
in THE 2020slast month

Is the @CIA @FBI and other agencies plotting to take out Trump during his inauguration in 2025, @RealAlexJones had dreams relating to hand bombs being slipped into bags as people board jets, the cabal cartel either assisted in assassinating JFK or allowed it like Pearl Harbor. Covid Vaccines gave us 37,382 deaths which is over 3 times the number of deaths from all other vaccines combined going back decades; plus a million injuries; the FDA has blood on their hands for allowing genocide; potentially 4+ billion. FDA attacked ivermectin and FDA also endorsed killer Covid Vaccines.

New movie about the killer Covid Vaccines called Protocol 7. Movie exposing killer Covid Vaccines and also the Cancer Vaccines too, the movie is called Protocol 7 set to premiere this month in May of 2024, the man behind this movie is Dr. Andrew Wakefield; never mind Stormy Daniel Trump drama.

TikTok removed my Star Wars video of just my voice talking. Sprayed grapes/burning bush. Shower. Laundry. Videos: 2015: Disney Star Wars Force Awakens Spoiler Review. Silent Oatmeal. Songs: Oatmeal Life, Oatmeal 1900s, Oatmeal 1980s, Oatmeal 1990s, Oatmeal 2000s. Watched: Lionel Nation, Alex Jones, Cobra Cast, Tim Cast was dropped



Screenshot at 2024-05-08 14-50-22 Alex Jones Nick.png

Nick on Alex Jones

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-05-08 - Wednesday | Published in May of 2024


Oatmeal Discord Server
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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

03:27 AM
2015: Disney Star Wars Force Awakens Spoiler Review, Harrison Ford, Non-Mario Daisy

04:30 AM
Silent Oatmeal

Beyond Invisible Oatmeal, another problem was Silent Oatmeal, I felt like nobody could hear me which in some ways is the same as Invisible Oatmeal, I sometimes tried screaming so to speak, I engaged in things like hyperbole, irony, click-bait, sarcasm, insanity, bait and switch, comedy, wit, and the list goes on and on, whether intentional, accidental, whatever
More people can hear me now, not trying to say how many could hear me now or in the past, but will say I sometimes felt like I needed to do whatever to get people's attention, like a hook, I was basically doing my own sense of advertisements, marketing, plugging, on the fly
You might say I sold my soul to the Devil in my pursuit of trying to become famous, in trying to go viral, in trying to be heard during the course of my life; I might say I'm trying to walk away from excessive amounts of engagement farming which people like Elon Musk might frown upon; not saying I never ever participate in many different things; but I'm trying to become more transparent and many things
Part of my problem was I felt like I had to rush things, had to force things to happen, felt like time is short, felt like I needed to do as many things as I can in my life; so I was often trying to start things; even as a workaholic clean freak perfectionist, I compromised by throwing even unfinished content onto my Ojawall, that is onto the Internet, a lot of hit and miss these past four decades
One of my desires is to have main channels, websites, brands, entities, groups, organizations, shows, communities, companies, places, teams, focused on highlighting what might be at any given time the best of the best of my content, my work, my portfolio, my projects, blogs, videos, articles, memes, GIFs, documents, files, collections, photos, clips, screenshots, soundbites, and whatever else
I'm trying to sort of speed-run through some of my top life-long projects in a desire to publish as much of the content therein as I can in incomplete rough draft outline preview form so that it can be finished later by me, others if they want to join in building Oatmeal World
I turned 39 years old earlier this year in 2024, I was born in 1985 in Oregon, I'm entering my 5th decade next year in 2025 as I turn 40 at that time, I did many things in life, you might say I didn't which in some ways there are things I didn't do like marry, have children, buy houses, cars, and so on; so on one hand, I did some things but not other things
These short minute-long videos are sort of like documentary videos made mostly for me and for anybody interested in looking at this; some of my content may not be understandable enough for some people which could be one of the reasons I may not have many followers and I do try to sometimes put out content that many people could enjoy, whether that be for entertainment, education, or whatever else
Videos like this one is sort of like for the record kind of thing, it may not really attract many people and that is why videos like this one should probably not be on my main channel on YouTube say for example or TikTok or other social media and everything else say for example, not saying absolutely but you might suggest this to me and you might be onto something
Trying to stuff many hours worth of ideas into one minute, I sort of do these 60 second videos as a daily challenge for myself that I give myself on top of the projects I'm buried in, these videos sort of helps me process and think out loud similar to my daily blog and everything else that I do and have and what not
I had many more things I wanted to say in this video, I cannot think of all the different points I wanted to make, I should probably record every second of my life so I could press rewind so I could remember some of my thoughts, ideas, opinions, beliefs, feelings, and so on
One of the reasons for my autobiography is I'm playing a game with myself to see how many long lost memories can be unlocked, I am studying psychology and a number of things as I write down the story of my life which helps tell my side of the story and helps me understand other people through the prism of own perspective which is a kind of bias all humans cannot really escape from
Not here to try to say how great I am, in some ways I'm terrible as my content is often full of typos and so many different problems, I made mistakes when I talk, write, and so on; I'm flawed; but if any of my work can be useful for you, then take it, whether you learn what to do, what not to do, from me, like it is what it is and I just do whatever I feel like doing kind of thing good or bad
I put out content to let people know what I'm doing, saying, thinking, feeling, believing, and everything, good or bad; right or wrong; legal or not; my work is here to entertain, educate, encourage, equip, and everything; my work is not copyrighted, do what you want with it; I'm trying to better organize my work, finish up some of it, highlight some of it, and also transition perhaps to whatever works best overall in making money, in helping people, and everything, to be continued as always

