Week 1 progress of my Stand up 2 Cancer Squats Challenge - The 3 Ss

in Reflections7 months ago

A week ago I started a #squatschallenge to raise funds for cancer. I've never done either thing before. Research says One in two people will develop cancer at some point in their lives. That's really scary. Who's going to draw the short straw between me and my husband? Or will we end up like my friend where both he and his wife, had and are recovering from cancer? Touch wood, till now, most of my friends and family are safe and healthy. But who knows.

SCARE - My encounter with cancer

Before you get all worried, I'm blessed to say I have never had the unfortunate pleasure of direct contact with cancer, but people around me have.

My earliest encounter with a cancer patient was my uncle who had throat cancer. I remember visiting him and he couldn't talk much and I think he was at the stage where he needed a tube connected to his throat to help him eat. After his passing, his daughter, my cousin who was only 5 months younger than me, took his death very badly. It affected her for many years, but in typical Chinese fashion, we don't tend to talk about these things.

About 7 or 8 years ago a very close friend got stage 4 bowel cancer. She is about the same age as me. When I found out, she already had all the operations and had been through the worst. Yes, I know I said she's a close friend, so why didn't I know? Being my friend sucks because I'm not good at staying in touch with people. Plus she was in Hong Kong whilst I was in UK, and she's a very private person. I know even if I was in Hong Kong, she still probably wouldn't have told me.

The first time I saw her again was a year or so after her ops. She'd lost a lot of weight but was making good progress with her recovery, and her spirits were high. Earlier this year we met in Taiwan. The timing was perfect, I was out there for 6 weeks, she in town for business for a few days with just one evening spare. I made sure I went to see her even though it meant a 6 hour round trip bus journey. Then earlier this summer, she was passing through London, again with just one spare evening. London is nearly 200km away from me, and I had to jiggle my plans to see her. I may suck at keeping in touch with friends, but I will move heaven and earth when I think it's worth it.

During Covid, my sister in law discovered she had breast cancer. Luckily she discovered very early and was treated very swiftly. But it was a big scare for the family. It must have been especially terrifying for my brother who had to deal with this. Due to lockdown, visitors, even from his own children were very restricted. The rest of us could only offer virtual moral support. My sister in law had always taken good care of my brother, and we joked now he'd have to learn to cook. Again being a Chinese family, we didn't really talk about his feelings and how he dealt with it. But my sister in law pulled through cancer, as did we all Covid.

Not everyone with cancer is so lucky. My cousin Jan drew the short straw and didn't make it. It's so sad to see how cancer can destroy a person, and a family. And that person, that family could have easily been me.

SUPPORT - The Squats Challenge

All the above stories are one of the main drivers for me to do the Stand up to Cancer Squats Challenge. I mean it's the least I can do, it's only 100 squats a day, and I get a very nice free T-shirt 😀

I've been sharing my progress via my alt account @lut-studio to give myself more pressure not to drop out. Something that I had not really expected is the moral support from the Hive community. We offer words of encouragement and support to our friends here when shit happens, or there's a cause for celebration. What I hadn't expected is for some to actually join in the squats challenge. @dbooster @pardinus @xrayman you guys rock! This challenge is going to be easier, more fun and less lonely for me knowing I have your support.

livinguktaiwan divider.png

SHARING - Answers to November HPUD Guessing Contest

I've been running my HPUD Guessing Contest for quite a few years, and every month I give out between 20 to 40 HBD in prize money. It's not a significant amount of money but I could get myself a decent takeaway with it. However, sharing is caring as they say, especially if the prize can make a difference to some people. I'd much prefer to do that. Sometimes there are many winners and the prize can be small, but a win is a win, and I think that is what matters. Sometimes there's only one winner, and if they HPUD that month, they could land the maximum 40 HBD prize money. Like this month. On day 1 of the squats challenge, I asked people to guess how many squats I could achieve over and above the 7 day target of 700 squats. I had no idea what I was capable of or if I could even do 100 squats a day.

Turns out it wasn't too bad and I managed to do 140 squats over the target. Congrats @coolmidwestguy you're the sole winner this month, and since you HPUD you win 40 HBD!!!!!


