Threads: The War Of WEB2

in LeoFinance2 years ago


#Threads, wait, you've heard that from somewhere haven't you? Oh, wait, of course, from #leothreads on @leofinance. It's saddening, I'm not really trying to say Zuckerberg directly stole the name from #leothreads, but I also didn't say he didn't.

It's difficult to not call Zuckerberg a thief these days, Elon Musk is indirectly calling him that already. Why not? There are really no innovations on web2 anymore, what you now have is "copy code" and "paste".

We on hive here could swear that most of the innovation that web2 is trying to apply is already applicable and some of them are directly being stolen from us.

Web2 is archaic in innovation

Make no mistake, the fact that Hive doesn't completely have all the traction we want doesn't mean we don't superlative applications and ideas.

I mean, check for yourself, some of the things we've already implemented are what they'll try to implement in years to come, but typical web2 people are noobs, even when you offer them freedom, they'll still choose to openly enrich their taskmasters, giving them all the data they need to become wealthy and powerful.

First of all, Zuckerberg is a smart thief, you can see how he's managed to take advantage of the bad PR on Twitter to create his threads.

Zuckerberg: Robbing The Hood

This is why I use to say before now that Elon Musk might be wealthy, but he doesn't have what it takes to compete in the digital web2 space, the likes of Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey are smarter people.

Trying to squeeze out $44B in such a short period from his userbase (Elon Musk) did he think it wasn't going to have any consequences? I'm not totally saying threads will take the user base on Twitter, but Elon Musk has so far enjoyed the fun of being the new kid on the block with Twitter.

The bad PR that was recurrent was mainly the reason why people are sentimental enough to say "oh we've seen an alternative, Elon can eat his app". 70 million downloads in two days show you that the idea for threads is pure sentiments.

Since this is ingenuity from meta, it's evil ingenuity.

Zuckerberg created the threads idea, with the promise of continuity and ease, because people no longer have to be scared of starting afresh, they could teleport their followers from Instagram and never bother about grooming, especially when they're already established on Instagram.

Here's another thing, there's this number counts with registrations. The idea is to create this sentimental FOMO that you're part of the earliest people who signed up.

While all this is pure marketing strategy, it created the distraction for many not to read the terms and conditions of being on threads normally

who reads terms and conditions these days?

But because this one was literally dark and shady, they just needed that distraction to make people completely forget reading it. Now one of those terms and conditions is that people cannot delete their threads account without deleting their Instagram.

What Zuckerberg has done is solidify the potential growth of his new app on the success of his already established app; Instagram. He also mentioned that he's probably not going to monetize threads until when it hits a billion users, I can't remember now.

Web2: The Monetization Greed

However, this is to say that threads might continuously function well, until that monetization landmark hits and they'll now become what Twitter and Facebook have currently become: see two posts, see five ads.

In reality, I think people are just a pawn in the game of these greedy people, monetization and data control is the only thing they care about. Web2 people are going to make Zuckerberg the most powerful man on the internet, with the data they're giving him access to.

The Data Grab

I mean, people are legally signing on their most intrinsic data by agreeing to shady terms and conditions, but Zuckerberg has smartly pulled this one off from under Elon Musk ago probably feels cheated and seems stupid.

We're in that era where people are looking for alternatives, but web2 has the same MO They make you believe that they're the alternative you're looking for, only to become that place you once run away from.

In reality I do believe people can do better, web3 is absolutely the smartest choice, the innovation and freedom is here, I guess we can agree that the entry point is tricky, we need that tipping point to finally shatter the narrative, but sadly, we have to keep becoming usable, adoptable and banking on time.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I am not sure if this post would be the best i would read today, but i think it is for this moment🤗.
I have so many things to contribute, but it is best i dice them by bit.

Firstly, i wrote something relating to this mark and musk issue 2days back, but i choose to relax on the issue, because it is obvious that large percentage of internet users are still very much interested in the web2, and don't value the transparency of the web3 structure.

Secondly, the moment i saw the #thread icon, ecency came into my mind. I am not sure if anyone else also feel the same, but it looks more like an ecency copy to me, even though it was more longer.

Thirdly, musk is not strategic enough. He has to create a good digital culture between himself and his users, so as to get the best out of his company.
We should note that most popular verified account on twitter are beginning to create #thread account. Musk might just end up on the lossing side, but we know how he is, he might just develop a clone facebook application 😅.

I am not sure if this post would be the best i would read today, but i think it is for this moment🤗.
I have so many things to contribute, but it is best i dice them by bit.

Thank you for the approval..

In reality, you're right, threads is just like eccency built on web2. The whole idea seemed so opportunitistic and the truth is that, web2 app owners are just glorified thieves with no innovations to show for it. Zuckerberg is a big example. Sadly people wants to still remain enslaved to web2. There's literally no incentive to being on web2, these guys are stripping people dry just to make money off their data. It's unimaginable how they've done this. But sadly that's the reality.

