Weekly Update 9.17.18

in #life6 years ago

Welcome to the #Ledgerback blog!

Please take a look at our previous posts for more information about our project.

For the past week, we have been working on: 1) our Blockchain and Music Review Article; 2) envisaging our stork from a logo to a mascot; and 3) brainstorming interactive mainstream adoption activities.

Blockchain and Music Review Article

Our Blockchain and Music Review Article ("Review") is developing at a steady pace.
We have decided to split the Review into three parts:

  1. A broad overview of the blockchain-based music industry;
  2. A systematic review of specific subcategories of blockchain-based solutions in the music industry; and
  3. Recommendations regarding blockchain-based solution implementations in the music industry.

This will likely be our format regarding review articles for the first couple editions of our research journal.

Currently, we are working on Parts 1 and 2 with Part 1 scheduled to be finished within the next two weeks.

The deadline for Part 2 is still to be determined (TBD) and will heavily depend on which subcategories garner enough interest among members.

Why we chose to review blockchain-based solutions in the music industry.

We believe that blockchain-based solutions are primed to take off in the music industry because the music industry has already faced its first wave of disruption thanks to file sharing services (Napster, Limewire, Grokster).

The first wave helped decentralize the music industry and lessen record labels control over music production.

Now, the second wave of disruption will come through blockchain-based platforms which will decentralize the industry further.

However, in the second disruption as opposed to the first disruption, musicians will play a larger role, as musicians and/or technologists will create platforms which are musician-centered.


Lastly, we are considering titles for the:

  1. research journal where Review will be published; and
  2. Review.

We have been considering many names but have been fixating on "ZigZag" lately for the review journal.

For the Review, we have been considering names such as "Music Distributed," "Musifying Distributed Ledgers/Blockchain," "How Distributed Ledgers will put artists at the center of the music industry," and "The Case for Musicians to immerse themselves in Distributed Ledger Technology."

Let us know what you think about the name for the Review.

Autonomous Brands

Our logo development has been going so well that we have been contemplating, heck, envisioning whether our logo could become something much greater than ourselves, and truly take on a life of its own.

After discussing with a couple members, we think that is the direction we should be heading towards.

As of now, we have not been able to find any true mascot for the distributed ledger space.

So, in that regard, we hope that our logo can become a mascot not only for ourselves, but for anyone in the distributed ledger space who is seeking a symbol that embodies the cooperative and decentralized principles we all hope to live by.
Further, we believe we have decided on a tentative name for our stork, (drum roll please), … "Scout."

We believe "Scout" is a great name for our Stork and hopefully, you do as well.

Mainstr[eam/eet] Adoption

One of our major goals is to increase both:

  1. mainstream (as in media); and
  2. mainstreet (as in everyday people and small to medium enterprises) adoption of distributed ledger technology and decentralized governance principles.

This past week, we have been brainstorming ways we can increase mainstream adoption.

A couple of the ideas we have floating around are a cryptocurrency treasure hunt, providing DLT-branded clothing and food, hosting meetup groups and hackathons, and 3D printing DLT-related designs and offering them to anyone for free.

Let us know what you think of our ideas and if you have any ideas you want to suggest, please send us a message either here or at [email protected].


Thank you for reading our Weekly Update!

Please stay in touch by following us here or on our other online channels.

Complete the membership form to join us on our journey to demystify the distributed ledger space.

Thank you to Charles and Stephanie for your work on the Updates.
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