NameHPUD AnswerPower up ?
@dbooster70 / 350 (motivational guess)-
@coolmidwestguy140 is the correct answer!!!!!Yes

PS Been debating if I should/could post this in the Relfections Community as I'm rolling a lot of things into one single post. Hopefully this won't be muted 😑


I'm so sorry you have to deal with this disease so closely, and I'm so sorry for your cousin. 😓
Well, we all have stories of friends and family affected or who have passed away due to this terrible disease.

I admire you because you got involved in this. And you are doing very well. I'm sure as you move forward you will feel stronger. I have wanted to do it too, but I am having back pain. That is the real reason why I am not accompanying you guys.

Congratulations to @coolmidwestguy ;) (this is the last tag, I promise)

You are here with us virtually @nanixxx and that's what matters. A back pain can lead to all sorts of issues if not taken care of so you are correct in not doing the squatschallenge. You take care of yourself!

Thank you. ✨

Congratulations to @coolmidwestguy ;) (this is the last tag, I promise)

Thank you and no worries ☺️

You are doing an amazing job! I'm glad I saw your first post on this so that I could join in. This is a wonderful cause and well worth supporting!

And don't forget we're also supporting ourselves by keeping healthy. I don't know about you, but I barely do any exercise, so this is a great way to start keep myself in good shape. Thanks so much for everything David

Wow.. Extra 140 is a lot... Congrats @coolmidwestguy ☺️

My father died because of cancer too 🥲.. If there is such a thing here, I will stand up for cancer too...

I know you had issues with your father, but the pain must still be so fresh for you Jane. Take care, you and your family!

My issue with my father has settled long ago.. What I don't like was he kept his imminent death from us...🥲 that was even more hurting..

I am glad your sister in law fought back cancer! We also have in family those who made it, and a very close friend too, but another friend didn't make it unfortunately :( I am sorry for your cousin.

But well done for your participation in the challenge and achievement. 140 over the target 👏👏👏

Congratulations to @coolmidwestguy too, making the correct guess 🥳

My sister was very fortunate to get access to all the medical treatment immediately. In UK we jokingly have something called the NHS postcode lottery. NHS being the National Health Service and postcode being the zip/area code. Sadly the service can vary depending on where you live due to budgets and resources, population and how the hospitals are generally run. Big cities are often worse due to resource restrictions and my cousin lived in a big city compared to my sister in law who lived in a more rural area.

Cancer is really one of those things who give us a premature death.

Anyway congrats for doing good in your squat challenge @livinguktaiwan. Keep it up.

Congrats @coolmidwestguy for winning the quessing contest alone.

It's the least I can do to raise some awareness, plus it forces myself to do some excercise

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Cancer is latent in all living beings, but some develop it, others live with it, and others simply die without having felt any symptoms.

My parents, both of them, died of cancer. Dad died of pancreatic cancer -fatal, only 6 months after it was detected- and mum died of breast cancer -she, with a total sternotomy of her left breast, lived almost eight years… -.

Some cancer conditions are inherited, but according to experts in the field, to the third generation. That is, my children or grandchildren. My first daughter died at the age of 10 from leukaemia, and less than a month ago, we found out that my son, Matthew, only seven years old, has the symptoms of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL).

We are a family of three siblings, we have been screened for ALL, and we have no antigens in our blood that indicate our tendency to suffer from cancer.

Oh no!! I'm so sorry to hear about your children, first your daughter and now Matthew, it's absolutely heartbreaking , how much can a parent take in life.

You must be devastated, but Matthew needs you more than ever now. Hopefully by catching the symptoms early they can monitor and carry out necessary treatments as soon as possible.

Sending strong vibes to you and Matthew ❤️

Thanks for doing this! That's a great way to support those who have went through cancer and draw attention to it. I don't think I could do a single squat if I tried, but I did have cancer about six years ago. It was a pretty scary time for my wife and myself. Luckily they got it taken care of and I have been in remission ever since.

I'm so sorry to hear about that @bozz, it must have been a terrible thing for you and Mrs Bozz to give through. But I'm so glad the worst is over and that you're in remission now. You take good care of yourself!!

Thank you!