As for Musk, I've said it again that he's no Smart when it comes to playing this game. He thinks it's all about monetization. The bad PR he's created is what make Zuckerberg create threads all for free. I think Twitter will not die, but it'll hardly reach that peak we think it would.

Thanks for the amazing comment.

because it is obvious that large percentage of internet users are still very much interested in the web2, and don't value the transparency of the web3 structure.

💯 and remains baffling to me

He has to create a good digital culture between himself and his users, so as to get the best out of his company.

Naaa Elon has millions of loyalists, all he needs are paying clients, plus threads is still very short of the features that makes Twitter bang. This what I think sha. I opened threads but I haven’t used it for 30 mins. Im still on Twitter all day

I opened threads but I haven’t used it for 30 mins. Im still on Twitter all day.

Exactly. From your own angle/perspective, you couldn't find any thing so interesting in the #thread app, due to the fact that you have some ideas about tech and also, you are a full supporter of the decentralized system.

But the larger number of people, who are none tech experts, are currently after followers, so they are all making a switch in the #thread platform, Inorder to start getting followers.

I am not even sure if getting just followers makes any sense, but this none tech users sees it as all that matters😅.

As for me, i never had an IG account, even when #thread requires it, i didn't bother myself to signing up😅.

Naaa Elon has millions of loyalists, all he needs are paying clients, plus threads is still very short of the features that makes Twitter bang.

This persons that might be loyal, can also end up switching for a better course.

Pure reality of life 😢.

The threats starts coming in, as the same loyalist who have dominated twitter are also creating a #thread account.

To be fair, i am not a supporter of anything relating to web2, i just have to make use of them now, before finding a better web3 version of them.

This is an interesting read. It's also very thoughtful, informative and thought-provoking.

I was in a virtual hangout on Thursday when the topic of Thread came up and it's really interesting to see how they are capitalizing on Twitter's bad PR. Elon may be an evil capitalist like many call him, but Zuckerberg is showing everyone a different level to that sh*t. Haha.

It's surprising to see the stats about people that are running to the new thread. It makes me wonder how they all seem to be in the dark about Hive.

You talked about Ads. Jeez. Web2 and ads are inseparable. All these gives me reassurance about my decision to focus most of my online presence on Hive. Hehe.

Elon isn't really a genius when it comes to owning social media, Zuckerberg just showed him how it's done. However, they're both two peas in a pod; looking for a ways to monetize people's data. The ads on Twitter now makes the place look like a circus. It's unimaginable. There's no way you're seeing tweets without seeing ads, this just shows the greed of Elon Musk. At the end or the day, these people are just greedy people. Only that Musk paid 44B while Zuckerberg is getting everything for free.

Elon isn't really a genius when it comes to owning social media, Zuckerberg just showed him how it's done

Zuck isn’t a genius either based on the fact that every social is built is copy pasta, but yeah he’s good at leveraging existing success.

The ads on Twitter ain’t so bad when you realize that the revenue will be shared among content creators. Something like on Leofinance. But Zuck? He no care about content creators he will sell and monetize for total profit of his company.

Yeah, I'm also think web2 in totality is all about leveraging past sucess, zuk self is a money-driven man and truly doesn't care about content creators, all I thought was that Musk could give the platform to an OG and detach himself from the space, they're taking advantage this a lot.

I saw a lot of memes about people who succumbed to the peer pressure of threads and are now regretting it. I say Zuck is really shady for such T&C but I guess he's sort of shown Elon that the social media isn't his toy to play with and the monopoly is more or less over.

Thank God for web3. Web2 is more or less a joke these days.

Terms and conditions is everything people need to know, but who checks them these days? Zuckerberg has played a fast one on the sentiment of people, and he's now winning big on the ignorance and incompetence of Elon Musk. Web2 will always be a mine of greed, it's saddening that people can't see the light.

I think Elon will have to go back to the drawing board and make some tweaks on his vision and plans regarding Twitter. It's evident that Zuck is better at playing the social media game although he does it in a not so good looking way. Copy and paste removes originality from the platform. Web2 users will keep on enriching these web2 giants with their data without getting any share from the rewards.

It's evident like you said that Musk doesn't really know anything about social media. It's crazy how he must be feeling sore. Copy and paste is everything about web2 nowadays and these two people are playing the web2 game. It's a pity that people aren't seeing what web3 has to offer them, I guess with time.

Yes, I think with time and when the game gets more unconventional, web2 users will figure out there are better alternatives on web3 that offer true ownership and freedom from the vague terms and conditions of web2 platforms. Because of copy and paste, most of them have stop being innovative. It could be that their peak of success is nearing its end.

I’m pretty sure he (Elon) didn’t think most of he decisions regarding the changes on Twitter through because he saw no real competitor. I mean think of it, the likes of alternatives like Truth social was never a real thread because almost everyone that run to Truth cane back to bear with the challenges on Twitter. But that was all before “Lizard Boy” cane into the picture with the idea to turn’s Musk’s uproar into advantage for himself. Pretty smart move really, including that shady T&C binding their Threads and Insta. No one would’ve imagined there would be a Term like that and I’m sure many who don’t read them don’t know.

