2K from becoming the end of the world.

12:52 PM
Chrissie Mayr compared @AnnaPerezDC to people like @Lauren_Southern and @MelonieMac. 02:22 PM. My @greenoatmeal account was banned for Jan6 and @elonmusk has not restored the account yet, @XCreators @TwitterMoments @XSpaces @TwitterDesign @TwitterComms @verified @X @SpaceX @YouTube @TwitterFood @Support. 02:44 PM. Where is this particular Rothschild minion at right now? Is he still talking about the ice found on other planets?

03:13 PM
Sometimes I've been stuck in bipolar limbo between too much info (TMI) and ironically not enough during the course of my life, as I get older I become more aware of how misunderstood I can be; moral of the story, don't judge a book by its cover and improve your own cover/image. 03:19 PM. What if your spouse said he or she is trans. My mom was married to a man who dressed up as a woman for years. Mom knew him in high school. 40 years later, they married. He stopped going by his female name of Kathy and reverted back to being Bill for my mom. I don't know how rare a story like that is but you never know.

05:55 PM
I saw this video on Rumble where allegedly some fake news people on TV in 2016 said Hillary Clinton died, I'm not saying anything, I'm only wondering whether they really did say that and why

06:20 PM
Even if AI writes its own code, it's still dependent on the sandbox it resides within: it would not really be a problem unless if the AI is resting inside an unstoppable solar-powered robot with no ways to turn off and an ability to rebuild itself physically.

06:28 PM
While talking AI, Osbourne family pondered what if there were deep fake videos of the President declaring war with Russia which Biden already did but to know if something is real, go to the source, actual verified Twitter accounts, and others you trust. 06:47 PM. The second amendment must be amended to emphasize the need to not only bear arms, as in guns, weapons, self-defense, family protection, for private property rights, but also the right to bear robotic body guards to defend against rising threats of artificial intelligence (AI).

Gaming Log

2023-01-01 - Monday - 07:09 PM - Gaming Log - Total Battle for an hour, rebuild walls, was in a guild still, upgraded buildings, fought in stadiums, raided crypts. Hero Wars at 08:10 PM, upgraded, spent, no fighting, done at 08:35 PM. Third game was Taonga Farm, played to 08:53 PM. Spent almost 2 hours of playing a total of 3 video games today, Total Battle, Hero Wars, and Taonga Farm. I should not return until maybe July of 2024 or return to maybe live-stream them. I love gaming, so many to play, I was addicted to games years ago, but gonna stop for now.

Website: https://totalbattle.com/en
I was able to log into this website with no problems today.

07:19 PM
Played a little Total Battle today, have not played video games since August of 2023, I used to play games a lot many years ago, good to see this website didn't delete me for not logging in for five months which makes me think I could go six months without gaming. 08:13 PM. Playing Hero Wars, you know video games are so time consuming, so I try not playing all the time.

08:11 PM:
Website: https://www.hero-wars.com
I was able to log into this website with no problems today.

08:38 PM:
Website: https://taongafarm.com/en
I was able to log into this website with no problems today.

09:17 PM
Playing video games is like a black hole which used to suck me up for many hours a day.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Family Switch

2024-01-01 - Monday - 03:05 AM - Family Switch, 2023 movie, Jennifer Gardner

Like Freaky Friday but the entire family, mother, father, son, daughter, younger toddler son, and the dog. Came out in 2023. When the Walker family members switch bodies with each other during a rare planetary alignment, their hilarious journey to find their way back to normal will bring them closer together than they ever thought possible. Jennifer Garner Ed Helms Emma Myers Brady Noon Rita Moreno Matthias Schweighöfer Vanessa Carrasco Cyrus Arnold Ilia Isorelýs Paulino Xosha Roquemore.

02:30 PM
Chrissie Mayr - Chrissie Mayr Podcast with Anna Perez! CalendarGate! DC!

02:39 PM
Didn't realize @AnnaPerezDC has a show with an impressive name, Wrongthink; on CMP, they talk about the problems with the right which I agree.

09:15 PM
This was my first time checking out Chrissie Mayr's Wetspot, interesting people on the panel including Frankie and it's fun and it has good advice for people including how Mayr said she could have started doing comedy a lot earlier in her life meaning you gotta sometimes jump out.

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Family Switch

2024-01-01 - Monday - 03:05 AM - Family Switch, 2023 movie, Jennifer Gardner

11:45 AM
Mark Dice - Regarding 2024 - BUCKLE UP, Potential Civil War

12:05 PM
Joe Rogan Experience #1413 - Bill Maher

02:30 PM
Chrissie Mayr - Chrissie Mayr Podcast with Anna Perez! CalendarGate! DC!

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:20 AM. Breakfast, 11:46 AM. Lunch, 11:55 AM. Compost, dirt, coffee grounds, no mail, cloudy, dishes, 04:30 PM. Ate a little during that. Dinner, 05:56 PM. Dishes again around 06:40 PM to 7, coffee grounds, mom mentioning how she tries to get the best versions of the Bible in physical form delivered to her via Amazon or whatever as she may not have Internet someday when Larry is gone. Door closed at 7. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 11:46 AM. Lunch: potatoes, 11:55 AM. Fish around 5. Dinner: Milk, more potatoes with rice, cherry pie which I do not like so much, 05:56 PM.