
in THE 2020s2 months ago

Obama said on video his people were training ISIS. Apple wiretaps the brain via the wireless air buds, AKA headphones, that is before Elon Musk could with brain chips, Edward Snowden was right, Alex Jones was right, they making the freaking earphones gay. Facebook is actively deleting comments and messages later on, they come in and steal random posts even and Facebook says the posts themselves are ok but they still do it. Terrorist attacks in Russia will also happen in the United States in 2024 due to Open Borders with the intention to trick citizens of America to beg for tyrannical authoritarianism via United Nation troops who are already in America waiting for disaster. Not only does the left tear down walls but they also build walls so that you cannot see the walls they tore down, open borders, Obama ISIS terrorist attacks in Russia coming to America, Alex Jones was right, MAGA Trump 2024. World leaders wanted to rape the 14 year old daughter of George Green, they told him bombs would take out billions of people starting in 2000 in the northern hemisphere as globalist go into hiding south of the equator or bunkers, Y2K cover, this was on Alex Jones.

Ben Shapiro is racist, Ben said black people not getting the killer Covid Vaccines is bad which makes Ben a genocide mass murderer, Alex Jones was right, Candace Owens is free, Trump should disavow vaccines. Biden to stop Trump from stealing the 2024 election by stealing it from Trump so that Trump can't steal it from Biden, Alex Jones was right.

Potluck. Video: Oatmeal Hammer: Don't Ya Know, Oh Wait How Could Ya. Watched: Criminal Minds, Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live.



Screenshot at 2024-03-24 23-53-04.png

Walking Dead

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-03-24 - Sunday | Published in March of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

09:30 PM
Oatmeal Hammer: Don't Ya Know, Oh Wait How Could Ya

Ra Ra Roo Roo
Back in the 1900s I got mad
You're not that old
Apparently I wasn't old enough to not be mad
Let me tell you the Oatmeal Hammer story
I turned three in 1988, started attending Cubbies which is an AWANA club, went on to attending other clubs like Sparkies and Pioneers
I started attending Word of Life Olympians around 1991 at the Cornelius Community Baptist Church which was my main home church in the 1900s
Started attending Olympians at Hillside Bible Church probably starting around 1994 to 1999
I probably attended Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Hillside Bible Church every summer from 1995 to 1998, probably no more than four summers
One time we were building bird houses, tool boxes, or whatever it was, out of wood, during arts and crafts at VBS one summer, not sure which summer but maybe 1995 but one of those four summers probably
A female teacher was telling me to be careful, I think she did some or all of the hammering as to keep the kids safe, I turned ten years old in February of 1995 and I turned 13 in 1998, I thought I was so old in the 1990s
In my mind I was like, "STOP THE HAMMERING"
In my mind I was like don't you know I used the hammer not just in Nintendo Mario but building with my dad or by myself or with others, we built the Arnold Attic shed before 1996, we saw the destruction of the tree houses, outside Kenni Babie doll house, taxi bike wagon, and Bill Bailey grandma orchard fort by like 1997
But how they possibly know
This is probably one of many examples of how I made wrong assumptions or whatever else I did in my life regardless of my intentions or anything which probably resulted in collateral damages, burning bridges, bad first impressions, and more, probably just my autism kicking into overdrive


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

04:48 PM

Facebook is actively deleting comments and messages later on, they come in and steal random posts even and Facebook says the posts themselves are ok but they still do it.

06:21 PM
Apple wiretaps the brain via the wireless air buds, AKA headphones, that is before Elon Musk could with brain chips, Edward Snowden was right, Alex Jones was right, they making the freaking earphones gay.

Discord Drama

2024-03-24 - Sunday - 08:20 AM - Discord Log

91/ Alleged bot in my Discord Server called me a lolcow troll partly due to unintentional embarrassing content among other things which I disagree in that you can't just summarize my 39 years of life without walking through nuance chapters of variables as the story evolved slowly. 01:51 PM: 92/ An alleged bot, display-name: S3LUX, username s3lux_2252, user ID: 1215770691291578419, account created on the 8th of March of 2024, joined my Discord server on the 21st. S3LUX doesn't say BOT in white fonts over a blue background like most bots, it joined my server. 93/ S3LUX Discord bio reads: "Lux can help with various administrative tasks, provide useful information to members, manage conversations and facilitate interactions, and even entertain members! S3LUX v1.3.1." This account appears offline or invisible right now.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Criminal Minds 1213-1214

2024-03-24 - Sunday - 12:00 AM - Criminal Minds 1213-1214

Spenser arrested in Mexico. Could not remember. Went there to get medicine for his mom. Team comes to save him. He was framed with murdering the doctor, but she was American. They had friends help legally get him out of Mexico. But the FBI refused to take his murder case. She finds a female lawyer to help Spenser. Next episode is about a hacker who hacked a car resulting in murder. If a car is hacked, then why not turn it off by taking the key out of the ignition? Reed goes to jail. Trial to begin in like 3 months. I don't remember these episodes. Perhaps I have not seen these episodes before.

