
in THE 2020s19 days ago

21/ Demote Caddy because Hate Speech is Free Speech because the freedom of speech includes the freedom to say something others might hate. 22/ More fake news, many people do not understand the roles, please acquire the brand new @ debate role and go debate in #debate or the DEBATE voice channel; go debate hate speech versus free speech or whatever topics fancies your pancies. 24/ Party but only if we hit 3,000 members in this Oatmeal World Discord Server before September 2024. 39/ Who here knows what are the differences between leaders and managers?

29/ Did you know I got 5 million TikTok views in the past 12 months, why not reupload my videos and get some of that honey from my oatmeal, hawk tuah spit on dat thang.

Shaved my beard. Cleaned bath tub. Tomatoes. Videos: Learn How-To Run Discord Servers or Gain Practice. RV video, what gets you up in the morning? Dancing videos. Talked about dancing and singing. Video about whether I was real or satire. Watched: Rings of Power 203, Emily in Paris 206-208, Friday Night Tights, Creationism vs Simulation Theory Debate, God or Atheism | The Culture War with Tim Pool, Dennis Quaid & Jon Voight on Huckabee, Tommy Robinson on Jordan Peterson

Locked out of Elon Musk's Twitter X for saying hello

Screenshot at 2024-08-31 03-47-56.png
Emily in Paris

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-08-31 - Saturday | Published in August of 2024


Screenshot at 2024-06-01 04-24-28 Discord 1340 Oatmeal.png

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

12:56 AM
Learn How-To Run Discord Servers or Gain Practice

Step one, join my Discord Server, click on the link in the description of this video
Step two, say hey I wanna learn how to be mod or an admin or even a god
Step three, people might promote you up and up so you can gain more power
Step four, make your own groups and tell us about it
The Oatmeal Joey Arnold World Discord Server is run by we the people meaning everybody has the power to promote and demote, when I say everybody I mean potentially anybody can work their way up the pyramid or ladder


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-08-31 - Saturday - 01:01 PM - Discord Log

21/ Demote Caddy because Hate Speech is Free Speech because the freedom of speech includes the freedom to say something others might hate. 22/ More fake news, many people do not understand the roles, please acquire the brand new @ debate role and go debate in #debate or the DEBATE voice channel; go debate hate speech versus free speech or whatever topics fancies your pancies. 23/ If there are no YouTube review videos of alleged Roblox Oatmeal Universe video games, then there is no clear evidence it even exists, why not put it on Wikipedia and Fandom. 24/ Party but only if we hit 3,000 members in this Oatmeal World Discord Server before September 2024. 25/ People like this Radical Dude 15 @ coolioz3000 Discord ID 1033319203454865489 as seen in my Oatmeal World server enjoy attacking me, trolls probably use AI and photoshop to fabricate fake Oatmeal Joey Arnold content to fool people and lie about me. 26/ Ashen1 @ asce_77 ID 684337153119092763 @ Clauzed on FM: "Is the oatmeal guy like actually real." 27/ The irony is that I tell people to do MANY THINGS but people only do SOME of those THINGS that I tell them to do which means logically you cannot BLAME me because people choose to do SOME but NOT ALL of what I want them to do which means it's their FAULT as they're PICKING and CHOOSING because they do NOT do EVERYTHING that I tell people to do, this is LOGIC 101 for those with philosophical minds. 29/ Did you know I got 5 million TikTok views in the past 12 months, why not reupload my videos and get some of that honey from my oatmeal, hawk tuah spit on dat thang. 30/ That is why it is called party, nobody can be silenced like a real party where the music is loud and everybody is yelling haha. 31/ I'd take a receding chin over a receding mind any day of the week. Chuck Norris was in a movie this year where he plays a robot. 32/ Please demote whoever promoted Caddy, @kwadd., are people unable to see what is happening? I recommend you demote many people because this is not good. I gave Caddy the @NAUGHTY role; too many people in this server are promoted too high and should probably be demoted for many reasons; everybody should probably demote many people for many reasons. 34/ The best of the best are promoted, the worst of the worst are demoted. 35/ People who can generate more traffic to our Oatmeal Joey Arnold World Discord Server will probably become owner of this server and more but I already generated over 5 million TikTok views leading to probably over 10,000+ people visiting this server; people who can do better than me should probably be promoted up and up assuming they're not like really evil or something. 37/ @ Mods and higher including @ GUARDS and @ ADMINS and higher can /role add @ hawk tuah meaning almost everybody can give people the role but it seems people are not able to figure out the simplest of things. 38/ But people should not be prematurely promoted in the first place and that is why they should be demoted because they were not eligible for higher roles in the first place. 03:31 PM: delegation. I created several groups on Hive Blog. 39/ Who here knows what are the differences between leaders and managers? 05:36 PM: Trolls like to hide in random channels to do slash commands hoping nobody notices. If Spade messes up again, then @trwtt might be taken to court, we can have a Salem Witch Trial. If Spade messes up, we can blame Tubby, it might have been his fault as Spade may mess up again. @ kwadd., you can choose to demote @trwtt for freeing @spadetheclown if you want at any time or wait until Spade goes crazy again, Tubby probably made a bad choice. True, Tubby decided to free Spade and Loner can decide to punish Tubby for that decision that Tubby made. 40/ In May of 2024 when we had around 1,300 members, I created this message in the #enter channel which now has 3,556 thumbs up which probably means this server should have at least 4,856 members not counting probably thousands of other people who ALREADY left this server between like 2019 (when this server was created) and May of 2024 when I made that post and possibly other accounts too which didn't click on the thumbs up as the main invite link to this server was clicked over 7,000 times. 42/ Main invite link to this server was clicked on 7,688 times and that is not to mention other links which was probably clicked on hundreds or thousands of times making the grand total possible over 10,000+ clicks to enter this server meaning possibly over 10,000 people may have already visited this server these past five years. 10:18 PM: 44/ Caddy @ pussyslayer90001 ID 718001329246699591 to maybe fentdemonmonster173 ID 768982698176806923: "remember when i muted the whole server and you got punished." Caddy should be demoted for saying no debate needed. People who promote Caddy should probably be demoted. Have a trial for Caddy, the gods can determine his fate.

