Struggling with my fears / Luchando con mis miedos [English-Spanish] .

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Facing Fears!.gif

At some point in life, we all have to face our fears and we have to make a decision: to run away from them or to face them with courage. In my case, the moment when I had to face my fears was decisive and left its mark on my life. My fears were related to bullying and the fear of getting married, two completely different but equally shocking situations.

Bullying is a serious problem that affects many students around the world. In my case, I was a victim of bullying for several years, which generated in me a deep fear and insecurity. I felt trapped in a vicious cycle of cruelty and contempt from my classmates, which affected my self-esteem and my ability to relate to others. I was afraid to go to school, to interact with my peers, and to be judged constantly. This fear paralyzed me and prevented me from enjoying my adolescence in the way that all young people deserve.



However, there came a time when I decided to face my fear of bullying. I realized that the only way to overcome it was to face it head on, without fear and with determination. It was a long and painful process, but little by little I gained confidence in myself, learning to value myself and not allowing the hurtful words of others to define my worth as a person. It was a turning point in my life, where I discovered my own strength and determination to overcome any adversity that stood in my way.



The aftereffects that the fear of bullying left on me were profound. Despite having overcome that stage of my life, I still feel some insecurity and distrust towards others. Sometimes I find it hard to open up to new friendships or personal relationships, fearing that they might hurt me as they did in the past. However, I have learned to channel that fear in a positive way, using it as motivation to be a stronger and more empathetic person with others.



On the other hand, the fear of getting married is a completely different but equally challenging situation for me. For a long time, I was afraid of commitment and sharing my life with another person. I felt that marriage meant giving up my freedom and independence, which created great anxiety and fear. However, there came a time when I met someone special who made me rethink my fears and prejudices about marriage.

Facing my fear of commitment and marriage was a gradual and enriching process. As my relationship with my partner grew stronger, I overcame my fears and realized that marriage is not a prison, but an opportunity for personal growth and an opportunity to share life with someone who complements you. I decided to be brave and take the step towards commitment, overcoming my fears and trusting that true love can overcome any barrier.


The aftereffects that the fear of marriage left on me were mostly positive. I learned to be more flexible, to value the importance of dialogue and communication in a relationship, and to cultivate patience and mutual respect. Although I sometimes feel some anxiety about the future and the challenges of marriage, I know that courage and self-confidence are my allies in overcoming any obstacles that stand in my way.

Although I overcame my fears by simply being brave, I still feel some insecurity and anxiety in certain situations. However, I have learned to use that fear as motivation to keep growing and pushing my limits. Fear of bullying and fear of marriage have marked my life in different ways, but in both cases I have learned to be brave and trust myself to overcome any obstacle that stands in my way. Being brave does not mean not being afraid, but facing it with determination and courage, knowing that overcoming our fears makes us stronger and more resilient in the face of life's challenges.

This is my first participation this week, developing the topic :

Facing My Fears: Tell us about the time when you had to face your fears. It was a defining moment in your life and you managed to overcome it simply by being courageous. Tell us about how it went and the aftermath with regards to the fear. Do you still feel it?

This week may we all achieve our goals, greetings.

The first image corresponds to a collage I made with the help of the graphic editor program Canva, using a free image from Pixabay and a personal photograph taken with my Umidigi F2 cell phone.

These are the elements used:




The last image is my own and belongs to my civil marriage, it was taken with a Kodak camera.

The separator is free to use and has been provided by @onexel, Link Here.

Facing Fears!2.gif

En algún momento de la vida, todos debemos enfrentamos a nuestros miedos y debemos tomar una decisión: huir de ellos o enfrentarlos con valentía. En mi caso, el momento en que tuve que enfrentarme a mis miedos fue decisivo y dejó secuelas en mi vida. Mis miedos estaban relacionados con el acoso escolar y el temor a casarme, dos situaciones completamente diferentes pero igualmente impactantes.

