Astral Entity - this amazing legendary summoner is king for non-magic fights

in Splinterlands10 months ago

just bought (1).jpg


What’s up my fellow Splinterlands players!

My health is not going well for the last 2 days and I am having a medium fever and headaches, this sudden illness also disrupted my daily routine and I also couldn’t post anything for these last 2 days. But after taking medicines and plenty of rest, finally today I am starting to feel fine again. On the other way, thou I was trying to play splinterlands but I could only play for some time and not enough to spend my daily energy. So, for the last 2-3 days I was wasting some portion of my energy for not playing enough. So, today when I was finally feeling energetic back again, I started playing again and spent a while playing the ranked matches and tournaments and dropped my energy bar to 27/50. I got the DEFEND rule as my daily focus mission today and finished playing it after collecting a total of 11 reward chests.


Now, looking at season chests, I have accumulated 40 season cheats so far. Now, having another almost 9 days in hand, I think there’s still time to cope up for me in this season and I will as usual try to accumulate 100 season chests. Last season I didn't do well with the season chests count and only collected 82 chests but to my surprise, I pulled better rewards from them inspite of opening lesser number of season chests. So that got me thinking weather should I run after more number of season chests, or focus more on leaderboard positions. Let’s now see how it goes for this season and wish you all the best of luck as well for this ongoing season.



Now, let us come to the main topic of this post as today, I am going to talk about the summoner from the latest chaos legion edition card-set, Astral Entity. This summoner is an airdrop card, so it’s price is a bit more than normal summoners and currently being sold in the market for 12.80$ per single BCX. This summoner belongs to the death splinter and it costs 6 mana to be used in battles. I bought this summoner from the card market soon after it got released, as I really liked its set of 3 buffs which you can get for just spending 6 mana which is its cost to be used in battles. As a legendary edition monster card, this card needs only 11 single NCX cards to upgrade it to max level. Let’s now look into the 3 buffs or abilities that it provides in the battlefield below.


-2 armour - the first one is rather a debuff that it applies onto enemy cards and it takes away 2 armours from every enemy monster. This would really help you in battles where melee and ranged monsters will be used. Monsters will less armours on them are easily vulnerable against melee and ranged attacks, so using this summoner can be beneficial in such conditions.

Evade ability - the second buff that this monster provides is my favourite one and with this buff, this summoner gives the evade ability to all my friendly monsters on the battlefield. Having to evade ability helps you dodge against melee and ranged monsters more efficiently and will help you in such matches where you fight against melee and ranged monsters.

Resurrection - The last buff that this summoner gives is the resurrection ability with which your first friendly monster that dies on the battlefield will get respawned again. This buff can help you revive a strong monster if rightfully applied which can even turn the match in favour of you.

Match analysis



Battle Link - Click Here

Because of its medium mana cost, this monster can be used in medium to high mana limit matches. Below, I am sharing a ranked battle where I used this summoner along with death minster cards and won a sweet victory. This ranked match was of 26 mana limit and only 1 splinter was allowed to choose from in this match - death. This match was having 3 different rulesets as discussed below.

Born Again - all the monsters in this match will have the rebirth or resurrection ability. This means every monster will come back to life after they died for the first time. However, as I am using the Astral Entity summoner, The first monster on my side will be resurrected 2 times, firstly for the Astral’s resurrection ability and secondly for the Rebirth ability.

Weak Magic - In this match, with this ruleset the magic monsters will hit enemy card’s armour before going for it’s health. So this match is not going to be ideal to use magic monsters. This is another reason why I chose this Astral summoner card because I guessed that respecting this ruleset, my opponent will be using non-magic cards mostly.

Armoured Up - With this ruleset, all the monsters in this match will be getting +2 armour. Now using the Astral Entity summoner in this match, I will be simply removing these armours from my enemy monsters and hence, my monsters will be more protected having those armours and will kill them easily.


As for my lineup, I chose the Ever-Hungry Skull at my front and followed by Chaos Agent, Ravenwood Warden, Weirding Warrior, Cursed Windeku and Doctor Blight at my last place. As the match lineups got revealed, I found out my opponent has used the death legendary summoner Mimosa Nightshade and at his front position, he chose the Ever-hungry skull followed by Ventaro Kinjo, Shadowy Presence, Maggots, Silent Sha-Vi and Doctor Blight at the end position.

In the first round, no monsters died on any side but anyways, I was successful to reduce the enemy Skull’s armour down to 3. My Windeku was also doing a fine job by reverse damaging the enemy silent sha-vi, as I guessed my opponent might use sneak monsters to attack me. However, in the second round, I killed his Skull and it got resurrected again. At the beginning of the round, the enemy Xha-vi killed down my Windeku and got back and died also by its thorns ability. But both the monsters got revived back to life again because of the Rebirth ability. Then, the enemy maggot killed my Skull but it again got revived and also damaged the maggot with its thorns before dying.

Finally, in the fourth round, I got successful in killing the enemy Skull and the rest of the 2 main attackers maggots and Xha-vi were also badly wounded. The Xha-vi died soon after attacking my windeku and luckily, the resurrection ability of my Astral made the windeku bring back to life again. My skull killed the Kinjo soon after that, but it got resurrected again. But, my warrior killed it again just after that. The shadowy Presence also got dead in the fifth round and the maggot in the sixth round and by the end of the sixth round, doctor blight was the only monster alive on the enemy side, which was also taken care of in the next round by my monsters and hence, I scored another sweet victory in this ranked match.


I hope you liked watching the match that I shared above and also loved reading my post. Do you also have this summoner card in your collection? If yes, then which level do you use in battles or wait to upgrade him first? Let me know in the comments below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.


Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

Thanks for visiting my post, Please come again!
Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands!

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Great post and a slick looking NFT this Astral !PIMP !hiqvote

Posted via

Thanks for the awesome support and !pimp reward dynamic! Staking all till I reach a thousand at least! And yes, this NFT looks so slick and unique than other cards in splinterlands.

Dafuq @mango-juice, you gotta stake more PIMP Tokens!
You need Stake at least 1000.000 PIMP power.
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Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

You must be killin' it out here!
@dynamicrypto just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @mango-juice.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

@dynamicrypto, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (2/2) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @mango-juice gets !PIMP from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

I'm unlucky against the astral, when I face him I always lose, because my monsters always miss all attacks, nice post!

I love using Astral in an Up Close and Personal Ruleset!
The Resurrect on Ever-Hungry Skull can be quite a pain to deal with 😅