
in THE 2020slast month

Jet Bomb to Murder Trump, Alex Jones Dream. Trump Arrest Watch with Alex Jones, Roger Stone, this is a Holocaust against freedom, Judge Merchan is persecuting not Trump but the constitution. Bomb slipped into a bag to blow up in Trump's jet, Alex Jones said to Roger Stone he had this dream twice in the past week; we're the Titans vs Merchan; Tinubu, Stormy Daniels, Bill Gates, Rafah, Zendaya.

Unloaded groceries/plants. Book shed. Videos: Lego Movie Spoiler Review. Invisible Oatmeal. Songs: Vietnam 2016, Vietnam 2017, America 2018, LMS 2019, LMS 2020, LMS 2021, LMS 2022, LMS 2023, LMS 2024. Watched: And We Know Rumble



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Noisee AI

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-05-07 - Tuesday | Published in May of 2024


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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

03:22 AM
2014: Lego Movie Spoiler Review, Will Farrell, Chris Pratt, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson

04:43 AM
Invisible Oatmeal

Was trying not to be in debt, people pressured me towards normality of credit cards
Culture encourages the concept of buy now pay later, the world has been sucked into this vortex of instant gratification mixed with procrastinated responsibilities, liability
People are at fault, some more than others, for the trillions of dollars of debt the U.S. Federal Government allegedly appears to be under, Rome fell under debt, we can talk all day about the history of the crimes committed by control freaks
But on the other hand, my oatmeal was invisible, I wanted to talk briefly about my failure to explain myself to the world in this video, people did bad but I also did bad too at the same time or at least that's the perception at play
Looking back at my life, I can see how you might say I did people wrong, I wanted to give you a few examples of some of the alleged crimes I've committed, never mind if I had good intentions as I was only trying to make the world greener one oatmeal at a time, like never mind everything I was thinking or not thinking as I wasn't always thinking ahead, we can talk all day about my alleged excuses, reasoning, thinking, behind like why I did what I did in my life, I do try to tell my side of the story about all of that too as often I as I can
There were times I didn't pay for things in my life, sometimes people would pay for my meals at restaurants, fast food; I would eat their cereal; they bought me plane tickets; they bought me tickets at movie theaters, and the list goes on and on; never mind the fact that perhaps some or all of these examples were like gifts or whatever they might might have been
I grew up in the 1900s mostly around Christians who would give us things for free with no strings attached, I was born in the year 1985 in Oregon in a trailer park, we would sometimes get things from churches, friends, family, Salvation Army, organizations; some of it was like food, toys, clothes; some of it may have been presents, gifts, and what not; I remember some of this since like the 1990s or longer
I started expecting to get more things for free even as I got older, I continued desiring handy me downs, welfare, food stamps, Oprah to save us; my mentality was often or at least sometimes sort of like this to various degrees especially the younger I was
Regardless of how much I might have deserved in my life, you might say I came across as a jerk and a number of things which is true to various degrees as it's always about being right in life you might say in a sense that you might win battles while losing wars in the bigger picture as you zoom out to see how everything might affect everything in how you treat people and everything else
Never mind that I was trying to help people in my life, the results was sometimes burning bridges which was generally not really my intentions but I was also at least partly delusional in the For The Greater Good Scam and probably other scams too; like I was trying to force things to happen for the greater good like an autistic oatmeal version of Greta; and I'm not saying I'm a lot better in life now; but I do try to improve daily in many areas in my life; not saying I'm perfect; not saying you can always learn from me; I'm saying I'm trying to take gradual steps in the right direction every moment I got; would love to be perhaps immortal
Say for example, people invited me to eat with them at houses, restaurants, fast food; as hosts, they paid; they would sometimes say they would pay; sometimes they would ask me if I could pay; or they would want me to; that surprised me as I started expecting each situation to be the same as they would pay; I saw a pattern that I liked
I felt that my time was valuable, so I would prefer they pay for me if they wanted me to hang out with them; but I also didn't really want to eat at say McDonald's meaning I don't want to pay for food I wouldn't have bought; I rarely ate at fast food on my own; so my thinking was you pay to play with the Original Green Oatmeal Joey Arnold, that's me
I can talk all day about why I did what I did in my life, but I didn't spend too much time talking about my mindset, what I was thinking be it right, wrong, whether relevant, logical, irrational, based, or not; I try to correct the record in telling my side of the story for the history books in letting people know what I did, what I thought, how I felt, what I believed, and everything; I can write books about it; I can talk hour thousands of hours talking about why I did what I did in my life regardless of whether said actions were good, bad, or whatever
This video has typos, in them, just another reminder I am full of flaws, problems, etc
One of the many problems in my life is Invisible Oatmeal in that I failed at showing people my value
If I went back in time to when people invited me out to go eat with them, I'd either only say yes when I was prepared to pay or always say no if I didn't want to pay that is if they're not insisting it's on them, on the house, that they'll pay; I sometimes assumed they would pay because many times they said they would and many times they did pay for me even when I didn't ask for it
Invisible Oatmeal is one of the problems I would have in that I was often not fully highlighting my value to others; perhaps I even hid some of my treasures, gifts, abilities, talents, skills; some of that might be justified; but I sometimes assumed those worthy of my time would see my invisible oatmeal which again is partly true at times
Collateral Damage?
I am not saying I was always wrong in the actions I made in my life, I am saying that I sometimes look back at choices I made and I wonder if things could have been different, in conclusion, the moral of the story is to sometimes consider how your actions might affect others as some of it may have resulted in bad first impressions as people judge books by covers as surface level weirdos that they are