El acoso escolar es un problema grave que afecta a muchos estudiantes en todo el mundo. En mi caso, fui víctima de bullying durante varios años, lo que generó en mí un profundo miedo e inseguridad. Me sentía atrapado en un círculo vicioso de crueldad y desprecio por parte de mis compañeros de clase, lo cual afectaba mi autoestima y mi capacidad para relacionarme con los demás. Tenía miedo de ir a la escuela, de interactuar con mis compañeros y de ser juzgado constantemente. Este miedo me paralizaba y me impedía disfrutar de mi adolescencia de la manera que todos los jóvenes merecen.



Sin embargo, llegó un momento en el que decidí enfrentar mi miedo al acoso escolar. Me di cuenta de que la única forma de superarlo era enfrentándolo de frente, sin temor y con determinación. Fue un proceso largo y doloroso, pero poco a poco fui ganando confianza en mí mismo, aprendiendo a valorarme y a no permitir que las palabras hirientes de los demás definieran mi valía como persona. Fue un momento decisivo en mi vida, en el que descubrí mi propia fortaleza y determinación para superar cualquier adversidad que se interpusiera en mi camino.



Las secuelas que el miedo al acoso escolar dejó en mí fueron profundas. A pesar de haber superado esa etapa de mi vida, aún siento cierta inseguridad y desconfianza hacia los demás. A veces me cuesta abrirme a nuevas amistades o relaciones personales, temiendo que puedan lastimarme como lo hicieron en el pasado. Sin embargo, he aprendido a canalizar ese miedo de una manera positiva, utilizándolo como motivación para ser una persona más fuerte y empática con los demás.



Por otro lado, el miedo a casarme es una situación completamente diferente pero igual de desafiante para mí. Durante mucho tiempo, tuve temor al compromiso y a compartir mi vida con otra persona. Sentía que el matrimonio significaba renunciar a mi libertad e independencia, lo cual me generaba una gran ansiedad y miedo. Sin embargo, llegó un momento en el que conocí a alguien especial que me hizo replantear mis miedos y prejuicios sobre el matrimonio.

Afrontar mi miedo al compromiso y al matrimonio fue un proceso gradual y enriquecedor. A medida que mi relación con mi pareja se fortalecía, fui superando mis temores y comprendiendo que el matrimonio no es una cárcel, sino una oportunidad de crecimiento personal y de compartir la vida con alguien que te complemente. Decidí ser valiente y dar el paso hacia el compromiso, superando mis miedos y confiando en que el amor verdadero puede vencer cualquier barrera.


Las secuelas que el miedo al matrimonio dejó en mí fueron positivas en su mayoría. Aprendí a ser más flexible, a valorar la importancia del diálogo y la comunicación en una relación, y a cultivar la paciencia y el respeto mutuo. Aunque en ocasiones siento cierta ansiedad por el futuro y por los desafíos que representa el matrimonio, sé que la valentía y la confianza en mí mismo son mis aliados para superar cualquier obstáculo que se interponga en mi camino.

Aunque superé mis miedos simplemente siendo valiente, aún siento cierta inseguridad y ansiedad en ciertas situaciones. Sin embargo, he aprendido a utilizar ese miedo como motivación para seguir creciendo y superando mis límites. El miedo al acoso escolar y al matrimonio han marcado mi vida de formas diferentes, pero en ambos casos he aprendido a ser valiente y a confiar en mí mismo para superar cualquier obstáculo que se interponga en mi camino. Ser valiente no significa no tener miedo, sino enfrentarlo con determinación y coraje, sabiendo que la superación de nuestros miedos nos hace más fuertes y resilientes ante los desafíos de la vida.

Esta es mi primera participación esta semana, desarrollando el tópico :

Enfrentarme a mis miedos: Háblenos del momento en que tuvo que enfrentarse a sus miedos. Fue un momento decisivo en su vida y consiguió superarlo simplemente siendo valiente. Cuéntenos cómo fue y las secuelas que le dejó el miedo. ¿Sigue sintiéndolo?

