Latvian Beer review

in BEER7 months ago (edited)

We were looking for somewhere for a beer and dinner on our first night in Riga. Hubby found this place called Two More Beers from the internet. It was located in the tourist area Old Town, and being a Saturday, the place was choc a block filled with people. Even the bar area was full and we didn't fancy standing up for a meal after a four hour coach journey in the morning. We ended going some place else that evening but returned on Sunday night. Yes, hubby was determined!

What a difference overnight made! The place was pretty much deserted on Sunday with only a few customers and plenty of empty tables.

Back to the beer. Hubs ordered the house draft beer, it seemed like the natural choice. It was simply called Two More Beers and is 6% abv. Hub's verdict was ok but it didn't leave any lasting impression on him. Oh well! That's not a very good start to his Latvian beer journey 🙃

On his quest to find a good Latvian beer, Hub's turned to the waiter for recommendations for round two. The guy came back with this. It's called Sanslide . First impressions, we both agreed it looked good.

Sanslide is a 6.5% IPA brewed by a 10 year old local craft brewery called Malduguns. Neither the beer nor the brewery was familiar to us as it's the first time we've come across Latvian beer.

The beer had a nice pale golden colour and was served in a iced cold glass. Even though I'm not a big beer drinker, I do think beer is best drunk nice and cold. I took one sip of the beer, it was very refreshing and not too strong for my liking. It's been two weeks and I can't remember exactly what the flavour was like, I just remembered I liked it a lot.

Hubby was chatting to the waiter who told him that Two More Beers sells around 200 types of different beers. He said he's tried most of them, and those that he hasn't tried, he knows he won't like.


Two More Beers is a bar and a restaurant and they do some pretty nice food. We ordered a portion of ribs which was really nice, and some snacks to go with our beer. Here's some fried belly pork slices. I would have preferred them to be out of the fryer a few minutes earlier.

And here's some bonus snacks for you. To be honest, I was quite surprised to see them on the Latvian menu. It's not something commonly eaten in UK and I think most people would run a mile than eat it. I have eaten it before and enjoyed it, but not fried, so this was something new for me. Can you guess what it is?..... Tell you at the end of the post 🐖👂

Hope you enjoyed my Latvian beer review.

Did my emojis earlier on give you some clues on what the bonus snack is? Warning - vegans please stop reading...

Have you ever noticed your outer ears have some soft bones (now you're all touching your ears 😁). Pigs have much bigger ears than us and imagine we slice the ear lengthways we will end up with strips that consists of pork skin and crunchy white cartilage. That's what the snack is, fried pig ears. Would you try them if they're on the menu?


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I love IPAs, that one looks good!
That snack looks like bacon, but you said it's not common and people would run a mile than eat it.... now I'm curious...

Haha! It really depends if on where you're from, like the Brit's are very fussy eaters l, they'll probably run the fastest. I've updated my post to reveal the answer 😄

This IPA looks good. But the snack? I don't know what is it, something as ham baked?

It is from the pig, but not ham. Check out my answer in the post 😁


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It looks like pork rinds to me (deep fried pork skin/fat). I've had them before, homemade with a deep fryer, and they were delicious. My heart was beating funny for a little afterwards though lol

I wonder if your heart will beat even funnier after you find out what this is 😁
Check out the answer in my post

Oh I missed the explanation when i first read it, pig ears!?! That's interesting. I'd try them.

If it makes you feel better, you didn't miss it, I added it in this morning 😀

Let me know if you ever have a chance to try them. Not sure if many places in Canada serves them, Chinatown will do, we eat pretty much everything 😂

Oh gotcha, haha makes sense. I have never seen them in Canada but you're probably right that they would be in China Town in Toronto. If I ever sees them I'll eats them 😸

The beer looks good, but I have no idea what that snack is. And it looks very strange. I mean, it's a bone, but from which animal?

Your guess is probably the closest with the bone, if this was a HPUD Guessing Contest, you would have won!!!

Check out the answer above

Oh I see :D I wouldn't probably try it if I see that on the menu btw

Us Chinese eat all sorts 😁, in fact there's hardly a part of the pig that goes to waste. But there are parts that I wouldn't eat myself

Bon Appetit! I don't eat all sorts of any animal 😅

It looks like side pork to me. I always love how pretty IPA's look, but I can never really stand how they taste. Too much like pine needles for me. It usually reminds me of gin honestly. I would guess if you like gin, you might like the hoppiness of IPA's.

Now you mention the pine needles and gin taste, maybe that's why I enjoy it as I don't drink much, and light refreshing drinks are ok with me.

The snack is pork, but a very specific part, check out my answer above 😁

Was it a beef jerky??

Not beef, pork. I wonder, does Thais eat this part as well? I'd be interested to know. I've edited my post with the answer

We do eat them, yes! It's our common drink food.

I hope you also tried the national drink, Black Balsam? The unknown snacks aren't eels are they?

Have a great time, Latvia is wonderful. I enjoyed travelling to Liepaja and Ventspils and some other lovely Baltic coastal towns.
Looking forward to following the adventures

Everyone was talking about Black Balsam so I bought a couple small bottles back. A 40ml original flavour and 200ml currant flavor as I was told the original one is an acquired taste. I tried the currant one yesterday with soda water and a splash of ginger, it was ok, quite strong. I might use the original for a BBQ glaze, that's how the ribs I had at the place was cooked, but tbh I didn't really taste any thing different.

Not ell, but grilled eel would be lovely, I use to BBQ them, they're devine! I updated my post with the answer

Yes, I brought back a couple of the small bottles as souvenirs, which I still have, unopened!

Will check out the answer now :-)

Nice strong beer ! belly pork if cooked correctly is the best bit of the pig, flavour comes from the fat,that must be well seasoned..... and boy there is a lot of fat on the belly, ( both the pig's and mine)

I see you and hubby have similar taste, in fact most Brits aren't a big fan of fatty belly pork, but then you're not a typical Brit 😄. Actually have you tried a breed called Gloucestershire Old Spot? They're really nice

I updated my post about the snack. Tried it before?

I don't now how to take that LOL

yes I have actually, very tasty indeed.
ps that looks a damn good butchers!!!

Two More Beers looks like a funky spot and you can't go wrong with the Old town, typically the nicest part of a city in my experience. I've never been to Latvia, is it still really cheap for eating and drinking?

I wouldn't say it's very cheap. The first 0.5l of house beer was just under 6 Euros, and the second bottle of craft beer, plus each of the snacks were under 7 Euros if I remember correctly. But bearing in mind this was the Old Town where there's a lot of tourists. We stopped for coffee a few times around the city, and my usual go to cappuccino was around 3.5 Euro, which was around the same price as I had in Poland and Estonia on my same trip.

Ok, very interesting, certainly not cheap in that case. Very similar to most places in Ireland (except Dublin which is more expensive)

I love taking beers especially when it's cold and accompanied with snacks or meat.

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