My Life
2024-05-08 - Wednesday - 09:35 PM
Oatmeal-Life-Outline: once upon a time lived Oatmeal Joey Arnold born in 1985 in Oregon; grew up in the ghetto, did he almost die before he was born, Titanic, Seattle in 1988 or in a car crash 4 months later in November; Oatmeal was homeschooled, he attended churches, youth groups, clubs, AWANA, Word of Life Olympians, Salvation Army, Vacation Bible School; Skate World; field trips; got lost at Disneyland, a lake, Astoria Column; he filmed Arnold Attic Videos, he drew the Action Strip Comics; he was a Girls Basketball Manager in High School, went to college in New York, West Virginia, worked in camps and Hawaii, he taught English in Vietnam, he visited Cambodia; Oatmeal is connected to Ironic Mystic, Infinite Altitude, Pocket Ball, Revolution Hawaii, iJustine, Mea Omnia, Vietnam Original Oatmeal, Dead Wing Dork, Memes World, Chrissie Mayr Simpcast; Jill Mill, Rambo Revenge, Billy Breaker, Ra Ra, joeyarnoldvn the end, if you like what I do, follow me on my Discord Server, link in the description or on my social media or Google Search my name plus Discord to find it
melodic, progressive metal, synth, nu metal
Harry Potter getting lost everywhere

2024-05-08 - Wednesday - 11:09 PM
Oatmeal Life, Version 1, Oregon, Vietnam, Harry Potter, Hawaii, Basketball, Suno & Noisee AI

2024-05-08 - Wednesday - 09:50 PM
Oatmeal 1900s, born 1985 in Oregon, did he almost die in Seattle in 1988 or in a car crash 4 months later in November; Oatmeal was homeschooled, he attended churches, youth groups, clubs, AWANA, Word of Life Olympians, Salvation Army, Vacation Bible School; Skate World; Whiz Bang; sports; field trips; in 92, ventured to California where he got lost at Space Mountain, in 93, got lost at a lake; another time got lost at the Astoria Column; and then a bear almost ate him in a forest near Gold Hill; he grew up drawing; starting writing and talking better around 95; he wrote science fiction stories about dinosaurs and sometimes about Star Trek like stories; Oatmeal started making Arnold Attic Home Videos; Action Strip comics; newspaper; mice in trees; guinea pigs eating up his drawings off the wall; tried turning the house into a jungle via his drawings; grew up playing sports and video games; Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Mario, Sonic; Oatmeal was always trying to build things, taxi bike wagon, tree forts
Male Vocals, Electronic with synthwave, R&B elements and pop, electropop
Harry Potter running from a bear on Space Mountain in Disneyland

2024-05-08 - Wednesday - 11:09 PM
Oatmeal 1900s, Version 1, Harry Potter, Disneyland, Bear, Suno & Noisee AI