Esta semana que todos logremos cumplir nuestros objetivos, saludos!.

La primera imagen corresponde a un collage que realice con la ayuda del programa editor gráfico Canva, siendo utilizada un imagen de libre uso de Pixabay y una fotografia personal tomada con mi telefono celular Umidigi F2.

Estos son los elementos usados:



Esta semana que todos logremos cumplir nuestros objetivos, saludos!.


La última imagen es de mi propiedad y pertenece a mi matrimonio civil, fue tomada con una cámara Kodak.

El separador es de uso gratuito y ha sido proporcionado por @onexel, Enlace Aquí.

 2 months ago  

Bullying can destroy someone's confidence, it makes you feel as if you have a barrier among others, I am glad you tackled it

 2 months ago  

Unfortunately, almost every day I witness harassment situations, I try to help the victim without being too invasive and let them react. It is necessary to help and make society aware of the issue, in this way the fear is lost and many will know how to proceed.

 2 months ago  

learning to value myself and not allowing the hurtful words of others to define my worth as a person.

What a great approach you applied in overcoming the bullying you experienced. Bullying is not a sweet experience and this has made some people put restrictions over the activities of life inorder to avoid cases of bully
I understand your fear towards marriage initially but great to know that you have a better insight now despite your anxiety sometimes 😃

 2 months ago  

Our personality should not be defined by other people's opinions, precisely the harassment came because I did not want to belong to groups with which I did not identify myself and that also harassed other children and adolescents, I have never liked to be part of a herd where there is a leader to whom others always pay attention, that is lack of personality. The most curious and detestable thing is that in adulthood I have seen that this behavior has been transferred to work areas, where harassment should not be allowed either.

As for marriage, I had to reflect and not see this action as coercion to my freedom, if you are in love with someone you must be sure that person will complement you and support you in good times and bad, and so far I thank God that it has been so.

 2 months ago  

Bullying is a bad act that should be curb , it's crazy how people are being bullied in our world today but I'm glad you fought it.

 2 months ago  

Harassment must be confronted and we must insist and insist that this is a plague to be eliminated, there are countless adults who suffer from the consequences of this disease that unfortunately is viral and palpable in all social environments.

 2 months ago  

Hmm true

 2 months ago  

Fear is a spirit and have this way of keeping one down. It sets its own limit which it fights that the captive will never cross. Am glad you faced your fears and opened your heart to others. I do wish you a blessed week

 2 months ago  

Thank you for your kind wishes. I truly believe that our fears are always there waiting to attack, but by facing them we will gain the weapons and strength to neutralize them.

 2 months ago  

Bullying is one of the vices that is given less attention in school whereas the impacts it leaves on students is profound and sometimes they can't recover from it.. it's so bad.
The only way to ever face out fears is to go head-on facing them and I love your title.... It is indeed a continuous fight once we are alive and we should always remind ourselves that we should be courageous

 2 months ago  

Knowing our fears makes us stronger, so it is important to face them, from an early age we must prevent bullying, it is important to transmit good values to our children and teach them that abusing other children is bad. How we deal with bullying depends on our values and the understanding we get from parents and teachers, we must avoid reactions that can bring fatal consequences for both the abused person and the bully, but at no time should we let an abusive situation pass.

 2 months ago  

You've spoken well Sir

 2 months ago  

One thing is to have a challenge and another is how to overcome such a challenge? That's what makes a champion. Facing the fear of bullying and marriage is a great thing. Thank God you have learned a lot.

 2 months ago  

We are afraid of losing our independence with marriage, in my case I think that what I was looking for was another person who complemented me as a human being and who made me feel good and committed. Harassment is a headache and mishandled brings fatal consequences, we have to face it rationally and with a lot of courage, we are all important.


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