It terrifies our heart when we see our loved ones under the shade of pain. I am thankful to God that I have not witnessed Any relatives who was diagnosed with cancer but I heard from my friend whose father died of cancer. He told me that his father was at last stage of cancer.
I still remember his words that a cancer patient doesn't die with cancer but with losing hope.
Your sister in law is lucky that she recovered also she checked herself in early time. That's like blessing. Breast cancer is the one which is alarming in many countries and there is much need to address and to spread awareness about this.
Lastly, I want to add something about my guess and that's simply I guessed wrong 😂.

Cancer seems like it's so common, we're all bound to know someone who is unfortunate to have it, and that's what so scarey about it, as I could have been us.

Other than raising awareness, I think the only other thing we can do is to take good care of ourselves and build up a healthy body to fight any disease or illness that may come our way

Way to go Pauline that is awesome, and you got support too, that shows the power of this community we call Hive 💙

So very true Ed. The power of Hive can be very strong thanks to everyone

Great effort! We are gonna make it worth it! Keep on Squatting my friend 🤣

Likewise!! We're in this together now!!

Wow I didn't expect to guess correctly. I knew you would do more than the minimal, congratulations to you. Way to go 150 on the 7th day is impressive. I bet the legs feel stronger 🦵 Cancer is horrible, I too have lost friends and family to it. Hopefully one day they will have better medicine to fight it or a cure 🙏

Well done @coolmidwestguy. I had no idea where I would land on day 7 and deliberately did not check the answers to my contest so I wouldn't be influenced. I'm very happy with the first week results and hope I can raise awareness through this process

Thank you again, and yes you have raised awareness in this place called Hive 🤗 😊

It is very true that it is a very bad disease, no one wants to come across this disease. Everything we can do to help in the fight against such a terrible evil is very good and humanitarian. Nobody knows when it's their turn, that's why I always say today for those who have cancer, because we don't know when such a terrible illness can hit us. From Venezuela, I accompany you in your excellent and human publication.

According to the research, cancer is so common, the chances if us it someone close to us getting it is pretty hugh and that's what so scarey. Let's hope the treatment and cure improves with more support and research so people don't have to suffer so much

That's right @livinguktaiwan let's hope that there is on earth unification of criteria in their effective appreciation, we don't know when cancer knocks on the door, so we require great unity to counteract such a terrible evil. Greetings from Venezuela.

You're doing really great. Cancer is terrible, i just truly hope the right treatment is found as I've also lost a distant relative to breast cancer. I do squats but 140 is insane, I think my legs will go numb if I dare.

So sorry to hear about your distant relative. And breast cancer is relatively easy to detect early by one self, yet many don't do it, myself included. I really must remember to start doing that now

well done you!

I knew that you would go way over the mark. Good for you. And all for a good cause. 👍 both my parents recently went through cancer treatment and still off and on, so I'd say that I'm pretty much guaranteed to get it at some point. Such is life. I'll cross that bridge when it comes. Well done in the challenge.

Oh no! So sorry to hear about your parents, how unfair and terrible is that!!! At least you're back home now and are closer to them. It must have been awful if you were still living in France, that helplessness of not being able to do anything or even give them a hug can really break you.

And the thought of potentially living with cancer, not a nice thought, but no point living and worrying about something that may or may not happen. You've set yourself up nicely for the life ahead of you with your new home, so enjoy that!!

Thanks. I appreciate it. Luckily nowadays people survive and recover quite frequently from cancer. Catching it early is key I guess.

I’m very proud of you and we will be taking part in an event this coming Spring that will raise money for a similar cause. This year we lost my father-in-law, my aunt and last week my wife’s work colleague to cancer. It’s been a sad old year. I’m prone to it (skin in particular) due the immunosuppressive medication I take every day.


That's so sad, losing so many people in one year and all to the same disease, I'm sorry for your losses.

Hopefully next year you'll smash the fund raising event. What will you guys be doing?

It has been tough but we’ve worked our way through it all. Tina’s mum has found it hard to accept but she is getting there slowly.

Tina’s colleagues are taking part in a half-marathon length walk along the Thames path in May I believe. I’m jumping in there too.