08:02 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Sunday 3/24/24 • New Developments in Moscow Terror Attack, Collapsed US Border

08:22 PM
Obama said on video his people were training ISIS. 08:26 PM: Ben Shapiro is racist, Ben said black people not getting the killer Covid Vaccines is bad which makes Ben a genocide mass murderer, Alex Jones was right, Candace Owens is free, Trump should disavow vaccines. 08:30 PM: Terrorist attacks in Russia will also happen in the United States in 2024 due to Open Borders with the intention to trick citizens of America to beg for tyrannical authoritarianism via United Nation troops who are already in America waiting for disaster. 08:33 PM: Biden to stop Trump from stealing the 2024 election by stealing it from Trump so that Trump can't steal it from Biden, Alex Jones was right. 08:54 PM: Not only does the left tear down walls but they also build walls so that you cannot see the walls they tore down, open borders, Obama ISIS terrorist attacks in Russia coming to America, Alex Jones was right, MAGA Trump 2024. 09:19 PM: World leaders wanted to rape the 14 year old daughter of George Green, they told him bombs would take out billions of people starting in 2000 in the northern hemisphere as globalist go into hiding south of the equator or bunkers, Y2K cover, this was on Alex Jones.

Ones Who Live 105

2024-03-24 - Sunday - 11:00 PM - The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live 105

They get guns from people who tried stealing food from them even after Rick and Mich saved them. The folks at the park were going to shoot them. But R&M took the guns from them and then toss the guns. No. You keep the guns or give them back. Gabriel told her the CRT is just hoarding. I disagree. Rick's missing hand is just duct-tape over a fist, the special effects guys were sleeping on the job. Jadis is bitten in the neck, she gives Rick the ring so R&M can marry each other someday. Honeymoon like episode. Jadis tells them the file is in her room. Rick shoots her.

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Criminal Minds 1213-1214

2024-03-24 - Sunday - 12:00 AM - Criminal Minds 1213-1214

08:04 AM
Nerdrotic - Kotaku BURNS! The Acolyte ROASTED! X-Men Jan 6th? GhostBUST? Friday Night Tights 294 w/ Melonie Mac

08:02 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Sunday 3/24/24 • New Developments in Moscow Terror Attack, Collapsed US Border

Ones Who Live 105

2024-03-24 - Sunday - 11:00 PM - The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live 105

ChinhPham0334: Son Class 0168: 2024-03-23 - Saturday - 09:28 PM. 1. pages 77-82, No Parking story, Taxi story, and Football or Polo story. Jasper White. Criticize. Italics. Deny. Bank with money or river side. Done at 11:00 PM as usual with the homework aspect which we usually spend the first 30 minutes doing. After that, last 30 minutes is spent talking a fun topic like a game or whatever else. Chilly Pepper (Plants vs. Zombies 2). Devastating means bad or destructive. Meteor Flower. Vamporcini. Arsenal is like weapons or box of tools, or box of things you can use for playing, for battling, in a fight, in game. Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 07:50 AM. Breakfast, 08:04 AM. Sunday school, Mt.12. I thought about how the feeding of the 5K appears to be after John The Baptist was executed according to Matthew and Luke but they flipped that sequence of events in The Chosen. Not sure why or what. Talked to one guy about Discord. Nate did sermon the least likely to be used by God, bees, a star on the Sea Hawks, Jonah. Lunch, potluck at church around 12:00 PM. Helped Larry with music trailer, put cords from there to his car to be sold, around 01:00 PM or after, now it is 01:31 PM. Nap around 02:21 PM to 04:02 PM. Dishes around 06:30 PM to 07:48 PM included recycling, ground, tumbler compost, greenhouse plants back in at the end, at first watched something about Cleo, how like up to 500K books/scrolls/rolls burnt in the Alexandria library they say, also watched an episode from season 6 of Psych with the Steve Urkel actor for a sec. Dinner, 08:17 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, orange, 08:04 AM. Lunch: 2 devil eggs, spaghetti related dishes, potluck, 12:00 PM. Dinner: 12 small potatoes, 08:17 PM to 09:25 PM.