01:05 PM
Vietnam 2016, Version 1, Viral Moments According to AI, Suno & Noisee AI

01:36 PM
Vietnam 2017, Version 1, Viral Moments According to AI, Suno & Noisee AI

01:36 PM
America 2018, Version 1, Viral Moments According to AI, Suno & Noisee AI

02:00 PM
LMS 2019, Version 2, Most Recognizable People According to AI, Suno & Noisee AI

11:46 PM
LMS 2024, Version 1, Sexiest People of All-Time according to AI, Suno & Noisee AI

11:53 PM
LMS 2023, Version 1, Most Recognizable Faces According to AI, Suno & Noisee AI

11:55 PM
LMS 2021, Version 1, Most Likable People, Suno & Noisee AI

11:56 PM
LMS 2022, Version 1, Random Things From The Mind of AI, Suno & Noisee AI

11:57 PM
LMS 2020, Version 2, Craziest Videos That Year According to AI, Suno & Noisee AI


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

04:34 AM

People hate people for different reasons, sometimes no reason at all, many who attacked me knewth very little about me. 06:44 PM: Why does it say unknown user left? It would say who left. Is this only affecting me? Does it mean the user deleted the account or did Discord delete the account? So, technically, the account didn't leave this server.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

12:14 PM
Ron Gibson: ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 5/7/24 • ROGER STONE TRUMP NEWS | KIRK ELLIOTT FINANCIAL NEWS • Infowars

12:22 PM
Trump Arrest Watch with Alex Jones, Roger Stone, this is a Holocaust against freedom, Judge Merchan is persecuting not Trump but the constitution. 12:45 PM: Bomb slipped into a bag to blow up in Trump's jet, Alex Jones said to Roger Stone he had this dream twice in the past week; we're the Titans vs Merchan; Tinubu, Stormy Daniels, Bill Gates, Rafah, Zendaya.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

01:45 AM
And We Know Rumble: 5.6.24: TREASON, 4thPsyop vid, MSM admit V@X injuries, SHAM TRIAL exposed, SOROS EVIL plans, Pray!

03:10 AM
Finding the Money: Stephanie Kelto Documentary: US Federal Reserve

03:18 AM
General Michael Flynn of Trump vs Obama, Documentary: Delivery The Truth Whatever The Cost: Aquidneck Island

12:14 PM
Ron Gibson: ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 5/7/24 • ROGER STONE TRUMP NEWS | KIRK ELLIOTT FINANCIAL NEWS • Infowars

03:48 PM
Ron Gibson: ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Tuesday 5/7/24 • KIRK ELLIOTT FINANCIAL NEWS, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

06:42 PM
TikTok SUES Biden Over BAN, Israel INVADES Rafah DEFYING Biden Admin w/Jay Dyer | Timcast IRL

11:42 PM
Cobra Kai 6 Coming



Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Nap around 10 or 11 PM the previous day to like 2 AM or something. Up for like 4 hours after that. Then to bed. I got up for a sec around 9, had to use the little boys room. Up for good at 11:40 AM. Scrubbed and put away the blue crock pot, unloaded groceries from the jeep. Breakfast, 12:15 PM. Lunch, 12:27 PM. Unloaded plants at 01:55 PM from jeep. Soft green wiring, sticks, prop them up in green house to be planted soon. Dishes after that. Mom said I left the lights on in the big garage, I said to her I didn't. Later on mom said I left 2 plastic containers of food on the counter or stove by the fridge in the RV but then I said I didn't because they were already out. Maybe I left them out but the fridge was also being defrosted, aired out. Mail. Back here at 03:20 PM. Organized in the book shed around 4 or 5 to 06:40 PM, almost 2 or 3 hours, saw random things like books, tapped an audio tape tape ribbon together. Dinner, 06:54 PM. Dishes, 07:30 PM. Supper, 08:12 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, 2 tangerines, 12:15 PM. Lunch: salad, 12:27 PM. Dinner: chicken with spinach or vegetables, 06:54 PM. Supper: one toasted cheese bagel was so good, 08:12 PM. Nap around 9 to 11.

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