I'll just leave this here to remind you that low IQ mobs are the answer to nothing.

in FreeSpeech4 years ago

Have you noticed how the BLM 'outrage' has gone very quiet?

Even here on hive, the posts have stopped.

Imagine being so outraged, that you stop posting after a few days.
Fake outrage.
Fake people.

OR....maybe, just maybe, the penny has dropped, and they realize that being a foot soldier for the commie white billionaires is an idiots errand.

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I've seen higher IQ's in pond slime.

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And now the hard part.
What to do with all that built up rage?

Of course it would help if someone told the useful idiots who is actually pulling the strings and making life miserable.

I tired to tell the BLM ers on here - they banned me from their community! lol