2024-05-08 - Wednesday - 10:10 PM
Oatmeal 2000s, Arnold Attic in Oregon, guinea pig Ra Ra, Idaho mission trip, bowling, high school, welding, art classes, basketball, drama club, earth club, girls basketball manager, camp in California; built a pocket ball table, went to college in New York in 04, C-M-T, Flat Man, Bobbin, Super Bowls, J-S-A Trinity, Snow Camp, Ranch, W-C-C California, Quebec; went to A-B-C in West Virginia in 06, watched the Matrix in South Carolina, Sawyer Frye, L-4-O-J, Kuratli, Monster, Fiona, Mike Kurtz, W-Y-I, Rob Noland, Revolution Hawaii, Michael Collins, Jeff Walters, Get Your Joy On, Woof and Dick died, banned from the ghetto, Kells, Grout, Alder, Mars, guitar; P-D-X, tapes to D-V-D, Lincoln Hawk 09, Space Man; Nick Littlejohn; Agape Church; Imago Dei; Quest Center; Comcast Wanted Adventure; iJustine, Blake Webb, Redwood Glenn, Charlotte Battle, Sharon Clayton, Brent Groth, Mea Omnia, Mount Saint Helens; Tillamook Cheese Factory; Robin Baker, prison, Joy Sanchez, Vietnam; many adventures; come join the ride on my Discord Server
alto, passionate male, male vocalist, agressive violin, dirty violin, 108 BPM, alternative, D minor
Harry Potter riding guinea pigs around the world

2024-05-08 - Wednesday - 11:25 PM
Oatmeal 2000s, Version 1, Harry Potter Riding Guinea Pigs Around the World, Suno & Noisee AI

2024-05-08 - Wednesday - 10:30 PM
Oatmeal 1980s, born 1985 in Oregon, almost not born, Rasp missed the Titanic; from the Netherlands; maternally a Morehead of Seattle, they were in World War 2; Strawberry-86, tubes for ears, he played a sheep in 87, did he almost die in Seattle in 1988 or in a car crash 4 months later in November; Awana Cubbies after that; did his siblings think he was an alien; his brother watched the A-Team, they slid down a rope from the tree to the fence; they possibly met the Small Wonder actress in 89 at the Portland Zoo; Back to the Future; Land Before Time; Pee Wee Herman, I know what you are but what am I, VCRs, Nintendo, sports, cats gone wild in the trailer park; train track; dogs; a park nearby; Little Oatmeal got around on his tricycle and later on his goddamn red scooter; and if you wanna get around too, join the goddamn Oatmeal Discord Server, the invite links is everywhere I swear
Math rock, mutation funk, bounce drop, emotional, EDM, passionate female vocals
Harry Potter on the A-Team and Pee-Wee Herman with guinea pigs

2024-05-08 - Wednesday - 11:29 PM
Oatmeal 1980s, Version 1, Harry Potter, A-Team, Pee-Wee Herman, Suno & Noisee AI

2024-05-08 - Wednesday - 10:50 PM
Oatmeal 1990s, Kenni, drawing Indians, learning to ride a bike in 91, Elvis chicken, Disney Newsies with Batman, lost at Disneyland in 92 in California at Space Mountain; lost at Hagg Lake in 93, lost at the Astoria Columns; lost in the mind too probably as an introverted nerd athlete weirdo; almost smashed by giant ocean waves; do you wanna build sand castles; and then a bear almost ate him in a forest; Gold Hill; Umpqua; Seattle Splash 98; Arnold Attic, Oatmeal was homeschooled, he attended churches, youth groups, clubs, AWANA, Word of Life Olympians, Salvation Army, Vacation Bible School; Skate World; Whiz Bang Videos; Omsi, Zoo, field trips; Oatmeal was an autistic builder; people started calling him Cool Kid on the basketball court; Oatmeal grew up around a lot of people; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Star Trek, Star Wars, Power Rangers, Hulk Hogan, Michael Jordan, Jackson, Will Smith, Hollywood, Internet; he ran around doing different things; if you want to build with him, then click on the links everywhere I swear to join his goddamn Discord Server
passionate male vocals, hardcore gangsta rap, excited
Harry Potter learning to ride bikes with guinea pigs on train tracks

2024-05-08 - Wednesday - 11:36 PM
Oatmeal 1990s, Version 2, Harry Potter, Bikes, Train Tracks, Guinea Pigs, Suno & Noisee AI


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:00 PM

350/ Last words Roy ever said to me was ??? I wrote, "Stop stealing my goddamn videos you robber." Roy responded with question marks. My question was fake in a sense. I said it to trigger him. But I also said it to show Roy has already checked out months ago back in 2023, RIP.