It is understandable, he paid 44 billion dollars and he is trying to squeeze out this money by all means. If you check what Elon Musk is currently doing to Twitter, he's trying to monetize every nook and crannies of the social app. To him it is all about the money and he forgot the fact that there are existing competitors who could take advantage of his greed and endless chase for money and profit.
Zuckerberg is a much more terrible person when it comes to data monetization, and he is on his way to making himself one of the most powerful people on the internet

!1UP Good work!


Thanks for the curation

Well said bro! People doesn't even look for terms and conditions and don't know how web 2 could be harmful for them. Their data could be traded to government or any other agency. That's why I recommend decentralized platform.

When it comes to web2 I feel that people should be intentional about terms and conditions. These web2 guys just wants to pillage data

These social media platforms are very manipulative, it is not luck that the likes of us on Web 3 spotted this and limited our use of Web 2 platforms.

It is a pitty Hive ecosystem isn't getting the traction it deserves but we have to keep building to a robust level, if we are honest with ourselves we can't entirely boast of hosting the masses with applications crashing now and then, lets keep polishing what we have and when the Web 2 noobs wake to to realization of data exploitation, they will find us here.

It's the war of web2, to be factual, they're fighting amongst themselves who gets to own more data and make more money. I think we're now in the 21st century where these guys are supposed to be giving people back their money for making them those outrageous figures.
On web3 here, I think traction is inevitable, we just have to keep building what we have.

Who reads terms and conditions these days, most of it are presented in such a way that you losses interest in reading it, that’s why people falls victim of that. All these social media app have been there on time that why they have much users. I think we should keep on advertising to people the benefit of Web3 to build up the community

Exactly, people lose interest just checking the numbers of these T&C pages. If people can actually take the time to check these pages, they might not agree to signing them.

Honestly, I can't really support Elon for his actions because he was the person to fire these people and these people need a way to survive. I don't think Threads is that similar to Twitter and there are going to be some similarities. It's just that the backbone of threads is Instagram and there are enough differences. I just have a feeling that it's just a war because Elon wants to make Twitter profitable and he wants to take out competition.

Threads is truly not similar to Twitter, but Elon Musk give Mark Zuckerberg the opportunity to capitalise on the bad PR. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE SEE IT AS AN ALTERNATIVE. Originally they shouldn't even be competing. However sukeban jumped on the trend and was quick to provide people an alternative when it seemed everything wasn't going well with Twitter.

That is definitely one way to look at things. Threads right now barely has anything useful to people and I don't think it is an alternative yet. Twitter has been going downhill for a while and I wonder what Elon plans to do.

I couldn't believe the TOS when I saw them. Granted, I still signed up since I already have an IG account and I wanted to see what the overall vibe was compared to twitter and our own LeoThreads. Will report back!

Everybody is curious, at least a lot of people are, as to what threads is aiming to become. This is probably Zuckerberg was planning to capitalize on, the platform seems to be off to a good start already

We're in that era where people are looking for alternatives, but web2 has the same MO They make you believe that they're the alternative you're looking for, only to become that place you once run away from.

This is 💯

I’m constantly baffled how people aren’t rushing to web3, even the best of our tech minds.

The best of our tech minds wants to remain on web2 while preaching web3 lol hahaha

I actually feel that Mark Zuckerberg is not a
Elon Musk has been pressurising us on Twitter lately and he changed everything we could do on it freely before. A lot if us now have Instagram threads account and I prefer it to Twitter

Well, he's not literally a thief, but in actuality, he is. The whole copy and paste concept is pure thievery. Of course, many will prefer threads

You are right but if Elon Musk did not make crazy changes on Twitter, we would not be using threads now
He's now regretting his actions

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Zuckerberg is very smart as you said. In life there should be no comparison because it's never possible for everyone to have one business ideas with another in the same time. Zuckerberg and Elon Musk have their little differences in business world and each can't compared who's superior.

In all, I'm still waiting for the day I'll be like Zuckerberg or Elon Musk.


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Of course we have heard about it because we have been using this platform for a long time and it was a new feature and everyone else is coming and introducing things like this but first. It is absolutely wrong to take someone else's idea and launch it on top of your website.

I saw a video where they said that they are still working on separating threads from Instagram but currently threads is working under Instagram. Hope one day they will keep to their word because many people are being too careful with threads so they won't wake up one day and realise that they have lost their Instagram account.

Meta is legimately scary, we have stories which is a copy of snapchat, reels which is a copy of tiktok and now it's thread and Twitter. When I started hearing all of these issues arising on the net, what I uttered is “Web2 is a joke” like you rightly said there's no bit of innovation it's repetitive of what has already been put up before either from web1, Web2 or Web3.

At this point I'm not siding any of this two Web2 Platforms cause they've been doing the same, the most painful part is people still want to get this people rich again alot are talking about money and they keep wasting time on all this trash.......

This content really made my day @josediccus kudos for such Insightful and illuminating writeup😊😊😊