nadin-zakrevska (72)in Team Ukraine • 3 days agoКнижковий аромат./Book scent. (En/Ua)Привіт усім. Наше життя летить невпинно. Розвиваються все нові і нові технології, штучний інтелект, роботи можуть виконувати багато завдань. Наш мозок постійно переробляє велику…nadin-zakrevska rebloggedrosanna-brava (70)in Foodies Bee Hive • 10 days agoMerluza baked in foil / Мерлуза запечена у фользі ( En / Ua )Hi, lovers are delicious to eat and cook new recipes! Today I will tell you how I was preparing Merluz for dinner. After lunch, I went to the supermarket Emisphero to see if…nadin-zakrevska (72)in Life Stories • 13 days agoThoughts about thoughts. / Думки про думки. (En/Ua)Today have a new story from my interesting life. I continue to work with a child with special educational needs. He grows and develops at his own pace. I see these changes, help…nadin-zakrevska rebloggedelyssagween (67)in Life Stories • 13 days agoBLOG 46: Exploring the Heart of Healthcare: What Makes Nursing Truly InterestingNursing is frequently referred to as the foundation of healthcare, and rightly so. Nurses are the compassionate, knowledgeable professionals that provide the support, care, and…nadin-zakrevska (72)in Shadow Hunters • 14 days agoThe shadow of the school gate./Тінь шкільної брами. (En/Ua)Hello everyone. With the spring warming, I want to spend more and more time outside, I want to resume my walks and bask in the rays of the gentle sun. But the truth is that I…nadin-zakrevska rebloggedelyssagween (67)in Life Stories • 18 days agoBLOG 45: From Classmates to Memories: Reflections on High SchoolHigh school is a special place, a whirlpool of change, growth, and discovery. It's the setting where we leave the security of childhood and begin to shape our true identity. For…nadin-zakrevska rebloggedrosanna-brava (70)in Museum Community • 23 days agoPublic Museum in Bassano del Grapp / Громадський музей в Бассано дель Граппа ( En / Ua )Hi everyone! A wonderful Saturday day prompted me to go to Bassano del Grapp. I was intended to visit a public museum that my daughter #nadinzakrevska told me. When she stayed…nadin-zakrevska rebloggeddolov (66)in Team Ukraine • 23 days agoBukovyna: the land of traditions and holidays(Буковина: край традицій та свят)Bukovyna is a land of picturesque nature, rich lands and hardworking people. Orchards play a special role in the life of Bukoviniansnadin-zakrevska (72)in Life Stories • 25 days agoHow do I love myself to survive./Любити себе, щоб вижити. (En/UA)Hello everyone. Today's story is dedicated to Valentine's Day. It's very beautiful when young people in love declare their love on this day. Indeed, in today's world chaos, I…nadin-zakrevska rebloggedjustonehope (65)in Team Ukraine • 27 days agoШтучний інтелект в моєму житті. #fridaypoemПривіт усім! Сьогодні П'ятниця, та ще й 14 лютого- день всіх закоханих! І я хочу вам розповісти історію мого знайомства з штучним інтелектом і додаючи вірші. Я пройшла навчання по використанню штучногоnadin-zakrevska (72)in StreetArt • 28 days agoDrawings at the tram stop./Малюнки на зупинці трамваю.(En/Ua)Frosty day and drawings at the tram stop. Winter is raging in my city. Although the temperature dropped to minus ten, I felt very comfortable being outside. The frost dried the air, so it was nice andnadin-zakrevska (72)in Black And White • last monthA photo from a pleasant evening with colleagues. ##monomad challenge. ( En/Ua )Hello everyone. At the end of the working week, our friendly teachers went to a local pub with craft beer. And teachers are actually cheerful and witty outside of school. The fact is that recently a newnadin-zakrevska (72)in Black And White • last monthA few moments from a volleyball competition in #monomad challenge. (En/Ua)Hello again. Today I present some photo moments from the women's volleyball competition. Only three teams competed that day. There was a heated battle to determine the winner. This was my first timenadin-zakrevska (72)in ThoughtfulDailyPost • last monthMy thoughts on personal self-esteem./Мої думки про особисту самооцінку. (En/Ua)Self-evaluation in our lives. Today I will write my thoughts on whether assessments are needed in our lives. Every day, along with our lives, there is a certain assessment of each situation, solving problems,nadin-zakrevska rebloggedjustonehope (65)in Life Stories • last monthSenkan about winter #fridaypoem ./ Сенкан про зиму. (En/Ua)Senkan Winter, winter- Cold and white. It's freezing, it's blowing and it's snowing. I'm waiting for SNOW. SNOWFLAKES. Snow is white and fluffy, creaks, falls and makes you happy. I can make a snowman.nadin-zakrevska (72)in Shadow Hunters • last monthWindow sill shadows./Тіні підвіконня. (En/Ua)Hello everyone! Yesterday the children were walking on the playground. Snow was falling from the sky and there was enough snow for winter fun. On such days it is impossible to keep children in a warm home.nadin-zakrevska rebloggedrosanna-brava (70)in Life Stories • 2 months agoEnvy is one of the seven sins / Заздрість - один із семи гріхів ( En / Ua )Hello to everyone! All of us Christians learn to live by God's laws that are registered in the Bible. We go to the church, we pray, we consider parents, we love our neighbor as…nadin-zakrevska (72)in Life Stories • 2 months agoI have spring in my soul./В мене на душі весна. (En/Ua)Hello everyone! Yesterday the children were walking on the playground. Snow was falling from the sky and there was enough snow for winter fun. On such days it is impossible to keep children in a warm home.nadin-zakrevska rebloggedmonochromes (78)Community Curatorin Black And White • 2 months agoMONOMAD - January 18th - XXXL Edition - Please Read The Contest Rules Before Submitting Your Publications.A big thank you to the curators who like to keep an eye over our community and #monomad entries. Much appreciated. Don't be a stranger and join the Black And White…nadin-zakrevska (72)in Black And White • 2 months agoWinter fun in #monomad challenge. /Зимові розваги (En/Ua).Hello everyone! Yesterday the children were walking on the playground. Snow was falling from the sky and there was enough snow for winter fun. On such days it is impossible to keep children in a warm home.