Bunking Bronco

2024-05-08 - Wednesday - 05:48 PM - My Autobiography Log

The basketball hoop was in 4 locations, near the carport door, in the backyard, and off the carport roof, and on the new extended shed in the backyard; maybe not in that exact order. Rick wrote: "We couldn't keep anything in the shed because of the leak. For years it was like that. That's why it wasn't full of stuff and we were able to use it for the power rangers movie. Mostly, I remembered jumping off of it onto couch cushions on the ground. I probably saw it on the A-team, just like the rope thing I used to slide down on using a dish towel. Until one day, the towel broke, and never slid down the rope again. When I was like 7, katie and I made a Bunking Bronco from the tree to the metal fence, using a rope and old blankets and things, and shook it to make it seem like it a mechanical bull." Wait, I think i do sort of remember the Bunking Bronco assuming it was in the front yard. 09:32 PM: Rick: "I do remember the first location of the hoop. I think it might have been Katie's Strawberry Shortcake competition downtown Forest Grove when I was 6, and dad went to Fryes to pick up the hoop. And he came home and put it up by the shed door. That's what I remember, anyway." Rick, you turned 6 in 1988, a year featuring hiking, camping, ponies, Seattle, baby flies growing in the carpet, and a car crash.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

11:05 AM
Infowars, Alex Jones, 24/7 Live Stream on Rumble

01:03 PM
Is the @CIA @FBI and other agencies plotting to take out Trump during his inauguration in 2025, @RealAlexJones had dreams relating to hand bombs being slipped into bags as people board jets, the cabal cartel either assisted in assassinating JFK or allowed it like Pearl Harbor. 01:17 PM: New movie about the killer Covid Vaccines called Protocol 7.

01:22 PM
Movie exposing killer Covid Vaccines and also the Cancer Vaccines too, the movie is called Protocol 7 set to premiere this month in May of 2024, the man behind this movie is Dr. Andrew Wakefield; never mind Stormy Daniel Trump drama. Stormy Daniels got nothing on this, Emmy Robbin was on Alex Jones. She could not act as an actor for years because the Hollywood Cabal wanted to force her to get killer Covid Vaccines and now she is in a movie exposing the killer jab. A federal court ordered the @US_FDA to retract statements they made, the FDA engaged in a smear campaign for years, never mind Judge Cannon, Trump, Stormy Daniels, Mike Johnson, Biden, Obama, Israel, Palestine, Ukraine. Covid Vaccines gave us 37,382 deaths which is over 3 times the number of deaths from all other vaccines combined going back decades; plus a million injuries; the FDA has blood on their hands for allowing genocide; potentially 4+ billion. FDA attacked ivermectin and FDA also endorsed killer Covid Vaccines.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:30 AM
Watch Party - How Mr. Miyagi Returns In Cobra Kai Season 6

12:50 AM
Watch Party - Julie Pierce is Back In Cobra Kai Season 6!

01:15 AM
Lionel Nation - A Former Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Lawyer Reviews Stormy Daniels' Prejudicial Mistrial Testimony

10:58 AM

11:05 AM
Infowars, Alex Jones, 24/7 Live Stream on Rumble

06:41 PM
Timcast IRL Deletes ANOTHER Stream | CobraCast 199



Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 10:50 AM. Breakfast, 11:10 AM. I put together and sprayed grapes and the burning bush with two separate spray tanks, we put the poison mix in, added water, I sprayed, shower, laundry. Blue coffee container from laundry closet top shelf. I spent like ten minutes maybe closer to an hour on all of that. Lunch, 01:10 PM. Weeding around 3, by the tomato bed by the book shed along the path. Helped Larry install the RV to the ground, put a chest back in the front garage or what he called the small garage which I thought he met shed because my mom sometimes call things the wrong things and because I lived in Vietnam full of people who called things the wrong things because they are learning English and because I call things the wrong things because I am creative and stuff, back here at 04:32 PM. More lunch. Dinner, 06:00 PM. Dishes, 07:40 PM to 09:20 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, 2 tangerines, 11:10 AM. Lunch: rice, strawberries, beans, salad, very good, 01:10 PM. More of the lunch, 04:32 PM. Dinner: potatoes, fish, and maybe even something like lunch, 06:00 PM. Later on, some kind of broth from like broccoli.

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Nice... having a clear focus for your content and showcasing your best work are great ideas

Keep going you're doing great @joeyarnoldvn!🤸🏾‍♀️✨️

 last month  