Literally jumping in the Thames or metaphorically jumping in with the walk along? 😀

Either way, good luck with everything. May will be a nice time to do outdoor fund raising

lol not jumping in to the river no. Taking the opportunity to get involved.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@nicklewis(2/10) tipped @livinguktaiwan

Good job. Wow, I'm not the only 108

108 is a good number!

haha, I didn't see 168 in the list.

I knew you'd smash that squat goal, great job!! Thanks a ton for all the cancer awareness, and I don't think you'll ever risk dropping out of the challenge; in fact, I think you'll be mixing air squats by the end of the month! :) !LUV

We're all in this together, you included now!!Thanks for your support!

@livinguktaiwan, @pardinus just sent you LUV. (1/1)

Excelente iniciativa en apoyo a tantas personas que padecen o han pasado por esta enfermedad tan terrible. Te felicito

Thanks for your support

Cancer may indeed be the most common and deadly disease today. I hear that many people have recently been cured of this disease and that makes me happy.

You've been doing a lot of extra squats lately haha. I thought you wouldn't do any extra for a few days because you know sometimes you don't feel like it, but you did a great job doing extra every day. Congratulations Pauline! And congratulations to the other friends who joined you. You rock!

It certainly sounds encouraging when we hear of people being treated successfully of cancer, we need more cases like these.

I was trying to do more during the first week to see how far I can stretch myself. Now I'm taking it easy, and as long as I achieve my daily target I'm happy, though I am finding it easier to do my 100 squats now, so it must be a good thing

Yes, if you get used to doing more for a while, then I am sure you will do much better.

Cancer is devastating for any person, I think I am a somewhat distant friend.

I don't know what crazy account I got, I think the pressure of not having wifi is affecting me, I'm spending a lot of money on daily recharges.

Congratulations on accomplishing the challenge and overcoming it beautiful shirt, may you always be healthy and your husband too. @livinguktaiwan

Thanks @soyunasantacruz. And you take care of yourself

What a great idea to share and bring awareness for such an important topic ❤️
Uh, more than 100 squats????? Think I couldnt do this 😅

Your priority is to take very good care of yourself now @beeber and leave the rest up to others. Your progress and recovery is what makes it worthwhile for everyone else 💪 😘

Cancer in any version it has is terrible. A little while ago, my daughter had had some discomfort and therefore she went to the doctor, she is currently undergoing treatment for cancer cells in the uterus. The truth is, she went to the doctor for a reason, but through studies and exams they were able to determine a "focus." On the one hand, it has been a relief, because its detection is early and there are a couple of actions to take before everything "gets complicated." However, she fears for the future and her high chances of developing an aggressive version of the cancer. Sometimes she tells me that she cries a lot at night in secret because her thoughts attack her, other times she acts strong and she wants to take things as if nothing was happening to her health. Cancer not only wears out your body, but your mind. And your mind, your mood, and the health of the immune system decline. The truth, as you indicate, not only destroys the person who suffers from it but also those close to them. Good luck and don't think about that cancer straw falling to your family, stay positive!

I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's condition.

It must be very tough for her, and also for yourself as her mother to see her go through this suffering and can't do anything to help her. Hopefully she will find the strength with your support and the rest of the family to pull through.

Thanks for the good wishes. And yes, little by little the treatments are being done. The psychological burden is what silently weighs on him the most, but we all support him in one way or another. Certainly for me it is quite hard, but I must also be strong. If my daughter sees me fainted, it will be even sadder for her. Blessings!

This challenge is a very noble idea. But I wonder how exactly it can help or rise money? I mean, if I will join and do my squat every day, how can it help?

The research statistic is scary indeed. I have a school friend.. When we went to school, her grandmas and grandpas gone one by one in a couple of years, and 3 of 4 from a cancer. That was terrifying. Now her mom has cancer, the latest "stage", and she also had cancer but she was "lucky' to find out about it early. Now she is "clear", but... I can understand people like her why they don't tell their friends and don't call first, so I try to be in touch with her to show my support. Her husband joined AF too.

By the way, your progress in #squatschallenge is really impressive! Great job! (and "let this cup pass from you")

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