Twitter Tweets

10:02 PM

My Discord DMs are stuck at 199, it took me a minute to realize that 199 reminded me of something.

Join Our Communities
People Are Welcome to Participate in Our Groups

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Rings of Power 203

2024-08-31 - Saturday - 12:00 AM - Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power 203

There was a problem. Perhaps the bad guys created the problem which was the dwarf mountain was broken. So a solution was presented by Sauron which was rings of power.

Emily in Paris 206-208

2024-08-31 - Saturday - 02:47 AM - Emily in Paris 206-208

Have adventures he said. So she gave him a ride to class on a scooter. Two singers and the beginning of love. A boss and the beginning of a love with a younger dude. Sleeping with classmate. Ghosting. Jacket. Picnic. China star. Dumpster. True love. Chicago.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Rings of Power 203

2024-08-31 - Saturday - 12:00 AM - Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power 203

Emily in Paris 206-208

2024-08-31 - Saturday - 02:47 AM - Emily in Paris 206-208

10:56 AM
Rings of Power Season 2 DESTROYS Tolkien | Acolyte COPE- Friday Night Tights 317 Little Platoon

03:22 PM
Creationism vs Simulation Theory Debate, God or Atheism | The Culture War with Tim Pool

10:30 PM
Dennis Quaid & Jon Voight Talk Portraying An AMERICAN ICON In New Film "REAGAN" | Huckabee's Jukebox

11:09 PM
Jordan Peterson - Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I try to publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc and others are encouraged to help me share my content everywhere which includes my daily blog. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 10:20 AM. RV video, what gets you up in the morning? Breakfast, 10:57 AM. Lunch, 03:20 PM. Tomatoes. Dancing videos. Talked about dancing and singing. Video about whether I was real or satire. Dishes around 04:30 PM. Discord. TikTok. Shaved my beard. Cleaned bath tub. Shower. Dishes. Food brought in around 09:05 PM. Dinner, 09:13 PM. No classes this weekend. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, orange, 10:57 AM. Lunch: fruit salad, 03:20 PM. Dinner: 2 toasted bagels with garlic humus, tea, 09:13 PM.