Don't listen to your detractors

in Project HOPE4 years ago

A couple of days ago I wrote a publication that I shared with all of you that I entitled Are you chasing your dreams or the dreams of others?, in which I mentioned the importance of having clear goals, of forming a specific vision of what we want to achieve in our lives, based on a motivational video by actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, in which I mentioned a first rule that he says is necessary to have in order to achieve our life goals, and this is "to have a vision ".

In this second post, I want to talk about what is that "second rule " that he mentions as something necessary to achieve success, keep reading so you know what it is.



The second rule is :

"Don't listen to your detractors "

This is good to keep in mind, because the reality is that we must live first for each one of us, people will always have something to say about what we do, even if we don't ask for their opinion.
It is a rule, even if you are doing good, there will never be a lack of people who speak badly of you and even those who tell you that what you want to do is not possible, or that it will involve a lot of work, that it is not even something worthwhile, so for that type of person you do not have to worry, you do not have to dedicate time to it at all.

I could say that to a great extent the people who tell you that you can't do something, most probably it's because they've tried and couldn't, they're full of envy, they probably don't want anyone to do something that they couldn't do or that they just didn't try. I will leave the following sentence in relation to this that I have been commenting on:

"Envy is the homage that mediocrity pays to talent." Jackson Brown

What do you think about the previous sentence?

In addition to envy, this type of person is always full of bad intentions, there are those who want to feel that they are above you, not because they are going up, but because they want to make you come down, and this is not something that we should allow anyone.

Based on what I have exposed so far, I must say the following, by way of summary

  • We must always set goals, have a clear vision of what we want, to focus and direct us in that search. Circumstances may change, or situations may arise that we did not expect, but the important thing is to stand firm and move towards what we want.

  • Another important thing is do not listen to your detractors, there will always be people talking about what someone is doing, whether it is good or bad, there will always be those kind of people who will want to destroy another through their word, the best thing is to ignore what they are talking about, because it can distract us, and get us out of focus.

These are basic rules that we should consider, to achieve those goals that we set and to be successful, considering that success does not only depend on having large amounts of money and being famous, I must emphasize.

For now, I'm saying goodbye, that's all, so devote yourself to meditate on what you really want in your life, plan the best way and get away from people who do not give you anything, have a good weekend.

Thanks for reading me.


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The only person you should really listen to is yourself (the voice from within).

Another nice post, @josevas217.

I don't think that's entirely the message. Valid criticism does exist and should play an important role in making decisions.

Yes, the criticism to make something better, with good intentions, exists, of course it does. The one that someone tells you with the purpose of making what is being done better.
But in the same way there is the person who criticizes to judge in a bad way, with the intention of doing harm, to that one you should not pay attention at all, at least I prefer to ignore it.

You're absolutely right. I'd say you must have a balance of pride and humility to be able to take great criticism and to ignore the one which is unconstructive

Thank you for your comment.
Greetings. I also believe that you have to believe more in yourself.

Other people's opinions will be there at all times. And people's opinions are always influenced by their personalities. If you are a negative person your opinions will be like that, but if you are an optimistic person they will give you good advice.

I'm sure they do, and I think it's better to be mentioned than not, but one's task is to filter out what can really benefit us. Thank you very much for the comment.

One of the basic fact we must understand is that we can not satisfy people around us, apart from the fact that their are some certain people we have to avoid their opinion because they just want to draw us backwards. Once we have a clear vision, the next thing is to be an achiever no matter what people might say against our vision and how we strategies our movement to accomplish it.

It is a very intelligent commentary @benie111
I agree with you, it is impossible for us to make everyone agree with us, besides, that should not be the end we are pursuing.
Thank you for your comment.

This information is very relevant, since in particular I only listen to people whose advice is for personal growth, for those people who only want my regression I just ignore them, I think that's the great moral of this post.

A very motivational post that you present us friend @josevas217. Greetings

Hello @carlos84
Thank you very much for stopping by.
Yes, the best thing is to ignore the bad comments, it's not worth it, it's better to use that energy in moving forward.

Sometimes the detractors may have valid info but it is up to the individual to decipher what is best for them. Arnold is a beast at achieving his dreams.

Yes, I think we must also educate ourselves un learning to decipher what they say or it can help to evolve and filter what could help us.
Thanks for your comment @dmilliz

we must always learn that everything happens to us is an opportunity to do things better in that sense, we can transform the negative or toxic people into something useful p our businesses, and there It is where our challenge and work are.

If @reinaldoverdu, challenges come daily with every action, and certainly that learning from mistakes and also determine what they say can serve us is a challenge.